Lodges, Clubs, Etc.

(2 pages total [32-33] - link for next page at bottom of each page)


         The Dallas Center Lodge, No. 248,  I.O.O.F., was organized in 1872, with six members, all of whom received offices at the first election.  Charter members included J. L. Loring,  F. Hubbard,  W. M. Clark,  A . K. Clark,  S. S. Grossman and  W. P. McClure.

          Rathbun Rebecca Camp, No 481, was instituted October 6, 1900.  There are three in the group with more than 50-year memberships.

          In 1876, Delta Lodge, No. 356,  A. F. & A . M., was organized under charter with some 20 members.  It has continued with a good degree of prosperity since that time.

          Rhinehart Chapter,  O. E. S., No. 453, was chartered in  1913,  and remains active.

          The G. A. R. Post, No. 230, named for R. R. Richmond, was instituted in 1884 and continued active for some years.

          Brenton Camp, No. 91, Sons of Veterans, was an active group for a number of years in Dallas Center.

          Modern Woodmen of America, Camp No. 2623, was organized in Dallas Center in 1894.  The Lodge owned the Woodman Hall, which was built in 1906 at 1504 Walnut, the present location of the United Methodist Church.

          Fidelity Camp, Royal Neighbors of America, held regular meetings in Dallas Center soon after the turn of the century.

          In 1880, the W. C. T. U. was organized with 27 members.  It was very active along temperance lines for a number of years in Dallas Center.

          The Dallas Center Woman's Club was organized in 1896 and federated in 1907.  It continues primarily as a study group.  It is civic minded, helping with many local community projects as well as those of the state and national federation.  The club meets regularly in Memorial Hall.  Present membership is 59 women.  Present officers include:  Edwarda Dunkin, president; Mardelle Cross, Vice-president; Rowena Baldner, secretary; and Lillian Hoover, treasurer.

          The Dallas Center Commercial Club was organized in October, 1911.  It was incorporated on October 14, 1949.  Present officers include:  Ray Charier, president; Charles Boyles, vice-president; James Fox, secretary; and Morris Fox, treasurer.  Present membership is 38.  The general purpose of the club is to advance the educational, civic, social, commercial and economic interests of Dallas Center.

          The Dallas County Farm Bureau was organized in Dallas Center on January 26, 1918, by a group of progressive Dallas County farmers who met in the old opera house.  First officers elected included:  George Fox, president; George White, vice-president;  W. H. Kent, secretary; and Walter Shirley, treasurer.  The Farm Bureau office was on the second floor of the Brenton-Loring building from 1918 until December 1921, when it was moved to Adel.

          The Dallas Center American Legion Post No. 49, was organized in 1919.  Fifty-year members recently honored include:  B. D. Holsman,  Ralph Mortimer,  Herman Ward,  Sam Miles,  Howard Mortimer,  C. A. Labor,  Ben Merical,  Glenn Rowe and Arthur Smith.  Present officers are:  Wilbur Mash, commander;  Wm. Scott, 1st vice-commander;  Paul Allen, 2nd vice-commander;  Paul Kinney, adjutant;  Wm. Baker, finance officer;  Ray Nissly, sergeant-at-arms;  Don York, service officer;  Roy Benson, chaplain;  Lawrence Fox, historian;  Si Burger, grave registration.

          The American Legion Auxiliary was chartered in Dallas Center in 1923.  Present membership is 79.  Present officers include:  Mrs. Don York, president;  Mrs. Bill Mash, vice-president;  Mrs. Wm. Scott, secretary;  and Mrs. C. A. Labor, treasurer.



Garth Mann, Editor & Postmaster          Don Ragon, Community Worker

Ward and Mary McClure                              Bert & Ida Collins

Page #33 of Chapter XII


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