Crawford County German Recipes

Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb

Traditional German Cookery

A Project of Weihnachtsfest from Manning Iowa

There are many people living here that are decendants of folks from Northern Germany.

When they came from Germany they brought these recipes with them and their descendants kept and still use many of them.

From a cook book compiled of recipes donated by many from the Manning area and permission to use on the internet was given by: Ron Colling, Manning Heritage Foundation, Manning, Iowa and Manning Promotions.

Traditional German Cookery

Collected by Florence Genzen

With assistance from:

Dorothea Musfeldt

Sharon MacDonald- Williams

Cover design by Thomas MacDonald- Williams

A project of Weihnachtsfest - 1989

Manning, Iowa USA


The oldest trees often bear the sweetest fruit!

Many persons living in the Manning, Iowa, area are direct descendants of German Immigrants. Some residents are only first and second generation descendants, but many of us are third and fourth generation - removed even further from our roots.

A strong love of tradition and an interest in our past has prompted our community to start a new tradition. In 1987, Manning initiated a German Christmas festival, Called Weihnachtsfest-it is held on three weekends, starting with the opening ceremonies on the Friday evening following Thanksgiving and continuing on Saturday and Sunday for three weeks. Through this festival, we hope to revive and preserve the German customs of the holiday season.

Of course, no Christmas celebration would be complete without food. At Weihnachtsfest, as well as during the rest of the year, many families preserve their German roots by preparing some of the old favorites featured within this book. The aroma of fritters and of wurst and kraut may be noticed in the atmosphere at various times during the year.

It is with a deep love of our heritage that we dedicate this collection of recipes to all the wonderful cooks who are continuing the tradition of German cooking to this day. We hope that this cookbook will serve to preserve their recipes and to kindle an interest in German traditional cooking among the younger families of the area.

In looking through stacks of old recipes, we couldn't help but notice how many of our recipes today are derivatives of traditional recipes, In one form or another. It is also evident how our ancestors had to make do with what they raised or produced, using everything but the "squeak."

As you peruse the book, you will notice that Germans like sours such as sour doughs, sauerbraten and sauerkraut. They even like sour dressings for salads.

Their desserts typically contain less sugar than American desserts contain. Whipped cream is often whipped without sugar.

A traditional German meal is often much higher in fat and starch than our lighter meals preferred today. Hardly a meal is served without noodles or dumplings. Salads were not traditionally served, but a meal always contained'a potato and usually a cooked vegetable. Cookies are baked mostly at Christmas time. Tortes layered with whipped cream are delicious and can be found in bake shop windows the year round.

We wish you "Guten Appetit" as you use the German recipes within these pages. We hope you will find them all to be;


Suppen, Klos, Knodel  		 1 - 21  Soup and Dumplings

Fleisch               		22 - 43  Meat

Gemuese	          		44 - 51  Vegetables

Salate      	    		52 - 59  Salads

Geback	          		60 - 69  Breads

Susspelsen	          	70 - 82  Desserts

Groten Hans	          	83 - 88  Steamed Puddings

Fortchen	          	89 - 92  Fritters

Kuchen	          		93 - 108  Cakes

Kleingeback	          	109 - 122 Cookies

Pfannkuchen und	    		123 - 129 Pancakes and Breakfast Items


Spezialitaten         		130 - 141 Regional Specialties

			             (Head cheese, grit,

			              sausages, wursts.)

Miscellaneous und	    	142 - 146 Miscellaneous and Sauces



HEISSE BIERSUPPE German Beer Soup)  Elsie Wilhelm

3 cups milk                     	1/2 cup sugar

3 beaten eggs                   	2 cans heated beer

Drink or serve with crumbled crackers.

May add, if desired,

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp. salt and some pepper

1/3 cup sour cream (beat in last and do not allow to come 

to a boll.)


2 Tbsp. dried parsley             	2 bay leaves

1 Tbsp. thyme                     	2 Tbsp. dried celery leaves

1 Tbsp. marjoram

Wrap in 4" square of cheese cloth and tie in a bag.  

Makes 12 bags to use in soups.


KARTOFFELSUPPE (Potato Soup)        Eldora Hofvander

	                            Janet Gruhn from

		                    Wilheimina Gruhn

6 med. potatoes, peeled	and cubed   2 tsp. salt

1 cup diced celery	            1/4 tsp. pepper

1 med. onion, chopped               2 1/2 cups water

Boil until potatoes are	soft. Stir well to break up the cubes. 

Brown slightly 6-8 slices of bacon, cubed, and add to the above.

3 cups milk                	     1 beaten egg

2 Tbsp. flour

Combine milk, flour and egg, add to the soup and heat through.  

Add dumplings and simmer covered until dumplings rise and 

are done.


1 cup flour                         1 1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt	                    1 tsp. parsley flakes

1/2 tsp. sugar	                    1 egg

1/2 cup milk

Combine all ingredients and drop by tablespoons full 

into the hot soup. Cook until done.


BUTTERMILK AND HAM SOUP             Gertle Dammann

		                    Amanda Bogatzke

Ham bones

Navy beans

Potatoes, several

Cook each of the above separately until done.  

Then combine.

May add allspice, ginger and nutmeg to taste.  

Thicken with a little flour.  Lastly add buttermilk and 

heat ... do not boll after the buttermilk is added.

		"Ohne fleiss, kein preis "

	Without ambition, there is no reward.


BUTTERMILK RICE SOUP                Margaret Spies 

3/4 cup rice                        6 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 cup raisins (optional)          1 quart buttermilk

1 egg

Cook the rice in salted water. When almost done, add the 

raisins (if desired). Set aside. Beat the egg until fluffy 

and add the sugar. Put the buttermilk in a kettle and add 

the egg-sugar mixture. Heat slowly until sugar disolves. 

Stir constantly until heated but DO NOT BOIL.  Remove from 

heat and add the cooked rice and raisins. More sugar may be 

added to taste.



1 pound raw potatoes	            Salt and Pepper

3 strips bacon	            	    1 Tbsp. flour

1 onion	                      	    1 quart buttermilk

Peel, cube and cook the potatoes until tender. Chop and brown 

the bacon.  Chop and then saute the onion in the bacon grease.  

Drain both the bacon and onion. Combine the flour with the 

buttermilk.  Add re. maining ingredients. Bring almost to a 

boil. Serve.



			            Clara Stoberl

1 stewing hen	                    3-4 sprigs parsley

1 Tbsp. salt	                    2-3 carrots, chopped

Cover hen with water. Add all but the carrots.  

Simmer 2 hours or until tender.  Remove meat, 

debone and chop into pieces. Add carrots and simmer.  

May strain before adding carrots if desired.



4 cups coarse bread crumbs           2 Tbsp. melted butter

2 1/4 cups warm water                2 1/2 cups flour (more or less)

3 eggs                               1 Tbsp. sugar

Salt and pepper

Pour warm water over the crumbs, add rest of the dumpling 

Ingredients and stir well. Drop into hot soup, simmer 

(covered) for 15 minutes or until done. Add meat and serve.


SPARGEL SUPPE (Asparagus Soup)	      Florence Genzen

2 cans asparagus	              1/2 tsp. salt

3 cups milk or half and half	      1/8 tsp. pepper

1/4 cup finely chopped onion	      1/8 tsp. nutmeg

2 Tbsp. butter                        2 slightly beaten eggs

2 tsp. flour	                      1 can mushrooms (optional)

Saute onion in butter. Stir in flour, salt, pepper and nutmeg.  

Combine asparagus and milk or half and half. This may be blended 

for a smoother soup. (in Germany they prefer the white asparagus.) 

Add asparagus mix to the roux. Cook until thick. Lastly add the 

beaten eggs and mushrooms. Add the following meatball dumplings.


11/2 pounds hamburger or sausage      2 eggs

2 Tbsp. melted shortening             1 Tbsp. chopped onions 

2 Tbsp. chopped parsley               1/2 tsp. salt

2/3 cup dried bread crumbs or 3/4 cup quick oatmeal

Combine and form small balls. Add a little milk if needed.  

May be browned before adding the dumplings to the soup.


TOMATO SOUP (for canning)             Luella Brus

1/2 bushel tomatoes                   1 tsp. soda

10 sprigs parsley                     1/3 cup salt

1 bunch celery with leaves            2 cups brown sugar   

25 whole cloves                       2 cups flour 

10 medium onions                      1 pound soft butter

Cook the tomatoes, parsley, celery, cloves and onions until 

tender. Put through sieve. Add the soda and stir well.  

Combine the flour and soft butter, add the salt and brown 

sugar and add to the rest of the ingredients. Cook 20 minutes 

and seal in hot sterile jars. Dilute with milk or water to use.


VEGETABLE SOUP (for canning)          Karen Vollstedt 

				      (Grandma Hinz' recipe)

1 gallon tomatoes - blanch, skin and mash 

1 quart carrots - diced 

1 head cabbage - chopped 

6 onions - diced 

1 stalk celery - diced 

1/4 cup salt

Dash pepper

2 1/2 quarts water

Pour boiling water over cabbage and leave for 10 minutes.  

Drain. Combine all the rest of ingredients and boil for 

20 minutes. Put in pint jars and process at 10 pounds for 

25 minutes. Must be diluted to use.




4 cups boiling water

1/2 cup minute tapioca

Combine water and tapioca

Juice of 1 orange	               	Juice of 1 lemon

1 cup prunes	                  	1 cup raisins

1 cup chopped apples	            	1 stick cinnamon

1 cup sugar	                        1 cup grape juice

Combine all but the grape juice and bring to a boil.  

Boll until fruit is tender (45 minutes).  

Add grape juice and serve.

	"Viele koche verdreben den brei," 

	   Many cooks spoil the broth.


SCHNITZ SOUP                        	Rachel Steinke

(This recipe has been In the family for over 100 years.)

1 cup dried prunes	            	1 cup dried peaches

1 cup dried pears	                1 cup dried raisins

Wash and soak the dried fruits overnight. Cook until tender 

in the same water It was soaked in. Add sugar and salt to taste.

1 Tbsp. flour                       	1 cup sweet cream 

Combine flour and cream, add to fruit and bring all to a boil, 



CHERRY SOUP                         	Marcella Knaack

                                    	Martha Vetter

2 cans sour pitted cherries         	1/2 glass wine

1 1/2 cans water                    	2 Tbsp. tapioca (to thicken)

Sugar to taste (approx. 1 cup)

May add 2 slices of lemon and 1 stick of cinnamon.

Serve with dumplings.


DUMPLINGS FOR SOUP		      	Rose Anne Nuile

			              	Virgene Kroeger

1 cup milk	Pinch salt            	1 cup flour(approx.)      	

3 Tbsp. flour

1 egg

Scald milk.  Combine the 3 Tbsp. flour with a little cold 

milk and add to the hot milk to thicken.  Cool slightly and 

add egg, salt and rest of the flour.  Dip spoon Into hot soup 

and drop by spoonfuls into the hot soup.  Simmer 5 minutes with 

lid on.  May add raisins to the dumplings for use In chicken 

or vegetable soup.

         "Es wird uberall nur mit Wasser Aekocht,"

             They cook everywhere with water.

