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 Iowa History

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Burlington Weekly Hawkeye
Burlington, Des Moines, Iowa
7 Feb 1863

List of Sick Iowa Soldiers in Hospitals at Rolla, Mo. Jan. 24th, 1863

Furnished by Thomas W.J. Long, of this State, whose office is at No. 2, Laclede Block, Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri.

Edward B. Lucas, Co A 22nd, Dec 25
John A Warner, Co A, 22d, Nov 18
A Tuttle, Co B, 22d, Dec 18
James Work, Co B, 22d, Jan 15
William M Keever, Co C, 22d, Dec 29
Wm Hardenbrook, Co D, 22d, Nov 26
Milo Gibson, Co D, 22d, Jan 15
S R Conley, Co D, 22d, Jan 10
Nathaniel Hays, Co D, 22d, Jan 15
A Sperry, Co A, 22d, Nov 2
Eleven Hamlin, Co A, 22d, Dec 20
Andrew Steward, Co E, 22d, Jan 4
W A Mahin, Co E, 22d, Jan 18
Wm Kinbrook, Co E, 22d, Jan 19
E W Lively, Co E, 22d, Nov 12
J Roberts, Co E, 22d, Dec 9
A Myers, Co E, 22d, Dec 10
Edward Shoemaker, Co E, 22d, Jan 18
P H Brugg, Co F, 22d, Jan 20
C C Lingo, Co G, 22d, Dec 27
A Denchew, Co H, 22d, Dec 22
Wm Garnett, Co H, 22d, Nov 18
Lyman Worden, Co H, 22d, Jan 14
John Archer, Co I, 22d, Nov 18
Edward Piper, Co I, 22d, Dec 29
Henry C Douglas, Co K, 22d, Nov 21
John McIlree, Co K, 22d, Nov 24
Jacob A Fry, Co K, 22d, Nov 24
John Monroe, Co K, 22d, Jan 2
Thomas Moore, Co K, 22d, Jan 19
Albert Skraball, Co K, 22d, Jan 10
John A Strausbury, Hospital Steward, Jan 20

We are indebted to J.C. Todd, State Agent, at Keokuk, for the following report of the names of discharged and deceased soldiers at the U.S. Hospitals at that place, with the dates and causes:

Private Sumner, Luther G, 36th inf, co C, Jan 25th, remittent fever.
Private Lyons, Wm, 10th inf, F, Jan 25, chronic diarrhoea.
Corp. Cramer F A, 4th cav, F, Jan 27th, congestive chills
Private Ford, Thomas, 28th inf, I, Jan 30th, fungus Hoematodis.

Private Merrimon, Mart D, 38th inf, B, Jan 15th, anchylosis of left elbow joint.
Private Dunn, Henry, 30th inf, K, Jan 15th, absces of left lung.
Webb, John F, 5th inf, A, Jan 15th, gun shot wound at battle of Inka, Sept. 19th
Rely, Damon, 8th inf, K, Jan 15th, gun shot wound
Karson, Young, 33d inf, I, Jan 16th, Lumbago
Enyart, James W, 17th inf, E, Jan 17th, hypeotrophy of the heart.
Hermer, Harrison, 10th inf, I, Jan 22d, chronic bronchites
Ross, Daniel C, 3d inf, E, Jan 28th, insipient phethisis
Strayer, Abram, 17th inf, D, Jan 28th, chronic bronchetis
McCarl, Daniel, 28th inf, H, Jan 28th, chronic bronchetis
Sergt Stimpson, W R, 3d inf, G, Jan 29th, gun shot wound
Private Welch, Nathan, 12th inf, A, Jan 29th, gun shot wound
Hays, George W, 10th inf, F, Jan 29th, gun shot wound
Lepert, Chas, 11th inf, D, Jan 29th, gun shot wound
Reeder, Albert J, 24th, D, Jan 29th, chronic diarrhoea
Wilson, Geo W, 26th inf, A, Jan 30th, chronic diarrhoea
Elsroad, Allamen G, 24th inf, F, Jan 30th, chronic diarrhoea
Jourdan, Isaac, 17th inf, C, Jan 30th, asthma with general debility.


