List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883

for Hardin County, Iowa



No. of Certificate
Name of Penshioner
Post Office Address
Cause for which pensioned
Monthly Rate
Date of Original Allowance
157,391 Dovey, John Ackley disease of the eyes 4.00 Jan., 1879
69,563 Armstrong, Francis M. do g. s. w. lft. wrist 14.00 ---
178,609 Bryson, Alex'r M. do chr. arthritis rt. hip 8.00 Nov., 1880
121,730 Olmstead, Oren P. do g. s. w. rt. leg and arm 4.00 ---
218,915 Beach, Frank do laryngitis and brochitis 4.00 Oct., 1882
165,510 Welf, Edward do rheumatism 12.75 May, 1880
31,835 Bush, Rhulof do wd. rt. arm 18.00 ---
7,540 Dardis, Jane do widow 8.00 Jun., 1881
203,075 Watson, George H. do g. s. w. rt. leg 6.00 Feb., 1882
192,046 Lyman, Lydia do dep. mother 8.00 Apr., 1881
185,425 Lee, Julia A. do widow and 3 children 8.00 Sep., 1879
198,382 Loehle, Charles do g. s. w. rt. side head 4.00 Nov., 1881
27,060 Jameson, Alfred W. do loss lft. leg 18.00 ---
216,414 Williams, James D. do sciatica rt. hip, thigh and leg 10.00 Dec., 1882
--- Bovee, Emily do dep. mother 8.00 ---
98,031 Bonacker, Wm. B. do g. s. w. l. side 20.00 Apr., 1874
95,492 Massey, Sanford M. Alden inj. to spine 18.00 ---
23,480 Dutton, John O. do g. s. w. rt. knee 6.00 ---
178,955 Buckingham, Thos. do disease of eyes 8.00 Nov., 1880
86,445 Petrie, Myron do wd. rt. hand 6.00 ---
183,778 Kemp, Sumner do remittent fever and results 4.00 Mar., 1881
162,937 Kramer, Ezra do disease of lungs 4.00 Oct., 1879
78,820 Crawford, Harvey do chr. rheum. and dis. of heart 12.00 ---
181,798 Towley, Andrew T. Cottage g. s. w. rt. thigh 4.00 Jan., 1881
72,754 Welch, Irvin Eagle City disease of spine 4.00 ---
94,934 Cheney, Arthur O. Eldora wd. lft. leg 4.00 ---
163,914 Pruyn, Henry do injury to abdomen 10.00 Dec., 1879
89,691 Quiggle, John S. do loss 2 fingers rt. hand 6.00 ---
192,370 Ankeny, Wm. H. do injury to abdomen 20.00 Jul., 1881
112,166 Mitchell, Boyd J. do disease of lungs 18.00 ---
166,007 Doll, Dagobert do g. s. w. hand, should., and head 8.00 Mar., 1880
212,175 Buchanan, James do g. s. w. of head 6.00 Jun., 1882
166,842 Bowers, Inman H. do g. s. w. lft. leg 4.00 Apr., 1880
186,918 Wilson, Jacob B. do chr. rheum and lung dis. 8.00 Apr., 1881
169,913 Turner, John N. do var. veins lft. leg 10.00 Apr., 1882
28,294 McIntyre, Cordelia M. do widow 1812 8.00 Dec., 1879
29,036 Higinbotham, Mary do do 8.00 Apr., 1880
67,952 Skerman, Fred'k do wd. head 12.00 ---
115,506 Harris, Jane do dep. mother 8.00 Jun., 1868
186,414 Fosbury, Huldah W. do widow 8.00 Dec., 1879
189,726 Spears, Sarah do dep. mother 8.00 Sep., 1880
188,442 Curtis, Meriam J. do widow 8.00 May, 1880
128,751 Weaver, Joseph do g. s. w. rt. hip 4.00 ---
154,546 Campbell, John do g. s. w. rt. leg 4.00 Aug., 1878
--- Goldsberry, John H. do g. s. w. lft. hand 6.00 ---
112,165 Stout, Job do g. s. w. lft. hand 6.00 ---