       Meaning - We are just as Aood as the next man.



KLOS (German Dumplings)             	Florence Genzen

		Recipe is from Schleswig, Germany

2 cups water                   	 	2 1/2 cups flour

1/4 pound butter	            	6 eggs

Bring water and butter to a boil in heavy skillet.  

Add flour all at once.  Combine until a ball is formed.  

Remove from heat and beat in eggs, one at a time.  

Spoon dumpling into salted water and boil 10 minutes.  

Don't crowd in the pan.  Cool and store in covered dish 

until ready to use In soup.  May be frozen for later use.  

Freeze separately on cookie sheet and then place in 

plastic bag.

The above recipe for Klos is very versatile.  See below.

GNOCCHI (using above recipe)

Drop mixture in salted, boiling water by 1/4 tsp. full, 

Cook only about 3 minutes.Drain and put	in baking dish 

and cover with this sauce:

3 Tbsp. butter			     1 cup chicken broth

Small onion, grated		     1/2 cup shredded Swiss cheese

2 Tbsp. flour			     1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

1 cup half and half



Saute the onion in the butter. Combine with the flour.  

Add gradually the half and half and broth and cook until 

thick.  Lastly add the cheeses.  Pour over the tiny dumplings 

in a baking dish.  Sprinkle with another 1/4 cup Parmesan 

cheese. Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

Klos may also be sliced, then browned on both sides until 

crisp.  Pour over the klos some well beaten eggs. Fry until 

set and serve hot.


GERMAN DUMPLINGS			Linda Ahrendsen

6 Tbsp. flour				Butter the size of an egg

1/2 tsp. salt				1/2 cup boiling water

1 unbeaten egg

Place flour in bowl; add salt, egg and butter.  Over this 

pour the water and stir vigorously. Drop the batter by 

teaspoonfuls into boiling chicken or beef broth. Do not cover.  

Boil until dumplings rise to the top when they are done.


LEBERKNODEL (Liver Dumplings for soup)

					Sharon Grimm MacDonald-Williams

1/4 cup hot milk			2 Tbsp. flour

5 slices dry white bread		2 eggs, separated

1/2 pound ground liver			Grated rind of one lemon

2 Tbsp. minced parsley			Dash of nutmeg

2 Tbsp. softened butter			1/8 tsp. marjoram or thyme

Combine milk, bread, liver, parsley, butter and flour to form 

paste.  Add egg yolks, seasonings and rind.  Combine well.  

Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into the first mixture.  

Dip dumplings into the hot broth by tablespoons full.  

Do not crowd.  Boil 5-6 minutes or until they bob to the top.  

Serve in soup.


KARTOFFELKLOSSE (Potato Dumplings)  	Thelma Mohr

2 pounds potatoes, cooked in their skins and peeled 

6 Tbsp. butter

Salt, pinch of nutmeg

3/4 cup flour

3 egg yolks, beaten


Mash the potatoes with the butter, salt and nutmeg.  

Beat in the flour Shape into fairly large balls or dumplings.  

Push a crouton into the center of each dumpling.  Drop the 

dumplings into a pan of bubbling boiled salted water. Bring 

to a boll, lower the heat and cook for 20 minutes, or until 

the dumplings float to the top.  Remove with a slotted spoon 

to a serving dish.  It is important to serve them quite dry.  

To ensure this, put a saucer upside down in the serving bowl, 

so that any water will drain away underneath the saucer and the 

dumplings will remain dry.


SPAETZEL (Noodles)

1 1/3 cups flour

1/2 tsp. salt

2 eggs

1/3 cup water

In medium bowl combine above Ingredients well. Press through 

a coarse colander or spaetzel maker Into boiling water 

(8 cups water plus 1 tsp. salt).

Stir and cook 2-3 minutes or until firm. Drain and add 

1-2 Tbsp. butter.  Sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs.  

Spaetzel is excellent served as a side dish with meats, 

in beef or chicken gravy or soup, with spinach, ham, kraut 

or mushrooms.

Another variation of this recipe calls for 3/4 pound of 

ground liver added to the spaetzel mix.  The cooked 

spaetzel is then served with onion butter.



6 potatoes				2 eggs

1/2 cup milk				Enough flour to roll noodles

Boil potatoes, mash and add enough flour to roll, 

Roll Into 3 inch strips 1 inch thick.  Place in a 9 x 13 inch 

greased pan and bake until lightly brown and crisp.  

Beat eggs and add milk.  Pour egg-milk over the noodles 

and bake 3 minutes,


1 cup flour                    		1/2 tsp. salt

1 egg, well beaten                  	Hot soup or broth

Combine flour and salt. Make a well In the middle.  

Add beaten egg and stir with fork or fingers until the 

egg has taken up all of the flour and mixture is crumbly, 

like coarse grains of rice. Rub the rivels between the 

fingers as they are dropped Into hot soup, Cook, stirring 

occasionally for about 10 minutes. This is a very 

old-fashioned recipe.


KASESPAETZEL				Mrs. August Reichert

2 cups flour

3 eggs


1 litre water

1 cup grated cheese

1/2 cup butter

1 onion, sliced and fried 

Combine the flour, eggs, salt and water.  Either press 

through a colander or use a spaetzel maker and put the 

mixture Into boiling salted water.  Cook and stir one or 

two minutes; Drain.  Put Into a hot bowl and layer with 

the grated cheese, butter and fried onion.

		"Hunger ist der beste koch," 

		  Hunger is the best cook.


SAUERBRATEN				Lorraine Kruse

		Dorothea Musfeldt from Mrs. Fred Musfeldt

4 pound beef chuck, rump or rolled round.  Rub with salt 

and pepper and place in crock.  Add one onion (chopped), 

3 bay leaves and 1 tsp. peppercorns.  To make marinade: 

Heat equal parts of water and vinegar to cover the meat, 

Stir in V4 cup sugar and pour this over the meat.  

Cover and keep In a cool place for 3 to 4 days.  

Remove meat and place in Dutch oven.  Save liquid for 

basting.  Put one cup liquid over meat and bake in 

slow oven until tender.  Add more liquid If necessary.  

Remove meat and slice for serving.

To make gravy: Melt 1/4 cup sugar in skillet, add strained 

liquid as needed.  May want to thicken this a little.

Variations for the gravy: Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup raisins and 

4-6 crumbled gingerinaps.  You may substitute crumbled bread 

for the gingersnaps.

You may blend in 1 cup sour cream to the gravy.  Heat and 

serve over the meat.  Good with mashed potatoes, noodles 

or potato dumplings.


KANADLE					Rose Anne Nulle

					Mrs. Merlyn lribeck 

					Helen Kasperbauer

4 pounds round steak (do not tenderize) 

1 medium onion, chopped 1 cup vinegar

1 cup flour

Cut steak in 2 inch strips; Boil in water over medium heat 

for 2 hours. Add onion and vinegar and boil for 1 hour.  

Brown flour in frying pan, combine with water to make paste.  

Add paste to meat mixture and simmer until thick.


10-12 slices dried bread, cut in cubes 

6 beaten eggs and a little milk

Combine dumpling ingredients and form into 3 inch balls.  

Let sit for 1 hour.  Simmer in boiling water 20 minutes.  

Serve with the kanadle (meat) over the top.                                                    23


ROULADEN                            	Kay Bowers

		Served on Christmas Eve especially.

Sirloin, cut 1/4 inch thick         	Raw bacon

Salt and pepper				Onions

Mustard					Dill pickles

Spread strips of sirloin with mustard and season with salt 

and pepper.  Cut up the raw bacon, onions and dill pickles 

and put some on each meat strip.  Roll up the strips and 

fasten with toothpicks.  Brown in oil, add a little water 

and stew slowly for one hour.  Remove meat and thicken the 

broth for gravy.

Variation:	May omit the dill pickle and substitute sauerkraut 

or green pepper.


WIENER SCHNITZEL (Breaded Veal Cutlet)

4 - 6 ounce veal cutlets		1/2 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp. flour				1/4 tsp. pepper

3 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese			1/4 tsp. grated nutmeg

1 egg, beaten				1/2 cup milk

1 tsp. parsley, minced

Combine all the above ingredients	except the cutlets to 

make the batter. Dip the floured cutlets into the batter. 

Cook over low heat in 4 Tbsp. butter until golden brown and 

tender.  Remove to warming platter and keep hot.  Add 2 Tbsp. 

butter to the pan drippings, heat until darkened.  

Add the juice of 3/4 lemon, stir and pour over the cutlets.


GERMAN SKILLET           		Mr and Mrs Mike Nieland

1 Tbsp. butter or oleo

14-ounce can sauerkraut and juice

1 medium onion

2/3 cup Minute Rice or macaroni

1 pound ground beef, fried and drained

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 cup tomato sauce

Combine all ingredients. Cover and cook on low heat 

for 30 minutes. 

	"Die arheit macht das lehen suss," 

		Work makes life sweet.



1 1/2 pounds cubed lean beef 		1/2 tsp. pepper

1 pound cubed lean pork        		1/4 tsp. cinnamon 

1 large onion, chopped        		1/4 tsp. garlic powder 

2 cups tomato sauce            		1 1/2 tsp. paprika 

1 1/2 tsp. salt				1 cup water

Brown the cubed meat and the onions. Add the rest of the 

ingredients andsimmer for 2 hours, stirring occasionally,

It may be necessary to add more water. Is excellent over

spaetzel or noodles. Serves 8-10 persons.


KRAUTWICKEL (Cabbage Rolls)

1 head cabbage             		1 tsp. butter

1 pound ground beef and pork 		1 cup beef stock 

1 egg         				1 Tbsp. flour 

1 onion, chopped      			1/4 cup cream

1 tsp. chopped parsley

Remove large outer leaves from the head of cabbage. Flatten 

out the ribs and cook in salted water for 2-3 minutes.  

Drain and spread out on the table.  Chop the small leaves 

finely and combine with the meat, egg, onion and parsley.  

Spread this mixture onto the large leaves.  Roll up and tie 

with string.  Fry the rolls briefly in butter.  Pour on the 

beef stock, cover and simmer for one hour.  Place on hot 

platter, add flour and cream to the pan to make the sauce.  

Pour over the rolls and serve.


SNITZ AND KNEPP				Rose Anne Nulle

1 ham hock


2 Tbsp. brown sugar

Cover ham hock with water and boil for 2 hours. Add apples 

and brown sugar and simmer until apples are done. 

Then add the knepp:


2 cups flour				1 egg, beaten

1 Tbsp. baking powder			2 Tbsp. warm butter

1/2 tsp. salt				1/3 to 1/2 cup milk

Combine the above and drop by spoonfuls into the boiling 

ham mixture.  Cover and boil for 15 minutes. Do not peek.



1 1/4 pound head of cabbage, quartered 

1 1/2 pound smoked pork shoulder butt

4 ribs celery				1/2 tsp. thyme

2 leeks					Chopped parsley

8 cups water				Salt

1 bay leaf				2 turnips, peeled and diced

1/2 tsp. allspice			4 carrots, diced 

					4 potatoes, quartered

Combine the pork butt, celery, leeks, water and seasonings 

and boil about 10 minutes.  Add the rest of the ingredients 

and simmer for 25 minutes or until tender. Should be tender 

to the pressure of a fork.