     List of Iowa Soldiers who have died in Hospitals at St. Louis, Mo., from Jan'y 21 to 30, furnished by Thos. W.J. Long, of Iowa, office No. 2, Laclede Block, Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.

Jan. 23, Wm. A Gadner, Co. I, 34, Typhoid Fever
Jan. 24, Jas. Haynes, Co. A, 37, Pneumonia
Jan. 25, Wm. Woodward, Co. D, 5, Gunshot w'd
Jan. 26, Simon John, Co H, 37.
Jan 27, Granville Kink, co. H, 37, Pleuro Pneumonia
Jan. 27, W.J. Coon, Co H, 4, gun shot w'd.
Jan. 27, J.C. Ward, Co G, 34, Pneumonia
Jan. 27, W.H. Rines, Co C, 24, Typhoid F'r
Jan. 27, Wm. Morgan, CoB, 34, Typhoid F'r.
Jan 27, O. Showers, Co C, 34, Typhoid F'r.
Jan 27, W. McClure, Co I, 34, Ch. Diarrhoea
Jan. 27, Geo. James, Co B, 34, Erysipelas.
Jan. 27, Henry Thomas, Co F, 34, Erysipelas
Jan 28, Rich'd D Robland, Co B, 19, Rheumatism and Diarrhoea
Jan. 28. Amos Mason, Co C, 34, Pneumonia
Jan. 27, Peter Wooding, Co E, 28, Pneumonia Typhoid
Jan 29, Elijah Summers, Co G, 34, Pneumonia
Jan 29, B. Leroy, Co E, 28, Typhoid F'r.
Jan 30, D. Underwood, Co K, 4, Phthisis Pulmonalis
Jan. 21, Jos. Gruver, Co I, 26, Variola Confluens.

HOW IOWA SOLDIERS MARCH- The letter we publish in this issue from our regular correspondent in this issue from our regular correspondent in the Second Iowa Cavalry, will be found well worth perusal as "Diff's" letters always are, and especially interesting as narrating how Iowa soldiers march and work. In thirty-one days, Col. Hatch's command marched "twelve hundred and twenty-six miles"; being an average of 41 and one-eighth per day. This marching, too, was but a small part of the labor performed, as the facts related by our correspondent abundantly testify. Col. Hatch has taught the rebels that Morgan and Stewart are not the only officers that can make a "raid." Not a few officers in the Union army have received promotion to Brigadier Generalships without performing a tithe of the duty done by Col. Hatch. A commander of such energy should not be overlooked or forgotten.---Davenport Gazette.

     In Union township, Feb'y 4th, Robert M. Seamans, 1st Lieut. Co D, 13th Regiment, Iowa Vol., aged 24 years.
     Lieut. Seamans was a native of Iowa, and was one of four brothers who have offered their lives for the salvation of the Republic. He was stricken down with Measles and Typhoid Fever at Helena, and was brought home to die.
          "Happy, when our Country calls,
           He who conquers, he who falls."