219,424 Piesen, Bartholomew do g. s. w. lft. hand, lost fing. 4.00 Oct., 1882
170,046 Hayden, Elijah do lung dis., chr. diar. and dis. of abdominal viscera 12.00 Jun., 1880
163,976 Farr, Jedediah L. do injury to abdomen 8.00 Jan., 1880
110,769 Furman, John H. do loss lft. eye & dis. rt. eye 6.00 ---
197,447 Jones, Joseph S. do chr. diarrhea 2.00 Nov., 1881
221,667 Kilgore, Ezekiel do do 6.00 Dec., 1882
89,246 King, Emeline M. do widow 8.00 Jan., 1867
14,092 Leonard, Amelia do do 8.00 Jun., 1867
64,864 Billings, Reuben do g. s. w. rt. thigh 4.00 ---
--- Neugent, Philip do wd. rt. wrist 5.26 ---
157,476 Hedderman, Maurice do frac. rt illium 4.00 Feb., 1879
171,182 Cobb, George H. Gifford g. s. w. rt. thigh 4.00 Jul., 1880
59,981 Streeter, Enoch R. do frac. radius rt. arm 12.00 ---
43,932 Vest, Eliza do widow 8.00 May, 1872
46,745 Moore, Mary do do 8.00 Jul., 1867
38,288 Smith, Henry C. do wd., face and loss lft. eye 18.00 ---
28,624 Alle, Martin V. do loss lft. arm 24.00 ---
63,046 Glidden, Clark C Hubbard g. s. w. rt. leg 8.00 ---
64,515 McCoy, Mary do widow 8.00 Mar., 1868
212,705 Knowles, Daniel do epilepsy 8.00 Jun., 1882
192,285 Hough, Eliza do dep. mother 8.00 May, 1881
207,439 Mossman, George do cr. diarrhea 4.00 Apr., 1882
129,490 Mossman, Samuel E. do dyspepsia and c. 4.00 ---
--- Follett, Clarissa do widow 1812 8.00 Apr., 1879
152,288 Church, Sylvester Iowa Falls disease of lungs 18.00 Apr., 1878
153,291 Caldwell, Austin M. do injury to abd. and dis. eyes 16.00 May, 1878
131,845 George, William do g. s. w. lft. thigh 4.00 ---
180,141 Cassidy, Jackson E. do chr. diarr. and dis. of abd. vis. 12.00 Dec., 1880
187,670 Carpenter, Walter do inj. of head 4.00 Apr., 1881
87,078 Cogswell, John H. do hypertrophy of heart 12.00 ---
190,057 Stoddard, Lucian M. do chr. diarrhea 4.00 Jun., 1881
204,678 Van Burkirk, Mathew do disease of eyes 10.00 Mar., 1882
127,047 Hoskins, John do spinal disease 24.00 ---
115,594 Hamblin, Franklin M. do g. s. w. lft. knee and c. diar. 18.00 ---
172,774 Havens, Benjamin do chr. diar. and liver dis. 8.00 Aug., 1880
185,970 Foster, Harmon C. do disease of lungs 4.00 Mar., 1881
222,998 Stoddard, L. Francis do dislocation rt. elbow 7.50 Dec., 1882
28,920 Mauley, Bridget do de. mother 8.00 Aug., 1853
202,024 Wells, Joseph M. do acrofula, dis. stomach 4.00 Jan., 1882
48,005 Collins, Eunice A. do widow 8.00 Jan., 1868
29,857 Trusaler, Mary A. do dep. mother 8.00 Jun., 1869
65,163 Ford, John A. do loss rt. leg 24.00 ---
124,529 Wickham, Azel J. do g. s. w. lft. leg 12.00 ---
172,000 Leeke, Hannah M. do dep. mother 25.00 Jan., 1876
147,766 Ettinger, Alonzo L. do lung dis. and chr. diar. 20.00 ---
129,417 Tayor, William M. do g. s. w. nose and inj. to abd. 6.00 ---
125,892 Reynolds, Barzillar do total blindness 72.00 ---
171,247 McMillan, Earl H. do c. diar., asthma and rheum. 12.00 Jul., 1880