RUMP ROAST or Sandwich Meat		Theresa Schlichte

4-5 pound rump, roast 10 beef bouillon cubes

1 can beer				Salt and pepper 

Water to cover the roast 		1 tsp. oregano 

1/2 large onion 			3 bay leaves

3 cloves garlic				Sweet basil

Celery tops

Combine all ingredients and simmer on top of the stove 

for 3 to 4 hours.  Slice thin and dip in the juice or 

thicken the juice to make a delicious gravy.

"Des hauses gluck zufriedenkeit," The house's fortune is 




BRATWURST IN BEER SAUCE            	Henry Stoltenberg

10 Bratwurst                        	1 cup tomato juice

Flour                               	1 can beer

1 Tbsp. butter				1/2 green pepper, diced 

1-6 oz can tomato paste    		Clove of garlic, chopped 

1/2 cup catsup 				Dash of Worcestershire sauce

Simmer bratwurst in water for 8 to 10 minutes.  Do not boil.  

Dry with paper towel and roll in the flour.  Melt the butter 

and fry the bratwurst until nicely browned.  Put remaining 

ingredients in a pan and heat to simmering.  After the wursts 

are browned, carefully place them in the warm sauce and 

heat through.



1 pound Westphalian bratwurst

Flour 					Meat stock

1/4 cup fat				1 1/4 tsp. cornstarch

2 onions, diced				1/2 cup red wine

Pour hot water over the sausages, dry and roll in flour.  

Heat the fat, fry the onions until they are transparent, 

add the sausages and brown them on all sides.  Add the 

meat stock and cook, covered, gently for 30 minutes.  

Take out the sausages, set aside but keep hot.  Combine 

the cornstarch with water to make a thin paste, stir this 

into the gravy, bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.  

Add the wine.  Pour the sauce over the sausages and serve 

with mashed potatoes, salad or red cabbage.




Liver, gizzard and heart of the fowl

Onion 					Salt and pepper

2 apples				1/2 cup raisins

2 Tbsp sugar 				Pinch of cinnamon

3-4 slices of bread soaked in cold water - squeeze dry.

Cook the giblets.  Chop the giblets, onion and apples.  

Combine with the remainder of the ingredients.  Stuff 

in the fowl and bake immediately.  Do not stuff the fowl 

the day before, as this increases the danger of salmonella 

contamination.  May bake the dressing in an oven-proof 

casserole dish as an alternative.



1 pound sausage				1/2 cup celery leaves, chopped

2 Tbsp. butter				1/4 tsp.sage

1/2 cup chopped onion			1/4 tsp.pepper

2 2/3 cups precooked rice		1/4 tsp. savory

3 cups water				1/4 tsp. thyme

2 cups celery, diced                	1 Tbsp. salt

Saute the sausage, onion and butter for 3 minutes.  Add all 

the remaining ingredients.  Stir until all the rice is moist.  

Bring quickly to a boil, uncovered, fluffing the rice once 

or twice, while cooking, with a fork.  Do not stir.  Cover 

and remove from the heat.  Allow to stand for 10 minutes; 

then stuff the fowl.



May use either hare or rabbit.  Hare is game meat.  

Domestic rabbit is tame and tender.

1 hare or rabbit, cut up 		1 Tbsp. butter		

1 1/2 cups red wine 			1 small onion, chopped 

1 Tbsp. lemon juice 			1/4 tsp. thyme

1 onion, sliced 			1/4 tsp. marjoram 

3 Tbsp. flour 				1 stalk celery, minced 

1 tsp. salt				8-10 peppercorns 				

3-4 slices bacon, diced 		Grated rind of one lemon				

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and marinate for 24 hours.  

Roll the rabbit in flour and brown the meat in butter.  

After browning, place in an oven-proof pan, cover and bake 

in the oven for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.


HASENBRATEN				Kathy Jones

1 rabbit - cut in serving pieces

2 eggs, beaten				1/2 bay leaf, crushed

Seasoned flour				3 peppercorns

1/2 to 3/4 cup water			1/4 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup vinegar

Dip the rabbit pieces in the beaten eggs, then in the 

seasoned flour.  Brown in hot oil.  Then add the remaining 

ingredients and simmer gently for several hours. For a 

German flair, serve with dumplings and sweet-sour red cabbage.


HERNPOFESEN            			Mrs. John Reimers

1 onion, finely chopped

Calf's brains

1 to 2 eggs

Small amount of milk

8 to 10 slices bread


Fry the finely chopped onion in hot fat until brown.  

Dip the calf's brain in hot water for a few minutes; 

remove the membranes, chop the brains and fry with the 

onions until tender.  Whisk the eggs with a little milk; 

pour the egg-milk over the brains and allow to set.  

Dip the slices of bread quickly in milk into which an egg 

has been beaten.  Then turn the slices into the breadcrumbs 

and fry a golden brown in hot fat.  Put the slices together 

with brain mixture as a filler.


OCHSENZUNGE (Tongue in raisin sauce)

1 fresh beef tongue (about 2 pounds) 

6 sprigs parsley 			2 Tbsp. flour

1 bay leaf         			3 Tbsp. tomato paste 

4 peppercorns              		1 1/2 cups raisins 

4 whole cloves				2 Tbsp. vinegar 

1 tsp. salt               		1 tsp. sugar

1 onion, chopped           		Salt and pepper

4 Tbsp. butter

Scrub and soak the tongue in cold water for 10 minutes.  

Place in a kettle with the herbs, spices and onion.  

Cover with boiling water and simmer, uncovered, for 

1 1/2 hours.  Remove the tongue, put in cold water, skin 

and slice.  Strain the juice, saving to use for the sauce. 

Melt butter in pan; add flour, stirring well.  Add tomato 

paste and reserved juice as needed.  Add vinegar, raisins 

and sugar.  Season with salt and pepper.  Reheat tongue and 

serve with the raisin sauce.



1/2 cup tomato juice 			1 Tbsp. brown sugar 

1/4 cup water 				1 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar 		1/2 tsp. dry mustard 

2 Tbsp. catsup 				1/8 tsp. chili powder 

1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce		Bacon drippings

1 pound beef liver, cut in strips

Combine the tomato juice, water, vinegar, catsup, 

Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, salt, dry mustard and 

chili powder.  Simmer for 10-15 minutes.  Heat the bacon 

drippings in a skillet.  Brown the liver strips only until 

they lose their color.  Add the barbecue sauce and simmer 

until heated through.  Serve over rice or noodles.



1 pound beef liver			1 egg, beaten

2 slices bacon				2 Tbsp. flour

1 onion, chopped			Salt and pepper

Grind or finely chop the liver. Add all remaining ingredients.  

Drop by spoonfuls onto a greased skillet. Fry just a few 

minutes on each side.  Leftovers make good sandwiches.


Cook desired meat in equal parts of water and vinegar 

until tender.  Add salt to taste.

Peel the outer skin from the tongue when cooked.

This recipe also is good for pickling chicken gizzards.



2/3 cup salt                         Pinch pepper

1/3 cup brown sugar                  1 raw beef tongue

Combine the salt, sugar and pepper and rub into the 

raw tongue.  Place in an airtight container and store 

in a cool place for 3 days.  Turn the tongue daily.  

On the fourth day, remove the tongue and rinse well.  

Cook 2 hours or until tender.  Cool 10 minutes.  Peel the 

outer skin from the tongue.  Slice and serve.


1 pound cooked ham, cubed  		1 cup white vinegar

1 onion, sliced 			1/8 tsp. black pepper

1 1/2 cups water

Combine all and let sit in cold place for 24 hours 

before serving.



4 pigs feet				1 Tbsp. whole cloves

Salted water				1/2 tsp. black pepper

2 cups vinegar				1 small stick cinnamon

2 Tbsp. salt				1 cup chopped dill pickles

Scrape and clean pig's feet well. Put in a kettle to boil 

with enough salt water to cover.  Simmer for four hours or 

until meat will separate easily from the bones.  Remove feet 

and add vinegar, salt, pepper and spices to stock in which 

meat was cooked.  Boll for 30 minutes.  Strain liquid and 

remove spices.  Pick meat off the bones.  Place pieces of 

meat and chopped pickles in a glass loaf pan and pour stock 

over It.  Chill until cold.  Slice and serve.  May be made 

ahead of time.  Keeps well in refrigerator.



1/2 head cabbage (4 C. shredded)	1 Tbsp. cornstarch

1 small onion, sliced			1 Tbsp. butter

1 CUP beef stock			1/2 cup sour cream

Boil cabbage, onion and beef stock (covered) until cabbage 

is tender approximately 12-15 minutes.  With slotted spoon, 

remove the cabbage to serving dish.  Add a little liquid to 

the cornstarch; then add the cornstarch to the cabbage liquid.  

Add the butter and simmer until thick.  Remove from heat, 

add the sour cream, stir and pour over the cabbage.  

Serve hot.



2 cups shredded cabbage

3 beaten eggs

Salt and pepper

1 onion, grated

6-8 slices white bread, cubed

2 cups milk

Combine all ingredients and place in greased casserole.  

Top with 1/2 cup grated cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 

30 minutes.

"Wohlerzogen hat nie gelogen,"  A good upbringing never deceives.



4 kohlrabi				Salt

1 tsp. salt				Pepper

Pinch baking soda			Nutmeg

2 Tbsp. butter				1 Tbsp. chopped parsley

1 Tbsp. flour				2 Tbsp. cream

1 cup beef stock

Remove the tender leaves and cook in salted water with a 

pinch of baking soda.  Rinse the leaves in cold water, 

drain and chop finely.  Peel and slice the tubers.  Cook 

in salted water until tender - approx. 25-30 minutes.  

Make a cream sauce from the rest of the Ingredients.  

Add the sliced kohlrabi.  Add the chopped kohlrabi leaves 

to this.  For a change, you may butter the leaves and serve 

them separately.


STIELMUS (Turnip Tops)

2 pounds turnip tops 			1 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. pork fat 			1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup water 				Nutmeg to taste

2 Tbsp. butter				Salt to taste

Pull off the turnip leaves; Wash and cut up.  Sear in 

hot fat.  Add water and cook until tender.  Melt the 

butter; stir in the flour and milk.  Stir and cook 

until thick.  Add the salt and nutmeg to taste.  

Pour the sauce over the turnip tops to serve.


4 pounds fresh curly kale 		3 Tbsp. prepared mustard 

2 Tbsp. bacon grease 			2 Tbsp. quick oatmeal 

1 large onion, chopped			6 smoked sausages

Trim kale and slide.  Heat grease; add onion. Add kale and 

enough water to cover bottom of the pan.  Combine; cover 

and cook until tender - 45 minutes.  Stir in mustard, oats 

and lay sausage on top of kale.  Replace lid and simmer 

about 20 minutes.  Serve with boiled potatoes.


SAUERKRAUT                          Sharon Grimm MacDonald-Williams

Shred cabbage very thin.  Place In layers in a stone crock, 

sprinkling coarse salt over each layer. On top place a plate 

which exactly fits the Inside of the stone crock.  Weight 

down the plate.  Cover with a clean towel.  Cabbage will 

ferment and Is ready to use in 3 weeks.  Wash well in clear 

water before using.