Correspondence to the Hawk-Eye.
Des Moines, Feb,. 2, 1863

EDITOR OF HAWK-EYE:- A case was disposed of by Judge Gray, of this Judicial District, in open court to-day, that has elicited much interest here, and is likely to have a wider notoriety before it is finally adjudicated. A colored man by the name of Archie P. Webb, (whose whilom master, -as well known to many,- is an arch rebel and traitor,) found his way to this county through the friendship of loyal men in the Federal army. He was employed in Delaware township, by a substantial farmer, who was unable to obtain other help.- While quietly and inoffensively laboring for a livelihood his presence excited the ire of some of that miserable class who are afraid of negro competition and apprehensive of detriment when bought in comparison with those whom they are want to stigmatize as no better than baboons. (Is it not strange that men will take so much pains to disparage their own manhood and to prove themselves just what they would have the world believe they are not.) Archie's employer was informed that he must turn his faithful servant out of doors, if he desired the good opinion of his negro-hating neighbors.- Having a pretty strong conviction that he was a freeman, and had a right to consult his own pleasure in the premises, the Delaware township farmer paid no heed to the friendly admonitions. Thereupon a system of petty persecution was set afoot against Archie. He could not be intimidated and a township trustee and a justice of the peace were found base enough to lend themselves to his persecution, by arraigning him to answer to the offence of breathing God's free air in the free State of Iowa. The Justice. -Heaven save the mark-committed Archie, and in the custody of the Sheriff  (who was nothing loth to lend himself to the persecution of a poor man whose sole offence was that he could not change the color of his skin which the Almighty had given him,) was brought to the County Jail. He was forthwith released by a writ of habeas corpus issued by Judge Gray. The case came up for a hearing several days since; was argued by Jeff Polk for the prosecution and S. Sibley for the defendant. The Judge gave his opinion to-day and you will receive it by the mail that conveys this letter. It was elaborate and forcible, covering all the ground necessary to a complete vindication of the right of every man to liberty who has not forfeited it by crime. With a frankness and boldness that does him honor, Judge Gray met the case before him. He rejoiced in the opportunity to establish in this case, the unity of Justice and Law. We hail the decision as a prelude to that awakening sense of equity that has so long slumbered in portions of the country.
     The prosecutors in the case relied upon an old legislative act of 1851, that had never received legal publication, and, from some oversight, never found a place in the Code. It was published with a few special laws, but never received the newspaper publicity ordered by the Legislature to give it legal force. This, however, did not invalidate it. Its inherent rottenness and unconstitutionality struck it down. It has been suffered to sleep; it authors being too much ashamed of it to seek its resurrection. It was designed to exclude colored men from the State by making it a crime to enter it subjecting them to arrest, fine, imprisonment, &c.
     The farmers of the Constitution (as also of the old) of Iowa, had too much respect for the Divine Code, too much reverence for those great principles of Justice and Liberty upon which the American Government is based, to leave a door open for the practice of such monstrous wrong as that contemplated by the act of 1851, and the prosecutors in this case. The people of Iowa will thank Judge Gray for vindicating the charter of their liberties, and throwing the shield of the law over the weak and helpless who have sought a refuge in our midst.
     There is no need of misapprehending the animus of the outrage attempted by base-hearted men in this country. Archie Webb, as a crawling slave, doing the bidding of a task-master, would be the right man in the right place, in the estimation of those who seek to enthrone slavery above all law, to sanctify and deify it- Archie Webb, as a free man enjoying the right to himself and the fruits of his own labor, they will not tolerate. So long as it is supposed there may possibly be partizan [sic] profit in ministering to a base born passion and prejudice-the offspring of ignorance-men will be found ready to trample upon the moral sense of community, by shutting out the light of Heaven from the sable sons of Africa. It is useless to ask such men, What if God's economy provides for and recognizes the humanity of the black man?- God has no place in their politics. Justice and Liberty are myths not recognized in their schemes for party aggrandisement. They scent profit in bounding the negro, and party success is the highest end of their labors. Let them once realize that popular sentiment has risen above this base-born prejudice; that there is no longer gain in trampling upon any portion of God's children; that justice and liberty are enshrined in the hearts of the majority, and they will make haste to clear their skirts of crimes of which they now boast. They are not wise to discern the signs of the times, or they would hesitate to embark their political fortunes in such a venture.
     As Republicans we are not to be misunderstood. The attempt to create the impression that our policy is to encourage the immigration of blacks to this or any other State, will fail, because it is false, and falsehood must sooner or later fail. It is no part of our policy to bring the labor of the black man in competition with that of the white man.- Slavery has substituted black for white labor in the South. The choice of the black man is to labor where he can labor to most advantage, where the climate is adapted to him and all the elements of prosperity will work for his benefit. By giving him freedom at home, all inducements to remove to the colder climate of the North is taken away. A fact so obvious needs no argumentation. All we ask is that free white men, who profess to regard freedom as the birth-right of man, do not stultify themselves and dishonor their own manhood by denying to those in their midst what they claim for themselves; what God and the Constitution guarantee to all. Their own elevation cannot be secured by degrading others. The laws of human progress are violated by all attempts to degrade and enslave men. A man's misfortune and ignorance are a direct appeal to Christian sympathy and labor. Rebel assaults upon the edifice that protects us all, are in a fair way to destroy the abomination of American slavery. What they sought to diffuse and perpetuate by violence and bloodshed, they have effectually destroyed. This is the wrath of an unholy ambition overruled.  Republicanism, Unionism is now removing the only inducement the blacks ever had to leave their native South. Yet, with a perversity that ever characterizes unprincipled men, the bigoted haters of the black man, are the most uncompromising enemies of the proclamation of Freedom.
     Let us rejoice, Mr. Editor, that the Constitution of the Union and the Constitution of the State of Iowa, as understood and expounded by an honest Judge, are yet found conservative of human rights; an insurmountable barrier to the progress of despotism that would deny liberty and protection to unoffending man.- When Judge Gray decreed the freedom of Archie Webb and snapped the meshes that had been so artfully thrown around an innocent and unoffending man, he gave a verdict that will be sustained by the highest legal tribunes of the country and the chancery of Heaven. An appeal was taken but the decision will be affirmed by a united Court.