24,682 Sargent, Richard S. do sur. 1812 8.00 Jan., 1879
36,967 Zavitz, Abraham do wd. rt. forearm 6.00 ---
14,329 Bullis, John W. do loss both eyes 72.00 ---
28,615 Miller, Lewis do anchylosis rt. elbow joint 8.00 ---
16,223 Morgan, Carroll do loss lft. thumb 3.00 ---
132,482 Avery, John T. do g. s. w. rt. wrist 4.00 ---
186,080 Penny, Newton do bil. fever and kidney dis. 6.00 Mar., 1881
188,902 Portlon, James F. do partial deafness both years 6.00 May, 1881
99,611 Pratt, Joshua H. do wd. face and neck 10.00 ---
22,394 Odell, Lewis do ascites 8.00 ---
50,024 Bellamy, William W. do g. s. w. rt. foot 6.00 ---
143,713 Hole, Thomas Lawn Hill dep. father 8.00 Jul., 1870
187,812 Latham, Sallie do dep. mother 8.00 Apr., 1880
38,092 Hameston, Jane New Providence widow 8.00 Dec., 1868
195,865 Boylaw, Murgaret Point Pleasant dep. mother 8.00 May, 1882
80,807 Mitterer, Augustus do chr. rheum. 18.00 ---
185,286 Garrison, Alonzo Radcliffe var. veins rt. leg --- Mar., 1881
159,160 Wilson, Robert P. Robertson g. s. w. face 6.00 Apr., 1879
201,759 Swartwood Aaron O. do injury to abdomen 4.00 Jan., 1882
201,759 Fosdick, John A. Steamboat Rock g. s. w. rt. shoulder 14.00 ---
--- Flick, Nancy do widow 1812 8.00 ---
172,305 Haley, James B. do lung disease 6.00 Aug., 1880
89,793 Loomis, Levi W. do g. s. w. rt. arm and lft. hand 12.00 ---
154,200 Williamson, Steph. A. do heart disease 24.00 ---
121,366 Williams, Owen do g. s. w. lft. side head 12.00 ---
24,498 Greenbury, Clayton do contract. musc. rt. leg 8.00 ---
30,042 Carpenter, Hannah do widow 1812 8.00 Jul., 1880
168,230 Miller, George W. do injury to abdomen 8.00 May, 1880
200, 484 Riley, Thomas J. do dis. of eyes 4.00 Jan., 1882
156,901 Spencer, George S. do chr. diarr. 2.00 Dec., 1878
90,885 Cox, John M. Union disease of eyes 18.00 ---
165,411 Speer, James do dis. rt. leg. par. deaf and c. 12.00 May, 1880
40,686 Sawin, Ezekiel S. do wd. lft. breast 10.00 ---
118,839 Hammond, Richm'd do chr. rheum and scurvy 8.00 ---
194,406 Frazier, Thomas do paralysis 24.00 Aug., 1881
114,176 Fitzgerald, James do g. s. w. lft. shoulder 8.00 ---
103,726 Lamb, James H. do g. s. w. lft. leg 3.00 ---
139,759 Rockbill, David S. do chr. diarrhea 8.00 ---
138,488 Cowell, Nancy J. do widow and 1 child 8.00 ---
176,220 Wilbur, Dan A. do injury to abdomen and lft. hip 2.00 Oct., 1880
167,592 Decker, Dennis do g. s. w. rt. thigh 4.00 Apr., 1880
57,410 Devine, John do loss lft. leg 24.00 ---
146,424 Barnard, Wellington do inj. to left foot 4.00 ---
36,092 Benson, Solon F. do loss left arm 24.00 ---
133,607 Anderson, Andrew do g. s. w. lft. arm 5.00 ---
140,207 Wilson, Samuel S. Whitten g. s. w. rt. forearm 2.00 Aug., 1876
152,602 Wilson, Samuel do --- 8.00 Aug., 1871
166,502 Myers, Jesse do kid. dis., c. diar. and lung dis. 12.00 Apr., 1880
23,110 Herr, Eliza do widow 8.00 ---