To serve: Rinse 2 pounds sauerkraut with warm water in a 

colander; drain well.  Place In a heavy saucepan with 2 Tbsp. 

butter and your choice of seasonings.* Cover and simmer for 

15-30 minutes.  Add 2 cups liquid such as meat broth, wine, 

beer, water or bouillon.  If using bouillon, omit salt.

Season according to your likes such as salt, pepper, caraway 

seeds, onion or apple.



3 small heads red cabbage		2 bay leaves, crushed

2 cups chicken broth			1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup white vinegar			Salt and pepper

Chop cabbage and remove the core. Cover with the remaining 

ingredients and simmer for 1 hour or longer.

ROTKOHL MIT APFELN (Sweet-sour red cabbage with apples)

					Gerta Krabbenhoft - Germany

4 cups shredded red cabbage   		1 Tbsp.sugar

1 apple, cored and chopped 		1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 cup water 				Dash pepper

3 Tbsp. dry red wine 			1 Tbsp. butter

1 Tbsp. vinegar

Combine cabbage, apple and water and cook 10 minutes. Do not 

drain.  Add remainder of ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes.  

May omit wine and use a total of 1/4 cup vinegar if desired.


HIMMEL UND ERDE (Heaven and Earth) 	Susan Grimm

5 large potatoes, peeled and diced

2 cups water

Pinch of salt

5 apples, peeled and cut into eighths 

1 Tbsp. vinegar 

1 tsp. sugar 

8 ounces bacon

2 onions, sliced and cut in half

Chopped celery or carrots (optional)

Peel and dice potatoes; cook in salted water about 15 minutes.  

Add peeled and cut apples.  Boll until apples are tender. Add 

sugar and vinegar.  Cut bacon into cubes and fry. Add the 

sliced onions and brown.  Add the bacon and onions to the 

potato mixture.  Stir and serve hot.  May be either a very 

thick soup or a potato side dish.  Leftover Himmel und Erde 

may be formed into patties and fried in butter.


REIBKUCHEN (Potato Cakes)            	Thelma Mohr

2 pounds peeled potatoes

3 eggs

Salt to taste

Hot fat

Grate the potatoes in warm water - this keeps them white.  

Squeeze dry In cloth; mix with the eggs, add the salt.  

Drop by tablespoonfuls Into the hot fat until brown on both 

sides.  Should be crisp and brown.  Serve hot with applasauce 

or stewed cranberries.  Potato cakes may also be served cold 

at coffee time.  As a variation, may add onions or nutmeg or 

grated apple.

This Is an everyday dish and also is served at every folk 

festival or fair.  It may be eaten with the hands and is an 

lntergral part of German folk life.


KARTOFFELSALAT (German Potato Salad)

6 medium white potatoes or 15-20 small new potatoes

6 slices bacon, diced 			Pinch pepper

1/2 cup diced onion 			3-4 Tbsp. vinegar

1 tsp. flour 				1/2 cup water

2 tsp. sugar 				Minced parsley

2 tsp. salt

Cook potatoes in jackets in salted water. When barely fork 

tender, drain, peel and dice. Fry bacon until crisp; remove 

from pan.  Add onion and cook until tender in the bacon fat.  

Drain off all but 1 Tbep. bacon fat.  Add the flour, sugar, 

salt and pepper to the skillet and cook and stir until lightly 

brown.  Stir in the vinegar and water and cook until slightly 

thickened.  Again add the bacon, pour over the diced potatoes.  

Stir to blend gently.  Sprinkle minced parsley over the top.

	"Larheer macht nicht satt, besser wer kartoffel hat,"

Laurels won't fill your stomach; you are hetter off with potatoes.



1 cup buttermilk			Cut up radishes

1 Tbsp. lemon juice			Green onions, chopped

2 Tbsp. sour cream			Fresh dill - optional

Red tip lettuce, torn

Combine all the above and enjoy a traditional treat.

GERMAN SLAW 				Esther Peters 

8 slices bacon, diced, fried and drained

3 Tbsp. sugar				3/4 cup water

1 tsp. salt				1 head shredded cabbage

1/2 tsp pepper				1/4 cup minced onion

1/4 cup wine vinegar

Combine all Ingredients and top with the diced bacon 

and 1/2 cup green pepper strips.



Diehpan full of young dandelion stalks, washed, drained and 

cut up.

4 strips bacon, fried and crumbled 

3 hard-boiled eggs, diced, salted

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsp, flour

1 egg, beaten

% cup vinegar

1% cups water

Combine the sugar, flour, egg, vinegar and water and pour 

into the bacon drippings.  Simmer until thick.  Pour warm 

over the dandelion greens; toss and serve hot.  Top with the 

crumbled bacon and hardboiled egg slices.



4 large tomatoes, red or yellow

1/2 green pepper, chopped

1 medium onion, sliced

3 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 cup vinegar

1/2 cup water


Cut tomatoes in chunks.  Add peppers and onions.  Sprinkle 

sugar over this and allow to stand for 15 minutes.  Add 

remaining ingredients and stir.  Refrigerate or keep cold 

several hours before serving.


GURKEN SALAT (Cucumber Salad)

4 medium cucumbers, peeled and sliced thin 

1 medium onion, sliced 

2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup cream

2 Tbsp. vinegar

Salt and pepper

Combine the peeled and sliced cucumbers and onion. Add the 

salt and allow to stand for one hour. Drain and add the 

sauce made from the cream, vinegar, salt and pepper.  

Chill and serve.

	"Lehre bildet geister, doch ubung macht den meister,"

	Teaching develops minds but practice makes the master.



1 pound red beets			1 tsp. cloves

1/4 cup vinegar				1 bay leaf

1/4 cup water				Salt

1/2 tsp. sugar				Pepper

2 tsp. caraway seeds			3-4 Tbsp. olive oil

1 onion, chopped

Wash the beets and cook in salted water until tender.  Dip in 

cold water, peel and slice thinly.

Combine other ingredients and pour over the beets.  Allow to 

stand in refrigerator for several hours to get the flavor 

theough the beets.

Serve at room temperature.


SPARGEL SALAT (Asparagus Salad)		Thelma Mohr

1 pound cooked asparagus		1/4 tsp. sugar

1 Tbsp. mild vinegar			Finely chopped parsley

3 Tbsp. olive oil 			2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped 

1/4 tsp. salt 				Sour cream (optional)

Make a dressing of the vinegar, oil, salt and sugar.  Add 

the parsley and mix well.  Pour this mixture over the asparagus.  

Sprinkle with the eggs.  A little sour cream may be mixed into 

the dressing.  Serve this with cooked ham or plain or 

pickled tongue.


BOHNENSALAT (Bean Salad)		Hermann Cook Book

						Hermann, Missouri

1 pound fresh green beans		1/4 cup vinegar

Salted water				3 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 to 1 cup chopped onion		1-2 tsp. salt

1/4 cup bacon grease			Dash of pepper

Wash, break stem ends and pull off any strings from the beans. 

Cut them lengthwise or diagonally,as desired. Cover with 

salted water and cook until tender, but not soft, about 

15 minutes.  Drain.  Fry onion In the bacon grease over 

very low heat until glassy, about 5 minutes.  Add beans and 

remaining ingredients.  Combine well and heat thoroughly to 

Improve flavor.  Serve slightly warm.


RYE BROT (Rye Bread)			Hilda Petersen

4 cups lukewarm liquid			3 Tbsp. sugar

1 1/2 pkg. yeast			3 Tbsp. shortening

2 Tbsp. salt

White flour (enough to make stiff dough)

3 cups stone ground whole wheat or graham flour

Soften yeast in lukewarm liquid. Add sugar, salt and shortening.  

Add the stone ground flour. Mix well. Knead in enough white flour 

to make a stiff dough.  Let rise in greased bowl one time.  

Shape into loaves and place in greased pans.  Allow to rise 

and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

 "Das schonste wappen in der welt, das ist der pflug im ackerfeld,"

The most beautiful coat of arms in the world is the plow out 

in the fields.



				    	Gen Baker

1 cake yeast				3/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup warm water			2 cups stone ground whole

1 tsp. sugar				wheat flour

2 cups scalded milk			1 egg, beaten

6 Tbsp. oil				1 tsp. salt

4 cups plus white flour

Combine yeast, warm water and 1 tsp. sugar. Let sit. Scald milk; 

add oil and brown sugar while	milk is hot. Add whole wheat flour 

and let stand until lukewarm. Add beaten egg, salt, softened 

yeast and white flour.  Knead, let rise, punch down and shape 

into two loaves.  Let rise again until double in bulk.  

Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.



			SWAT NIE GRAU (Black not gray)

2 cups white flour			1 Tbsp. salt

4 cups rye flour			1 1/2 Tbsp. caraway seed

2 pkgs. yeast				2 cups very warm water

3/8 cup cocoa				1/3 cup molasses

1 1/2 Tbsp. sugar			2 Tbsp. shortening

Combine white flour, rye flour, dry yeast, cocoa, sugar, salt 

and caraway seed.  Add to this the water, molasses and 

shortening.  Combine well and knead until it forms a firm 

ball.  Put in greased bowl and cover.  Let rise until double.  

Make into 2 round loaves.  Place on greased baking sheet.  

Brush with oil and allow to rise.  Can be refrigerated 

for 2 to 24 hours or baked when risen at 400 degrees for 

30-45 minutes.


BRAN OATMEAL BREAD 			Mrs. Herbert Stribe

1 cup quick rolled oats 		1 pkg. yeast

1/2 cup All Bran 			1/2 cup lukewarm water 

1 tsp. salt 				1 tsp. sugar 

1/4 cup brown sugar 			1 cup whole wheat flour 

2 cups boiling water			4 cups white flour

2 Tbsp. melted shortening or cooking oil

Combine rolled oats, All Bran, salt and brown sugar. Add boiling 

water and melted shortening. Cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast 

in warm water to which 1 tsp. sugar has been added. Stir yeast 

mixture into first mixture and beat well.  Stir in flours.  

Combine well and place dough on floured board.  Allow to rise 

for 10 minutes, to develop gluten.  Knead well, place in greased 

bowl and let rise until double (approx. 1 1/2 - 2 hours.) Bake 

at 350 degrees for 1 hour.  Yield - 2 loaves.


RYE BROT (Rye Bread)			Mercedes Bowers

				Irene Fitz, Florence Genzen

1 cup white flour			2 pkg. yeast

1 cup Bran Buds or Raisin Bran	6 Tbsp. lard

3 cups rye graham flour			6 cups warm water

2 tsp. salt				Flour as needed

1/4 cup sugar

Dissolve yeast in warm water in which sugar has been dissolved.  

Add lard, salt, bran, flours and remaining water.  Combine well.  

Add flour as needed to make a soft dough.  Allow to rise until 

double.  Punch down and shape into loaves. Let rise and bake in 

350 degree oven for about 1 hour. The bran gives this bread a 

nutty, sweet flavor and is good fiber (bulk) in the diet.



