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The Iowa Magazine, 1918

Published Every Two Months by

The Greater Iowa Association

Davenport, Iowa

Vol. 2            December ---1918            No. 6


Page 17


Iowa Boys Who Have Sacrificed Their Lives That Democracy Might Live


Lest We Forget

       These sons of Iowa shall be our heroes until the end of time. We cannot bring them back to life, nor can we heal the broken hearts of those mothers and fathers who gave their boys to the cause of liberty.

      But in every county in Iowa there should be built a permanent memorial, that, with the coming of each new dawn, will remind us not only of the final sacrifice these boys have made, but also of the ideals for which they fought.


Index... Left to Right

Row Name Town Other Information
1 Kenneth Percy Wilder Fayette Killed in action, Sept. 2, '18
  Lt. Harold Vane Grenawalt Lamoni Died of diseases, Oct. 24
  Charles A. Wagner Rudd Killed in action in France, Sept2. 4, 1918. 
  E. E. Bickford North English Killed in action, July 18. '18
2 Hubert Blayney Olin Died of wounds, June 19,  '18
  Carl E. Gillen Ottumwa Killed in action in France, Aug. 14, 1918
  Arlo E. Pickerell Glenwood Killed in action, July 15, '18
  Clifford E. Dimmett Fairfield Died of wounds, Sept. 13, '18
3 Paul R. Adam Shenandoah Killed in action, Sept. 13, '18
  Albert C. Dethlefs Manning Died of disease, Sept. 5, 1918
  Eddie O'Connor Dunlap Killed in action in France
  Carl Barr Akron Killed in action

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Page 17


~ scanned and contributed by Steve Hanken

~Note: Pages numbers added by submitter


Iowa Magazine Index