List of Sick and Wounded Iowa Soldiers
     List of Sick and wounded Iowa Soldiers, arrived at St. Louis, Mo. Jan'y 30th, 1863, and in Hospitals there per steamer Lancaster No. 4, furnished by Thos. W. Long, of Iowa office No. 2, Laclede Block, Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri.

Chas. Winterhaver, Co. D, 24th Infantry
N.C. Miller, Co D, 24th Infantry
H.W. Spoyer, Co I, 24th Infantry
Finney E Paine, Co B, 24th Infantry
Reuben Coney, Co I, 24th Infantry
Thos J Krikwood, Co H, 24th Infantry
John Kirkhead, Co H, 24th Infantry
H. C. Mathews Co I, 24th Infantry
Joe Rafferispenger, Co C, 24th Infantry
Amos Story, Co C, 24th Infantry
Corp. E. Edwards, Co E, 24th Infantry
Serg't Mifford Mitchel, Co D, 24th Infantry
Corp Chas W Gould, Co K, 24th Infantry
H O Donnell, Co A, 24th Infantry
John Down, Co A, 24th Infantry
H Anderson, Co G, 24th Infantry
Sam'l Myers, Co C, 24th Infantry
J W Knight, Co E, 24th Infantry
J Hempstead, Co E, 24th Infantry
Wm Delong, Co E, 24th Infantry
J F Gundy, Co F, 24th Infantry
Albert Lacark, Co F, 24th Infantry
H C Raymond, Co F, 24th Infantry
Jas Green, Co I, 24th Infantry
J M Gago, Co A, 24th Infantry
J D Marr, Co D, 24th Infantry
John Harver, Co G, 24th Infantry
R Cokin, Co G, 24th Infantry
J F Moore, Co C, 24th Infantry
Sam'l Stickler, Co H, 24th Infantry
A J Milnor, Co K, 24th Infantry
H D Satler, Co K, 24th Infantry
J W Iden, Co D, 24th Infantry
D D Comstock, Co I, 24th Infantry
L Stovill, Co H, 24th Infantry
C Hecthome, Co C, 24th Infantry
McNeal, Co A, 24th Infantry
Reynolds, Co K, 24th Infantry
Lambert, Co H, 24th Infantry
J Cantonwire, Co B, 24th Infantry
Bryan, Co C, 24th Infantry
Zeho Wetz, Co C, 24th Infantry
Jas Morgan, Co I, 28th Infantry
Oscar Carter, Co I, 28th Infantry
R D Barter, Co G, 28th Infantry
Chas Lounsberty, Co M, 28th Infantry
Capt. J B Kerr, Co I, 28th Infantry
Henry Nichols, Co E, 24th Infantry
J R Murphy, Co G, 28th Infantry
W M Leithels, Co G, 28th Infantry
R S Hayliger, Co C, 28th Infantry
E C Brant, Co E, 28th Infantry
N Heigt, Co F, 28th Infantry
John Saunders, Co C, 28th Infantry
G W Geivnero, Co K, 28th Infantry
David Flores, Co K, 28th Infantry
Sam'l Suchrist, Co A, 28th Infantry
Geo Hatfield, Co A, 28th Infantry
Isaac Miller, Co A, 28th Infantry
F G. Brown, Co E, 29th Infantry
J Vanwinkle, Co K, 25th Infantry
Andrew Price, Co H, 47th Infantry
J W Johnson, Co G, 4th Infantry
D S Allen, Co I, 4th Infantry
E T Brisburn, Co E, 4th Infantry
F T Grundy, Co E, 4th Infantry
W H Allen, Co I, 4th Infantry
R E Ray, Co B, 4th Infantry
John Reves, Co G, 4th Infantry
W A Luther, Co G, 4th Infantry
A Young, Co H, 4th Infantry
Wm Lamb, Co C, 4th Infantry
S J Smith, Co A, 4th Infantry
E F Courtney, Co B, 33rd Infantry
W Adams, Co H, 33rd Infantry
M Hodges, Co A, 33rd Infantry
D W Cook, Co D, 34th Infantry
Isaac Smith, Co E, 36th Infantry
A G Braynor, Co I, 36th Infantry
Jas Henderson, Co F, 36th Infantry
Wm Starks, Co G, 36th Infantry
R M Ferris, Co F, 36th Infantry
T J Tucker, Co F, 36th Infantry
Wesley Jones, Co C, 36th Infantry
S Sinclair, Co D, 36th Infantry
H W Phelps, Co A, 36th Infantry.