3 1/2 cups milk				1/2 cup mashed potatoes

6 Tbsp. sugar				2 pkgs. dry yeast

6 Tbsp. butter				1/2 cup lukewarm water

2 tsp. salt				10 cups white flour

Scald milk; add sugar, butter, salt and mashed potatoes. Cool.  

Dissolve yeast in water and add to the above. Add flour slowly 

and beat well.  Knead until it forms a smooth ball. Cover and 

allow to rise until double.  Punch down once and let rise again.  

Divide into 3 parts and let rest for 10 minutes.  Form 3 loaves.  

Sprinkle greased bread pans with cornmeal.  Bake at 350 for 

40-45 minutes.

		"Salz und brot macht die backen rot,"

	      Salt and bread make the cheeks red,


TENDERCRUST BUNS			Dorothy Mohr, Amanda Lamp

2 pkgs. yeast				1/2 cup sugar

3/4 cup warm water			2 eggs, well beaten

1 tsp. sugar				1 tsp. salt

2 cups lukewarm water			8 cups flour

1/4 cup melted butter

Dissolve yeast in 3/4 cup lukewarm water with 1 tsp. sugar.  

Combine 2 cups lukewarm water, the butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 

eggs and salt.  Add 2 cups flour and mix well.  Add yeast 

mixture and beat until smooth.  Add another 6 cups flour 

and knead until smooth.  Cover and let rise until double.  

Form into balls and place in pan.  Brush with melted butter.  

Cover and allow to rise until double.  Bake 15 minutes at 

400 degrees or until nicely browned.

Variation:	Use as a coffee cake dough by adding 3/4 cup 

raisins to the dough and sprinkling 1/2 cup brown sugar 

mixed with 1 tsp. cinnamon over the top.

Yield: 48 buns or four 8 inch coffee cakes.



1 1/2 cups hot water			2 eggs

1 1/2 tsp. salt				2 pkg. yeast

3/4 cup sugar				3 cups flour

5 Tbsp. butter				10 cups flour or less

1 1/2 cups warm water

Combine hot water, salt, sugar and butter. Cool. Combine 

warm water, eggs, yeast and 3 cups flour.  Add mixture 

one and mixture two and beat very hard.  Add rest of flour 

as needed until correct consistency.  Put in covered bowl 

and grease top of dough.  Allow to rise until double in bulk.  

Punch down and set in the refrigerator.  Punch down when 

needed.  Will keep at least 4 days in the refreigerator.  

Take out as needed, but keep top greased.  Allow rolls to 

rise more than double before baking.


BROTCHEN (Hard Rolls)

1 pkg. yeast				2 Tbsp. shortening 

1/4 cup warm water 			1 cup warm water 

2 tsp. sugar  				1 egg white, stiffly beaten 	

1/2 tsp. salt				4 cups flour, approx 


Combine yeast and 1/4 cup warm water in cup.  Combine sugar, 

salt, shortening and warm water in bowl.  Add yeast mixture 

to the sugar mixture.  Add the stiffly beaten egg white.  

Stir in flour as needed.  Knead until right consistency.  

Put in greased bowl.  Punch down twice.  Divide into 10-12 

pieces, form into balls and place on greased baking pan.  

Flatten them down and let rise.  Bake at 450 degrees for 

20 minutes or longer.  To get the hard crust, place pan 

with boiling water in bottom of oven while baking.



1 tsp. dry yeast				1/2 cup shortening

3 cups warm water				1 Tbsp. salt

1 cup sugar					8 cups flour

2 eggs

Combine dough, using standard bread technique at 5 p.m. 

Punch down every hour until 10 p.m. Shape into loaves or 

rolls.  Cover and let rise at room temperature on counter 

overnight.  Next morning bake at 350-375 degrees for 

15 minutes for rolls or 45 minutes for bread.


Add 1 cup raisins to the other ingredients.  Add 2 tsp. sugar 

and 1 tsp. cinnamon to the rolled out dough. (No butter.)

It is also possible to put this dough in the refrigerator 

after 3-4 punchings and form into loaves in the morning.


PFANNKUCHEN (Dessert Pancakes)

Very delicious: served at the famous Tesche Restaurant in Rendsberg.

6 eggs, separated			4-5 apples

2 Tbsp. sugar				1/4 cup milk

1/2 cup flour				1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 cup melted butter			1/2 tsp. salt

Beat egg yolks, add 2 Tbsp. sugar and beat well.  Add melted 

butter, milk, salt, flour and baking powder.  Beat egg whites 

and fold Into the above mixture.  Peel and slice half the 

apples Into a pan and saute with butter.  Pour half of the 

batter over the apples and fry both sides of the pancake.  

Sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar; cut and serve.  Repeat with 

the second half of the apples and remaining batter.

May use plums instead of apples.  May top with sour cream.

If you have two large pans, you are able to cook this all 

at one time. This really works best.


BREAD PUDDING (Old, old recipe)

Fill a greased roaster half full of old cubed bread.  

Mix in some raisins.  Combine several eggs, some sugar 

and some milk to soak the mixture.  Bake one hour.

If you need more precise instructions, try the following:

WEISSBROT PUDDING (White Bread Pudding)    Selma Dalgety

2 cups milk, scalded			1 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 to 1/2 cup butter			1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

3-4 eggs				3-4 cups dried bread cubes

1/2 cup sugar				1/2 cup raisins

1/2 tsp. salt

Put bread cubes and raisins in greased baking dish first.  

Cover with milk mixture (all the other ingredients which 

have been combined first.) Set baking dish in another pan 

of hot water.  Bake 40-45 minutes or until knife comes out clean.


RAISIN PUDDING				Gertie Dammann from Dora Dammann

1 cup flour				1 cup raisins

3/4 cup sugar				2 cups boiling water

2 tsp. baking powder			1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup milk				1 Tbsp. butter

Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, milk and raisins.  

Put into well greased baking dish.  Cover with a combination 

of the boiling water, brown sugar and butter.  Bake for 

30 minutes at 325.  Good for supper or anytime.

"Kaffee und die liebe schmecken am besten wenn sie heiss sind,"

			Coffee and love are best hot.



4 eggs					1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups hot milk				1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 cup sugar				2 cups cooked rice

1 Tbsp. butter				1/3 cup raisins

Combine all ingredients and pour into greased pan or 

baking dish.  Bake at 325 degrees for one hour.  May set 

pan in another pan of hot water to bake.


APFEL STRUDEL (Apple Strudel)		Edna Kaspersen

1 1/2 cups flour			5 cups apples

1/2 cup flour				1/2 cup sugar

1/8 tsp. salt				3 Tbsp. tapioca

1/2 cup butter				2/3 tsp. cinnamon

Combine the flour, 1/2 cup sugar, salt and butter until 

crumbs are like pie crust.  Peel and slice apples. Combine 

apples, 1/2 cup sugar, tapioca and cinnamon.  Reserving 3/4 

cup crumbs, press remaining crumbs in 8 or 9 inch square pan.  

Pour apple mixture over crumbs.  Sprinkle reserved 3/4 cup 

crumbs over top and bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes.

Serve warm or cold with schiagsahne (whipped cream) or 

with ice cream.


APPLE DUMPLING				Louise Zubrod

2 cups sugar				1 tsp. salt

2 cups water				2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 -tsp. cinnamon			3/4 cup shortening

1/4 tsp. nutmeg				1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup butter				3-4 sliced apples

2 cups flour

Combine sugar, water, cinnamon, nutmeg and butter.  Pour 

into a 9 x 13 inch cake pan.  Combine flour, salt and 

baking powder. Cut In the shortening; add milk.  Roll 

out to 1/4 inch thick.  Spread the sliced apples onto the 

dough. Dot with butter. Sprinkle with a little sugar and 

cinnamon. Roll up like a jelly roll, slice and place the 

dumplings on top of the syrup in the pan. Bake at 350 

degrees for 45 minutes.


APFELKLOSSE             		Alvina Klocke

2 cups flour 				4 cups apples, peeled, sliced

1/2 cup sugar 				1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. baking powder 			1/4 cup flour 

1/2 tsp. salt 				1 tsp. cinnamon 

1 cup butter				1/4 tsp. nutmeg 

2 beaten egg yolks			2 egg whites, slightly beaten


Combine 2 cups flour, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp. salt and 

baking powder. Cut in butter as for pie crust. Add egg 

yolks. Press half in the bottom of a jelly roll pan 

10 x 15 inch.  Combine apples, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/4 cup 

flour, cinnamon and nutmeg.  Spread over the bottom 

crust.  Crumble remaining crust over the filling.  

Brush with egg whites.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 




2 cups flour				2 Tbsp. melted butter

1 egg					1 jigger rum

2 tsp. sugar				Warm water

Pinch of salt

It works best to make this batter several hours before 

using. Combine all Ingredients, using enough warm water 

to form a creamy batter. Allow to cool.

When ready to fry, heat fat.  Dip slices of apple, banana, 

pineapple or other fruit In this batter.  Fry in deep fat 

until golden brown.

Same batter may be used for vegetables, meat or fish; 

however, sugar and rum should be omitted.



4 rolls					2 tsp. sugar

4 Tbsp. flour				1 pound cherries

2 eggs					Butter or fat

1 cup milk					Cinnamon and sugar

Soak rolls in cold water. Squeeze dry and break up. 

Combine flour, eggs, milk and sugar and add to the rolls.  

Pit the cherries and fold into the batter.  Drop by 

spoonfuls in the hot fat to saute.

Serve with sugar and cinnamon.

"Wer nicht liebt wein, weib und gesang, der bleiht ein 

narr sein lehanlang"

Whoever doesn't like wine, woman and song remains a fool

his whole life long.


WINDBEUTEL (Cream Puffs)		Darlene Vollstedt

Ingredients in German			Ingredients in English

1/2 tasse wasser			1/2 cup water

1/4 tasse butter			1/4 cup margarine

1/2 tasse mehl				1/2 cup flour

1/4 teelveffel salz			1/4 tsp. salt

2 eier					2 eggs

Bring water to boil; add butter. Turn heat down; add 

flour and salt all at once.  Stir until dough leaves 

the sides of the pan.  Remove from the heat and beat 

in the eggs one at a time. Beat the dough for TWO MINUTES.* 

With 2 wet spoons, heap dough onto a greased and lightly 

floured baking sheet.  Set puffs 2 1/2 inches apart.  Bake 

at 450 for 12 minutes.  Reduce heat to 375 and bake an 

additional 30 minutes.  Remove to a wire rack and cool.  

Slice top loose and fill with pudding or whipped cream.  

Dust with powdered sugar.  Makes 8.

*At this point, the dough may be kept in the refrigerator 

or ice shrank for one-two days.


RHUBARB TAPIOCA				Blanche Grelck

3 cups rhubarb, washed and cut

1 cup sugar

1 1/4 cups boiling water

1/2 tsp. salt

1/3 cup Minute Tapioca

Sprinkle the diced rhubarb with the sugar.  Allow to stand.  

Pour the boiling water and salt in the top of a double 

boiler.  Add the, tapioca and cook until all the water 

is absorbed.  Add the rhubarb-sugar mixture and cook until 

the tapioca is clear and the rhubarb is soft.  Cool and 

serve with whipped cream.


