For God and Country







Home! Home! God's resplendent gift --

where peace abounds, and life is love.



      The  graceful hills of the western borderland of Iowa are crowned with a matchless city. When the morning sun floods over her towers she is greeted with a magnificent view of the fertile fields of Nebraska spreading out at her feet to the westward. Too, the rich plains of Dakota share her survey of splendors -- where the scenic Sioux gives its waters to the mighty Missouri.

     Within the borders of this excellent city are a thousand glistening palaces -- where kings and queens abide. Palaces of honor, surrounded with trees and flowers -- not by cold, defying walls of stone.. Each palace is a monument to God's great institution --- the American home. The kings and queens abiding therein are the fathers and mothers of today, who faithfully taught us to live and sever under the standard of democracy of democracy that was the reward of the service and sacrifice of our forefathers.

      It was early in the spring of 1917 that this beautiful city was startled by the news that she was no longer at peace. The United States of America had unsheathed her sword on that day, the sixth of April. Calm filled the warm spring air. A gentle, refreshing rain had been falling. The news of the declaration of war came in the late afternoon when the clouded skies began to lift and mingle their glories with the brilliance of the sin that was low in the west. A wealth of golden color was being poured over the hills of Iowa's western borderland. The matchless city praised her eyes from the message of war to survey again her realm. There at her feet were the fertile fields of Nebraska where plows glistened and great farms spread out to the westward.  There where the Sioux gives its waters to the Missouri laid the rich plains of Dakota, with mighty granaries and splendid herds. Within the borders of this excellent city the towers and homes stood aglow in pride of purpose. The fathers stood erect with their sons for the call. The goddess of mercy was hearing the tender pleas of the mothers and daughters to enlist them in her legion of mercy. And behold! In this city were hundreds of great, strong men whose faces revealed that they were born in foreign lands ... but ... with shoulders squared for the cause of right, they too, stood ready for call.

     The radiant sun of that April day then lowered its light in the west. Sioux City had surveyed her realm, and found Americans, ALL!          




~ scanned and submitted by Paula Hinkel