From grandmother West's scrapbook
Barry West

Feb. 10, 1936

Mr. and Mrs Earl Norris were calling at the Bill Fry home Thursday.
Mrs. Harry Brown, Harold Fuller,Willard Fuller spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Crees and son spent Friday with O. B. Trisler
Mrs. Ella Thompson spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Walter Fry. (Made a baby silk parachute dress for me (Barry)).
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Crees of Weldlaon spent Friday with Mrs. Effie Trisler.
J. T. Thompson moved last week from the west roon in the late G. H. Tallman building into a room in the A. J. Owens property on main street.
Mrs. Gilbert Edge spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Lena Mconey.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Crees and son spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs. Herman Houchmuth.
Miss Lucy Fry spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Lela Fry.
Mrs. Alice West (grandmother West that kept this scrapbook) spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ella Thompson.
Mrs. Laura Leffler s pent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Alice West.
Mrs. Ella Thompson spent one day last week with Mrs. Florence Potter.
Max Evans of Weldon was visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Alice West one day last week.
Mrs. Earl Morris was a Thursday afternoon visitor at the home of her brother, W. F. Fry and wife
Miss Dorothy Hall who has employment in Des Moines is now visiting here at the home of her Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hall
Homer Crees, of near Weldon was a business visitor in Van Wert Friday.
Mr. and Mrs Herman Brown and Mrs. Cledwyn Bulkeley drove to Leon Friday evening to attend the basket ball tournament
Willis Turk and Roy Chamberlain were transacting business in Leon Friday.
? Des Moines was not able to fill his appointment at the Christian church Sunday Morning on account of the snow blocking the road from Des Moines to Van Wert. There were no church services in the Apostolic or Methodist churches on account of the intense cold and the drifted sidewalks and roads.
From grandmother West's scrapbook
Feb. 13, 1936 Journal-Reporter
Barry West

Marie Deemer, 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Deemer, who live thirteen miles southwest of here, was badly frozen Saturday afternoon when she attempted to return home from a neighbor's home a mile distant.

Marie had spent Friday night with school friends at a neighbor's home. She was force to stop at the home of Charles Gibbons which was two-thirds of her way home. First aid had to be administered as she was nearly exhausted from wading in the deep drifts and suffering from frozen arms, face and feet. After she had rested for a few hours she resumed her trek home. Although her arms, face and feet were badly frozen and swollen, the blisters are healing nicely now.
Feb. 13, 1936

From grandmother West's scrapbook
Barry West

S. M. Ash was over from Decatur last Tuesday afternoon.

W. H. Colter was over from Decatur last Tuesday on Business.

Mrs. Jack Fisher has been ill for several days at her home here.

Mark Crane of near Decatur was here Tuesday afternoon on business.

All 8 exposure Kodak films developed and 8 prints, 35 cents at Cherrington's

Mrs. Nelle Burrell of Davis City visited with relatives and friends in Leon yesterday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pyfer at the Decatur County Hospital, Feb. 7, a little daughter.

Bert Woodard came up on the bus Friday evening from Excelsior Springs, Mo., and will remain here through this week.

Admission to Leon high school declamatory contest to be held at the high school building on Friday evening has been lowered to 10 and 20 cents.

Stomach Ulcer, Gas Pains, Lidigestion victims, why suffer? for quick relief get a free sample of Udga, a doctor's prescription, at Chas. Cherrington's

Mrs. Anna Hale returned to her home in Leon Tuesday after a week's visit in Creston at the home of her son, Dean Hale and family. Dean brought her home in his car and returned to Creston the same afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Swisher and son Bobby of Seymour arrived Tuesday evening and will visit during the remainder of the week with his mother, Mrs. Lulu B. Swisher. The Seymour schools are closed this week due to fuel shortage.

Lyman Yost, instructor in school at Gravity, arrived in Leon Wednesday morning to spend the balance of the week here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Yost of near Leon. The schools at Gravity were closed this week.

J. J. Hembrey and son James of near Grand River were looking after business matters in Leon Last Friday. They had to walk from their home a half mile down to Grand River road to get the the car. The road to their home was drifted full of snow.

Charles Delk of Weldon was in Leon Tuesday.

Mrs. Leon Leeper has been ill since Wednesday of last week.

Joe Deemer of near Lamoni was a Leon visitor Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Margaret E. Edwards left by bus Saturday for Kansas City.

Miss Ruth Mainard of Decatur was a Leon visitor Tuesday afternoon.

Born to Mr. and Mrs Floyd K. Brown of Sigourney, a baby girl weighing eight pounds, Tuesday, Feb. 4.

A few hours after his mother's death from a heart attack, Curt Stewart of Cattlesburg, Ky., Killed himself.

Miss Mildred Davis came up from Kansas City Thursday of last week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Davis

? in the deep snow drifts on Q street last week proved a frantic experience for the little venturesome seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Otho Higdon. When he stepped off the road into a drift which had not only filled a deep grader ditch but was quite high besides, the little fellow sank into the soft snow until he could not take a step forward. His little hands waving wildly from the top of the drift and his screams led to his rescue by a passing neighbor.
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