OBSTAUFLAUF (Fruit Pudding) 		Mrs. Ed Stuhr

2 cups milk

1/4 cup sugar

Pinch cinnamon

Lemon or vanilla flavoring

1 loaf bread

1 pound fruit such as apples, rhubarb, cherries or 


Combine first four ingredients. Slice bread. In a 

greased baking dish, arrange alternate layers of the 

bread and fruit.  Pour the milk over the pudding and 

allow the bread to absorb the milk.  Bake at 375 for 

30 minutes.


KAISERSCHMARREN (Scrambled Pancakes) Burkhart Tesche

2 Tbsp. butter 				2 cups flour 

2 Tbsp. sugar 				1 cup milk or cream 

4 eggs, separated 			Another 2 Tbsp. butter 

1 pinch salt

Cream 2 Tbsp. butter until frothy. Slowly add, one at 

a time, the sugar, egg yolks, salt, flour and milk.  

Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into the batter.  

Melt the butter and fry the batter golden brown on both 

sides.  Using a knife and fork or two forks, chop up 

the pancake.  Turn onto hot platter and sprinkle with 

sugar and cinnamon.  Garnish with pieces of fruit, such 

as apples or cherries which have been sauteed in butter.  

For a different taste, garnish with raisins or strawberries.

	"Funf finger fassen mehr als zwei gabeln"

	  Five finaers hold more than two forks.



Groten Hans Is perhaps one of the most popular dishes 

that has survived to this day from the Schleswig-Holstein 

area.  Each family has his own favorite recipe.  The 

batter for the dumpling is poured into a wet cloth and 

tied, or steamed In a greased molded steamer.  It may be 

served with ham, gooseberry, raisin, prune or lemon sauce.

This recipe comes from Bernice Nielson, Mild& Peters, 

Arla Dammann, Linda Ahrendsen and Florence Karsten.

4 egg yolks, beaten 			1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup sugar 				1 3/4 cup milk or more 

1/2 cup melted butter 			1 tsp. vanilla 

4 cups flour 				1 cup raisins 

1 tsp. baking powder 			4 beaten egg whites

1/2 tsp. nutmeg	

Combine egg yolks, sugar and melted butter. Sift together 

the dry Ingredients and add alternately to the egg yolks 

with the milk.  Add vanilla and raisins and fold In the 

beaten egg whites.  Turn Into cloth or steamer and steam

2-3 hours or until firm.  ENJOY ...


BIG HANS (Big Dumpling)			Shirley McCollum

			 from Grandmother Mrs. John Peters

8-10 slices dry bread			1 Tbsp. butter

2 1/2 cups milk				1/2 cup raisins

4 beaten eggs				2 tsp. baking powder

Flour to make a stiff dough like cake dough.

Soak bread in the milk. Add remaining ingredients. Put in 

a cloth, tie and immerse in a kettle of boiling water.  

Cook 2 1/2 hours or until it springs back when you touch 

the cloth.  Serve with the following sauce:

HOT SAUCE - 1 cup

1/2 cup sugar                		1/8 tsp. salt

11/2 Tbsp. cornstarch                 	1 1/2 cups boiling water

Boil until thick and clear, stirring constantly. Remove 

from heat and add 1 Tbsp. butter. May add 1 Tbsp. lemon 

juice and 1 tsp. lemon rind OR l 1/2 tsp. vanilla OR 

1/8 tsp. nutmeg OR 6 Tbsp. sweet red wine OR cooked raisins, 

cherries or prunes. 


SWATEN GROTEN HANS			Alta Hansen from Mary Wiese

3/4 cup melted lard			1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup sour cream			Flour enough to thicken

I cup fresh pork blood			(like cake batter)

1/2 cup raisins				Apple slices

Combine ingredients and steam	for 2-3 hours or until done. 

Serve with a sauce of:

1/2 cup raisins

2 peeled and sliced apples

2 cups water

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. cornstarch

To make sauce: Combine cornstarch with sugar. Add water and 

stir to combine. Add fruit and boil until sauce is thickened.


LAVA MUHLBUDLE          		Alice Lohmeier Grau

Alice's grandmother, a pioneer widow served this nourishing 

"rib sticking" dish in her sod home to her 10 children.

3 cups ground pork liver 		2 1/2 cups white flour 

1 cup cracklings 			2 tsp. baking powder 

1 cup ground fresh bacon 		1 tsp. salt 

4 eggs					2 tsp. cinnamon 

1 1/2 cups milk 			1 tsp. allspice 

2 cups oatmeal				1/2 tsp. cloves

Combine well; pour into a wet heavy cloth.  Bring up the 

four corners and tie.  Drop into a washboller of boiling 

salted water and boll for 2 hours.  To serve - Slice and 

fry and serve with black strap molasses.


GRAHAM STEAMED PUDDING   		Ila Grimm         

1/4 cup butter 				3/4 cup raisins (or less) 

1/2 cup milk 				1 tsp. soda

1/2 cup molasses			1 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups graham flour			1 egg

Steam for 2 hours in either a steamer or in a greased 

coffee can.  Eat with the following sauce:

1 1/2 cups water			1 egg

1/2 cup sugar				1 Tbsp. butter

1 Tbsp. cornstarch			Vanilla

Combine sugar with cornstarch.  Add remaining ingredients 

and cook until thickened and clear.  Serve warm over the 

graham pudding.


WEIHNACHTS PUDDING (Christmas Pudding) Mrs. Fred Spies

1 cup finely chopped suet		1/2 tsp. allspice

1 cup fine dry bread crumbs 		1 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup dark corn syrup       		3/4 cup milk

2 eggs, beaten                		1 cup seedless raisins 

2 cups sifted flour               	l/2 cup currants 

1/2 tsp. salt            		1/2 cup chopped apple 

2 tsp. baking powder      		1/2 cup chopped dates 

1/4 tsp. baking soda             	1 cup candied mixed fruit 

1/2 cup sugar         			1/4 CUP Chopped walnuts or 

1/2 tsp. nutmeg                     	blanched almonds

Combine suet and crumbs; add syrup and eggs; blend. Sift dry 

ingredients and add to the first mixture alternately with the 

milk. Add fruits and nuts. Fill a well-greased 1 1/2 quart 

mold two-thirds full.  Cover tightly.  Steam for 2 1/2 hours.  

Serve hot with hard sauce.  Serves 8-10.


Beat 1/2 cup soft butter until fluffy; beat in 2 cups of 

powdered sugar, 1 tsp. rum extract, 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg 

and a dash of salt. Chill before serving.                                                               88


FORTCHEN (Fritters) 			The Bunz Family 

	(Elke translated this from the original German recipe)

1 pkg. dry yeast			1/2 cup butter

1/2 tsp. sugar				3 eggs, separated

1/4 cup lukewarm water			2 1/4 cups flour

1 1/2 cups milk, warm			1 cup raisins,

1/3 cup sugar				washed and drained

Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm water.  Beat in the 

warm milk.  Reserve 1/3 of the above mixture.  Add flour, 

sugar, butter and raisins.  Beat yolks and add to the 

reserved milk mixture.  Combine flour mixture with egg 

yolk mixture.  Beat egg whites and fold in carefully.  

Allow to rise for one hour.  Fry in fortchen skillet or 

drop by teaspoonfuls into hot fat; fry until golden brown.  

Serve warm with sugar or jelly.


FRUIT FRITTERS				Wallie Wilke

2/3 cup flour         			4 Tbsp. melted butter 

3/4 tsp. baking powder    		2 eggs, separated

1/4 tsp. salt        			1/2 tsp. vanilla or Cognac

1/4 cup white wine       

Combine all ingredients, adding beaten egg whites last.  

Then stir in sugared fruit such as apples, peaches, apricots, 

cherries or bananas.  Drop by spoonfuls into hot fat. Fry.  

Drain and sift with powdered sugar or granulated sugar.

"Auch der tod ist nicht umsonst er kostet das leben,"

Even death isn't free of charge, it costs us our life.


FUDGINS (Fritters)			Dorothy Rowedder

					Darlene Schrum

1 pkg. dry yeast			2 cups milk, scalded and cooled

1 tsp. salt				2 Tbsp. butter

1/2 cup warm water			1 cup raisins, cooked

3 eggs, beaten				and drained

1 cup sugar				4-4 1/2 cups flour

Dissolve sugar and yeast in water.  Allow to stand for 10 minutes.  

Add eggs, sugar, milk and butter.  Stir in raisins and flour.  

Let rise, stir down and let rise again.  Drop by teaspoonfuls 

into hot fat or "fudgin" pan.  Fry until golden brown.  Then drain 

and roll in sugar while warm.



FUDGINS (Fritters)			Edna Kaspersen

1 pkg. dry yeast			5 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 cup warm water			5 eggs

6 1/2 cups flour			1 cup raisins

3 1/2 cups milk				1 tsp. cardamom

I Tbsp. butter				1/2 tsp. nutmeg

1 Tbsp. salt

Dissolve yeast In the warm water.  Add 1 cup flour (enough 

to make a sponge); set In warm place.  Scald 3 cups milk; 

thicken with 1/2 cup flour dissolved in 1/2 cup cold milk.  

Remove from fire.  Add butter, salt and sugar.  Cool until 

lukewarm and add eggs, one at a time.  Add the sponge to this 

mixture.  Add raisins, cardamom and nutmeg.  Lastly add 5 cups 

flour.  Set aside In warm place and allow to rise until almost 

double in size.  Stir down once or twice, as time permits, and 

then drop by teaspoon into hot fat.  Drain and roll in sugar 

while warm.


BRANDIED FRUIT CAKE          		Mrs. Jurgen Hinz

					Eldora Hofvander

1/2 pound butter			1/2 tsp. mace

1 1/4 cups sugar			1/4 pound chopped walnuts

5 large eggs				1/4 pound chopped Brazil nuts

1/2 cup white syrup			1/4 pound chopped pecans

1/2 cup brandy				1 cup seeded raisins

2 1/3 cups flour			1 cup light raisins

1 tsp. soda				1/2 pound candied pineapple

1/2 tsp. cinnamon			1/2 pound candied cherries

1/2 tsp. cloves				1/2 pound chopped dates

1/2 tsp. nutmeg				3/4 pound fruit cake mix

Combine fruit and nuts	with half of the flour.  Cream butter 

and sugar, add eggs one at a time and beat well.  Add brandy 

and syrup.  Pour mixture over the floured	fruits and nuts.  

Combine spices with remaining flour and add. Combine all 

together well.  Line bottom of pans with waxed paper only, 

no grease. 

Bake in large bread pans 2 1/2-3 hours at 250 

degrees and small bread pans for approx. 1 1/2 hours. 

Remove from oven and let sit in pan 30-45 min. Then pour 

brandy on top of cakes.

Use 1/4 cup brandy on a large loaf and less on the small ones.  

Let cool thoroughly.  Wrap and store in freezer to eat and enjoy.

"Gabratene tauben fliegen keinem ins maul,"

Roasted doves don't simply fly into your mouth 


Nobody Aets something for nothing.