List of Iowa Wounded Soldiers
     From Post Arkansas, per steamer January and how disposed of-furnished by Thomas W.J. Long, (of Iowa) office No. 2, Laclede Block, Olive Street, St. Louis.

Sergt S. Markland, Co. F ,26th Inf, Memphis
James D Moyser, Co K, 26th Inf, Memphis
Absalom Laycock, Co C, 26th Inf, Memphis
Milton Jackson, Co C, 26th Inf, Memphis
Sergt H D Sage, Co C, 26th Inf, Memphis
Corp Geo D Eisher, Co B, 26th Inf, Memphis
Daniel Carrell, Co F, 26th Inf, Memphis
P W Frisbee, Co D, 31st Inf, Memphis
James Harden, Co E, 34th Inf, Memphis
Corp J C McNay, Co A, 34th Inf, Memphis
John Owens, Co G, 26th Inf, Memphis
Corp A McAllister, Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
Geo W Walker, Co I, 31st Inf, Memphis
John McDonann, Co G, 26th Inf, Memphis
J D Vanhorn, Co D, 26th Inf, Memphis
Langdon Morse, Co K, 26th Inf, Memphis
Corp J C McMay, Co A, 34th Inf, Memphis [same as McNay above?]
Sam'l Harness, Co I, 31st Inf, Memphis
James M Riley, Co I, 26th Inf, Memphis
Levi Benedict, Co I, 26th Inf, Memphis
Geo A McDowell, Co C, 26th Inf, Memphis
Moses Jenkins, Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
Adolphus Cone, Co C, 26th Inf, Memphis
John C Lymons, Co C, 26th Inf, Memphis
Oliver P Bowen, Co C, 26th Inf, Memphis
George Kinney, Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
Marcus Yake, Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
Harvy Milbone, Co B, 25th Inf, Memphis
Aloes Broteer, Co B, 25th Inf, Memphis
Ezekial Assalt, Co F, 30th Inf, Memphis
Isaac Lane, Co D, 31st Inf, Memphis
Charles H Bloom, Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
James McCoy, Co E, 26th Inf, Memphis
Sergt C J Henie, Co K, 26th Inf, Memphis
Sam'l L English, Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
Edwin B Cowing, Co K, 26th Inf, Memphis
Corp Job Frites, Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
Wm Cunningham, Co C, 26th Inf, Memphis
David Mahar, Co F, 26th Inf, Memphis
Robt Howig, Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
John Linky, Co A, 26th Inf, Memphis
A K Tuttle, Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
Anton Myer, Co E, 26th Inf, Memphis
John Kilrain, Co B, 26th Inf, Memphis
Wm Whiteside, Co B, 26th Inf, Memphis
Peter Slack, Co E, 26th Inf, Memphis
Myron Bunnell,  Co H, 26th Inf, Memphis
Frederick Reish, Co E, 26th Inf, Memphis
Sergt J Unran, Co E, 26th Inf, Memphis
Wallace Becker, Co H, 31st Inf, Memphis
L M Doty, Co K, 31st Inf, Memphis
Wm T Gardiner, Co K, 31st Inf, Memphis
Corp F M Smith, Co D, 4th Inf, Memphis
Sergt Henry Gregg, Co H, 30th Inf, Memphis
Sergt H M York, Co B, 30th Inf, Memphis
Delony P Andrews, Co B, 30th Inf, Memphis
Corp Jacob Ash, Co I, 30th Inf, Memphis
W M King, Co C, 30th Inf, Memphis