			93 and 94

GERMAN FRUITCAKE 			Dorothea Musfeldt

3/4 cup butter, softened 		1/2 tsp. nutmeg

2 cups sugar 				1 cup buttermilk 

4 eggs, beaten 				3/4 cup cherry preserves 

1 tsp. soda 				3/4 cup apricot preserves 

1 tsp. cinnamon   			1 tsp. vanilla flavoring

1 cup chopped nuts (A combination of 1/3 pecans, 

English walnuts and black walnuts is good.)

Combine all ingredients except for the nuts. Beat at 

medium-high speed	for 3 minutes.  Fold in the nuts.  

Pour into a greased and floured bundt pan. Bake at 

325 degrees for approx. 90 minutes or until cake tests done.

Note:	If your bundt pan has a teflon lining it may be 

necessary to bake your cake at 300 degrees or less.


FRAHM FRUIT CAKE (Soft)             	Lois Frahm

			  from the Herb Frahm family

1 cup shortening (1/2 butter and 1/2 lard)

1 cup sugar				1 pkg. candied orange peel

1 cup syrup				1 pkg. candied lemon peel

3 eggs					1 pkg. candied citron

1 cup coffee				1 cup chopped raisins

7 cups flour				1 cup chopped currants

1 tsp. soda				1 cup chopped dates

1/2 tsp. cinnamon			1 cup chopped nuts

1/2 tsp. cloves				1/2 cup maraschino cherries

1/2 tsp. allspice			(not drained)

1/2 tsp. nutmeg				1/2 cup fresh white grapes

1/2 cup wine

Combine peels, fruits and nuts with the wine and allow to 

soak overnight.  Combine cake ingredients'using standard 

methods. Combine the batter with the soaked fruit-nut mixture.  

Put in a very large greased angel food pan and bake at 250 

degrees for 3-4 hours.  May use a smaller pan and not bake as 

long.  This is a lighter textured fruit cake.	



1 cup shortening     			1/2 tsp. cloves

2 cups white sugar   			1/2 tsp. salt

1 egg                     		1 cup raisins

1 rounded tsp. soda     		2 cups chopped dates 

2 cups applesauce      			2 cups chopped nuts

4 cups flour      			1/2 pound cut up gum drops

1 tsp. baking powder 			8 oz. candied fruit

1 tsp. cinnamon

Cream the shortening and sugars. Add the egg. Dissolve soda 

in the applesauce and add alternately with the sifted dry 

ingredients.  Add the nuts and fruit and pour into greased 

and floured loaf pans.  Bake in a slow oven for 1 1/2 hours.


STREUSELKUCHEN (Crumb Cake)		Maxine Becker Strecker

1/2 cup + 3 Tbsp. butter		Pinch of salt

1 cup sugar				2 1/2 cups sifted flour

2 eggs					2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. vanilla extract			Grated peel of 1/2 lemon

Combine and cream sugar and butter. Add eggs and mix.  

Add flavorings and sifted dry ingredients.  Pour into 

9 x 13 inch pan or 9 Inch springform pan that has been 

greased and floured.


1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp. butter    		1/2 tsp. lemon or vanilla

2/3 cup sugar 				1 tsp. cinnamon 

1 3/4 cups flour

Combine all ingredients using two forks until loose and crumbly.

Sprinkle over batter and bake at 375 for 50 minutes.


ORANGENKUCHEN (Orange Cake)		Mrs. Ed Stuhr

1 cup plus 3 Tbsp. butter		1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 1/4 cups sugar			1 1/2 cups flour

4 egg yolks				1/2 cup cornstarch

3 whole eggs				1 cup blanched almonds

Pinch of salt				(finely ground)

3 Tbsp. orange liqueur

1 Tbsp. frozen conc. orange juice

Grated rind of 2 oranges and of 1 lemon

l/2 cup chopped candied orange peel

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease and flour a 14 x 4 1/2 

inch loaf pan.  Cream butter and sugar.  Add eggs. Sift 

together the flour and cornstarch.  Add flour alternately 

with the wet ingredients to the creamed mixture.  Lastly, 

add the almonds and candied orange peel. Pour into prepared 

pan.  Bake for 70 minutes.  Cool in pan for 10 minutes 

before unmolding onto cake rack.


SOUR CREAM COFFEE CAKE         		Joleen Muhlbauer

					Cynthia Genzen

1/2 cup butter 				2 cups sifted flour

1 cup sugar 				1 tsp. soda 

2 eggs             			1 tsp. baking powder 

1 cup sour cream 			1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs 

one at a time and beat well.  Add dry ingredients alternately 

with the sour cream.  Stir in the vanilla.

FILLING AND TOPPING: Combine 1/3 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup 

white sugar, 1/2 cup chopped nuts and 1 tsp. cinnamon.

Grease and flour 9 x 13 inch cake pan. Pour half the batter 

into the pan.  Top with 1/2 the crumbs.  Repeat the batter and 

crumb layers.  Bake for 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees.


KUCHEN					Katherina M6eller, Germany

5 cups flour				1 tsp. grated lemon rind

1/2 tsp. salt				4 beaten eggs

3/4 cup sugar				1 cup milk

6 ounces butter				1/2 pkg. dry yeast

Combine flour, salt and sugar.  Cut in the butter and the 

lemon rind. Add eggs, milk and yeast. Spread into round 

ovenproof pan.  Fill lined pan with peeled sliced fruit, 

such as plums, apples, or peaches.  Sprinkle generously 

with sugar and cinnamon.  Dot with butter.  Bake at 425 

degrees for 25 minutes.


PFLAUMENKUCHEN (Plum Cake)        	Katherina M6eller, Germany

2 cups flour           			1 egg

1/4 pound butter ( 1/2 cup) 		Pinch of salt

1/2 cup sugar				1 tsp. baking powder

Combine all the above and knead until a supple dough.  

Roll out and place in a 10 inch greased flan pan.  

Pit 2 pounds plums.  Quarter or slice the plums and 

arrange in a circle on the dough.  Sprinkle with a 

combination of 3/4 cup sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1/3 cup 

chopped almonds (or less). Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes.

Variations:	May also use apples or peaches. With apples, 

top with combination of 1 cup sour cream, 2 beaten eggs 

and 1/3 cup powdered sugar; or you may top with a meringue 

of 2 egg whites and 8 Tbsp. sugar.  Top with the meringue 

after baking and return to oven to brown.


APFEL KUCHEN				Mrs. Charley Gruhn

1/2 cup sugar				1 Tbsp. butter

2 cups flour				1 cup milk

1 Tbsp. baking soda			1 beaten egg

1/2 tsp. salt                       	2 1/2 cups sliced apples

Combine cake ingredients using standard techniques. Put 

in a 9 x 13 Inch pan which has been greased and floured.  

Arrange apples over the top.  Sprinkle with a combination 

of 2/3 cup sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon.  Drizzle 1 cup cream 

over the top.  Bake at 375 for 10 minutes and then reduce 

oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake for an additional 

30 minutes.

	"Dreitageger gas ist ist eine last"

	After three days a guest becomes a burden.


WEIHNACHTS STOLLEN                   	Mrs. Ted Hansen

11 cups sifted flour 			1/2 tsp. nutmeg

2 cups milk                         	1 Tbsp. grated lemon peel 

1 1/4 cups melted butter          	3 Tbsp. lemon juice 

6 eggs					1 Tbsp.cognac 

1 pound seedless raisins 		1/4 pound chopped

1 pound currants 			blanched almonds 

3/4 cup sugar            		1/2 pound chopped citron 

1/2 tsp. mace 				1/2 tsp. salt 

2 pkgs. yeast				1/2 cup warm water


Dissolve yeast in the warm water.  Combine other ingredients 

in this order - flour, milk, melted butter, eggs, raisins, 

currants, sugar, spices, peel, lemon juice, cognac, nuts, 

citron, salt and dissolved yeast.  Raisins and currants 

should be soaked and plumped.  Dough will be stiff.  Fold 

dough until it is well mixed and smooth.  Cover bowl and let 

sit in a warm place for 12 hours.  Turn out onto floured 

board and knead.  Place in 2 greased pans and let rise 

until double.  Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.  When still 

warm, spread with 1/4 cup melted butter, drizzle with 2 Tbsp. 

cognac and sift with 1/2 cup powdered sugar. 


NUT CRACKER SWEET TORTE         	Marcy Ehlers

6 eggs, separated         		1 1/4 tsp. baking powder 

1/2 cup sugar          			1 tsp. cinnamon 

2 Tbsp. vegetable oil 			1/2 tsp. cloves 

1 Tbsp. rum flavoring 			1 cup graham cracker 

1/2 cup sugar 				crumbs (fine)  

1/4 cup flour                      	1 square unsweetened  

1 cup finely chopped nuts            	chocolate (grated) 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line bottoms of two 8-9 

inch round layer pans with aluminum foil.  Beat egg 

whites until foamy.  Beat in the sugar (1 Tbsp. at a time) 

until stiff and glossy.  Beat egg yolks, oil and rum 

flavoring in a small bowl.  Add 1/2 cup sugar, flour, 

2 cups whipping cream, 1/2 cup powdered sugar and 2 tsp. 

rum flavor' ing.  Whip cream and add sugar and rum.  

Decorate with chocolate curls.  Chill for 7 hours or 

more for flavors to mellow. 


DRECHTER KUCHA (Funnel Cakes)		Kathy Volistedt

2 eggs					1 tsp. baking powder

1 1/2 cups milk				1/2 tsp. salt

2 cups flour (more or less)

Combine all ingredients.  Pour slowly into hot fat through 

a funnel or using a pitcher and making fancy designs while 

pouring.  Drain on paper towels when golden.  Sprinkle with 

powdered sugar.


GERTA'S BROCHEN				Gerta Krabbenhoft, Germany

1/2 pound flour (2 cups)		Salt

1/2 pound quark (dry cottage cheese)

1 egg, beaten				1/2 cup sugar

1 Tbsp. margarine			1 tsp. baking powder

Sift together flour, salt, sugar and baking powder.  Add 

the quark, beaten egg and margarine.

Knead and form into 8 rolls. Top with cream to glaze.  

Bake at 360 degrees for 15 minutes.



1/2 cup butter or lard			1 tsp. baking powder

3/4 cup sugar				1 tsp. cinnamon

2 eggs					Pinch cloves

3/4 cup candied orange or lemon peel (chopped)

3/4 cup honey                       	1 tsp. rum flavoring

4 cups flour                        	1 cup chopped almonds

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and beat well. Add orange 

or lemon peel, honey, baking powder and flour. Lastly stir 

in the spices, rum flavoring and chopped almonds. Knead into 

a smooth dough.  Place in greased jelly roll pan (10 x 15 inch) 

and press or roll even.  Bake at 350 degrees until brown 

(approx. 20 minutes.) While still hot spread on the 

icing and cut.


1	cup powdered sugar           	2 egg whites

1	tsp. lemon juice

Mix and beat hard, using electric mixer if possible.  

Icing is nice and white and spreads well.