John W Howe, Co C, 30th Inf, Memphis
Abraham Fox, Co F, 30th Inf, Memphis
S G Maple, Co K, 30th Inf, Memphis
German S Wright, Co F, 31st Inf, Memphis
Chas W Scanland, Co C, 34th Inf, Memphis
Caleb B Rhoda, Co C, 25th Inf, Memphis
A N Fov, co D, 25th Inf, Memphis
A N Paschal, Co F, 25th Inf, Memphis
John Clary, Co A, 25th Inf, Memphis
R E Wilkins, Co A, 25th Inf, Memphis
J G Smith, Co I, 25th Inf, Memphis
C F Lee, Co K, 25th Inf, Memphis
James M Philphott, Co K, 25th Inf, Memphis
Charles C Bailey, Co F, 25th Inf, Memphis
E M Sergeant, Co F, 25th Inf, Memphis
John Cole, Co H, 25th Inf, Memphis
R B Hewitt, Co F, 25th Inf, Memphis
Sergt J S Ashearn, Co H, 25th Inf, St Louis
James Barnes, Co H, 26th Inf, St Louis
Geo M Procter, Co B, 26th Inf, St Louis
Carlton McNew, Co E, 34th Inf, St Louis
Jas H Ackerman, Co C, 31st Inf, St Louis
August Hoffman, Co E, 26th Inf, St Louis
Joseph A Labits, Co C, 26th Inf, St Louis
A P Stevens, Co F, 26th Inf, St Louis
H H Mitchell, Co D, 25th Inf, St Louis
John Collins, Co G, 26th Inf, St Louis
James P Douglas, Co K, 26th Inf, St Louis
Alva S Smith, Co F, 25th Inf, St Louis
Sergt C Cahill, Co G, 26th Inf, St Louis
Lewis Larenbarg, Co H, 25th Inf, St Louis
R W Conaway, Co F, 30th Inf, St Louis
A W Schroder, Co C, 26th Inf, St Louis

Corp L B Harrington, Co D, 26th Inf, buried at Memphis January 14
B F Hedge, Co C, 30th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 14
Andrew J Virgin, Co K, 25th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 15
W A Holland, Co E, 25th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 15
Stuart Williams, Co C, 26th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 19
Sergt Isaac W Deteriller, co D, 30th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 24
Charles A Thomas, co C, 26th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 18
Jacob Barnhart, Co G, 25th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 17
George E Jenkins, Co I, 26th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 20
George Steinhiller, Co E, 26th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 20
W H B Blakeley, Co K, 26th Inf, buried at Memphis Jan 20
Wm A Cross, Co I, 30th Inf, buried at Saint Louis, Jan 27

     Eudoras Holland, son of Mr. Laban Holland of this vicinity; was one of the wounded in Company E, Iowa 25th Regiment. He died on the way up the river on the steamer January, and was buried at Memphis. His age was 20 years.
     The wood used in our Engine for printing this paper was cut by him two years ago.- Since that time he has been overland to California and returned- enlisted in the service of his Country; fought and died for it, filling a patriot's grave, at the early age of 20 years.

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