JAN HAGEL				Joelle Puck

1 cup sugar				1 egg yolk

1 cup butter				1 tsp. almond extract

2 cups flour (scant)			1/2 cup sliced almonds

Cream sugar and butter; add yolk and beat. Add flour; pat 

and spread very thin in jelly roll pan. Brush with slightly 

beaten egg whites.  Pat sliced almonds on top.  Bake at 

300 for 25 minutes.  Cut in diamond shape pieces. Remove 

from pan at once. Good with coffee or tea and a smile.


ISRAEL COOKIES				Luella Gruhn

				from Mrs. Hans Detlefsen

1 cup butter or oleo			4 egg whites

1/4 cup sugar				1 cup sugar

4 egg yolks				Vanilla and salt

3 cups flour				coconut or pecans (optional)

Cream butter and 1/4 cup sugar. Add egg yolks, then the flour.  

Roll out very thin and cut.  Place on lightly greased cookie 

sheet.  Then combine the following: 4 egg whites, beaten, 

1 cup sugar, salt and vanilla. Add some coconut or pecan 

pieces.  Put a dab on each cookie and bake in slow oven 

until light brown.



1 cup sugar				2 cups flour

3/4 cup shortening			2 tsp. soda

4 Tbsp. molasses			1 tsp. cinnamon

1 egg					1 tsp. ginger

Pinch of salt

Combine sugar,and shortening.  Add molasses and cream 

well.  Sift dry ingredients and add to the creamed mixture.  

Mix well.  Form into balls and roll in sugar.  

Do not flatten.  Bake.


GOLD COOKIES                         	Ida Wiese

2 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup butter

3 egg yolks, beaten

2 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. cream of tartar

1 tsp. soda

1/4 tsp. salt

Cream sugar and butter. Add egg yolks, then the sifted dry 

ingredients.  Make in little balls and bake in slow oven.



3/4 cup shortening			1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup brown sugar			1 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 cup molasses (Brer Rabbit Green Label)

1 egg					1/2 tsp. ginger

2 1/4 cups flour			1/4 tsp. cloves

2 tsp. soda

Cream shortening and brown sugar. Add molasses and egg 

and mix well.  Sift dry ingredients together and add to 

the first mixture.  Chill dough for 1 hour or more.  

Roll into balls.  Dip the tops in sugar.  Place 2 1/2 

inches apart on a cookie sheet.  Bake at 375 degrees 

for 10-12 minutes.  Makes 4 dozen cookies.


DARK PEPPERNUTS				Betty Andresen

			Katie Petersen, Dorothy Rowedder

1 cup lard				2 eggs

1 cup white sugar			1 tsp. soda

1 cup dark syrup			1 tsp. anise oil

1 tsp. salt				5 cups flour

Combine the lard, white sugar, syrup and salt. Bring to 

boil.  Cool and add the eggs, soda and anise oil.  

Add the flour and mix well.  Roll in small rolls the 

diameter of a pencil.  Pinch off and bake.


WHITE PEPPERNUTS			Beverly Grundmeler

1 cup white syrup			1 tsp. soda 

1 cup sugar             		1 tsp. salt 

1 cup margarine or Crisco        	1/2 tsp. Cloves 

2 eggs                        		1/2 tsp. anise extract 

1 tsp. cinnamon                		5 cups flour

Combine syrup, sugar and margarine or Crisco and bring to boil.  

Boil one minute. Remove from heat and cool a little. Add eggs, 

soda and spices. Mix, then add the flour to make a stiff dough.  

Roll into strips the size of a pencil and chill until firm.  

Cut in small pieces and bake on a cookie sheet.  Bake at 350 for 

7-8 minutes.  Watch as they burn easily.  Makes a large batch.


Grandmother Peters' WHITE COOKIES     	Mrs. Jurgen Hinz

2 pounds white flour (4 cups)       	2 1/2-3 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 pound butter                      	1 1/2 tsp. lemon rind (approx.)       

1 pound sugar (2 1/4 cups)          	Pinch cardamom 

1/4 pound finely ground almonds     	1 tsp. baking ammonia

3 eggs

Combine all ingredients. Note-start with lesser amount of flour.  

Chill dough, roll, cut out and bake. Bake at 350 degrees for 

8-12 minutes.  Watch carefully.  Use ungreased cookie sheet.

May brush tops of cookies with slightly beaten egg white and 

sprinkle with pearl sugar or colored sugar before baking.


CHRISTMAS COOKIES			Rowedder family by

				    Verna Frahm and Lois Frahm

1 cup butter				1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup brown sugar			1/2 tSp. Cloves

1 cup white sugar			1/2 tsp. nutmeg

2 eggs					1 cup chopped nutmeats

3 cups flour				2 cups chopped raisins

1 tsp. salt				1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp. soda dissolved in 2 Tbsp. sour milk

Cream the butter and the sugars. Add the eggs and beat. 

Sift together the flour, salt and spices. Add the flour 

mixture alternately with the soda and sour milk to the 

creamed mixture.  Lastly add the nuts, raisins and vanilla.  

Roll into balls.  Bake at 325 degrees until done.



1 cup butter				1 tsp. crushed cardamom seeds

1 cup white sugar			3 cups flour

2 eggs					l tsp.soda

2 tbsp. cream				1 tsp. baking powder

1/8 tsp. salt

Combine ingredients well, Shape into balls and flatten with fork.  

Bake in slow oven.



1/2 cup butter				1/2 tsp. almond flavoring

1/2 cup margarine			2/3 cups finely chopped almonds

1/2 cup sugar

1 1/2 to 1 3/4 cups flour

Cream butter and sugar. Add flavoring, flour and nuts. Chill.  

Form into small crescents and bake in 350 degree oven until 

delicately browned. Cool and roll in,powdered sugar.


AMMONIA COOKIES              		Tena Arp

1 cup butter              		1 tsp. salt

2 cups sugar          			2 1/2 cups flour or more 

1 large tsp. ammonia-crushed 		1/2 cup chopped nuts 

1 tsp. vanilla         			1 egg white, beaten stiff

Combine and bake in a slow oven (300 degrees) until light brown.

Ammonia Cookies				Elaine Struve

1 cup Crisco        			1 egg white, beaten

2 cups sugar          			1 tsp. baking ammonia 

1 tsp. salt          			1 1/2 to 2 cups flour 

1/4 tsp. crushed cardamom seeds     Nuts (optional)


Cream shortening, sugar and salt. Add ammonia, cardamom 

and egg white.  Add the flour very gradually, after the 

first cup, to keep the dough sugary.  Pinch off small 

pieces and roll into ball shape.  Bake in a slow oven.


SCHMALZKUCHEN				Grandmother Peters

					Schleswig, Germany

1/2 cup schmalz* or butter		3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter				1 1/2 to 2 cups flour

1 tsp. powdered ammonia dissolved in 1 Tbsp. water

Coconut or a little chocolate may be added.

Combine and roll into balls and bake in a 350 degree oven 

for 10 minutes.

*Schmalz is the leaf lard pulled from the inside of the 

pork ribs or Gansfett (Goose Lard).

Another use for Gansfett or Schmalz. Pull the yellow 

solid fat from the inside of the goose and add to the 

clear fat drained from roasting the goose (or use leaf 

lard).  Heat until it is liquefied.  Add a quartered 

onion and one unpeeled, but sliced apple.  Cook until the 

onion is soft but not brown.  Strain all through a fine 

sieve.  Chill.  When solid again, the schmalz may be spread 

on dark bread as we do butter.  "Quark" (cream cheese or 

solid cottage cheese) may be spread over the schmaiz.                                                                121


FROSTED RAISIN CREMES        		Betty Flanagan

2 cups boiled raisins (save the juice)

1 cup raisin juice (add water if needed)

1 tsp. baking soda 			2 beaten eggs 

1 1/2 cups sugar 			2 tsp. cinnamon 

1 cup margarine 			1/8 tsp. salt 

3 1/2 cups flour			1 tsp. vanilla

Boil raisins 20 minutes; cool. Add soda to raisin juice.  

Add the rest of the ingredients.  Spread in thin layer in 

greased jelly roll pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 

minutes.  Frost while warm with 2 cups powdered sugar, 

1/4 cup margarine, 1/2 tsp. vanilla and hot water to make 

frosting consistency.



4 eggs					1 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. salt				2 1/2 cups milk

Combine ingredients; do not beat eggs very much.  

Cakes will be very thin.


2 beaten eggs				1 tsp. sugar

2 3/4 to 3 cups milk			1 tsp. salt

2 cups flour

Batter is thin, as are the pancakes.


FLENSJES (Very Thin Pancakes)		Judith Hackman

3/4 cup flour				2 cups milk

3 eggs					Powdered sugar

Pinch of salt

Place flour in mixing bowl. Make a well in the flour; 

beat the egg with the salt and pour Into the well. Mix 

thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Add the milk very gradually, 

stirring well.  Heat a 6-inch skillet; add a little lump 

of butter and grease the bottom.  Pour in a small quantity 

of batter.  Tip the skillet and let the batter spread out.  

Brown on one side only.  Sprinkle with powdered sugar, 

roll up with two forks, and place on a warm dish.  There 

are various ways of eating these fiensies.  If you bake 

them a day In advance, don't roll them up, but put layers 

of custard sauce in between.  Chill well and cut before 

serving.  May also spread with jam or marmalade.



2 1/4 cups coarsely shredded peeled potatoes 

1/2 cup sliced green onions 

1/3 cup flour 1 egg

1/2 tsp. salt

Pinch of pepper

Combine all ingredients. Heat 2 Tbsp. oil in a hot skillet.  

Pour batter (1/4 cup at a time) into the oil.  Spread to 

flatten.  Fry on one side, then flip to fry on second side.  

As a variation, you may add less onion and add some chopped 

apple instead.



1 cup flour				1/2 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp.sugar				1 egg

1 tsp. baking powder			1 1/4 cups buttermilk

1/2 tsp. baking soda			2 Tbsp. oil

Combine all ingredients and fry on greased skillet.


2 cups water				1 tsp. maple flavoring

1 cup white syrup			1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup brown sugar			Dash of almond flavoring

1 tsp. caramel flavoring

Combine water and sugars and boll for 5 minutes. Remove 

from heat and add the flavorings.



1 pound bacon, diced and browned, save the bacon grease 

1 1/2 cups chopped onion

3 pounds potatoes, scrubbed, not peeled, boiled, not too much

12 eggs                             	1 to 2 tsp. salt

3 Tbsp. milk 				1/4 tsp. pepper 

6 Tbsp. chopped parsley

Pour 1/3 cup bacon grease in a fry pan; add onions and 

cook until onions are transparent.  Add sliced potatoes 

and more grease if necessary.  Cook 10 minutes or until 

light brown.  Turn when necessary.  Add mixture of the eggs, 

milk, parsley, salt and pepper and diced cooked bacon.  

Cook without stirring 6-8 minutes so as to steam and set 

the eggs.  Shake pan to make sure the potatoes aren't 

sticking.  Serves 6.



3 cups corn meal         		4 quarts water

2 1/2 cups water 			1 heaping cup flour 

l/2 tsp. salt

Combine cornmeal and 2 1/2 cups water well. Add salt and 

rest of water.  Cook for 20 minutes.  Add flour and mix well.  

Simmer a bit.  Pour into bread pans and cool.  To serve, 

slice 1/4 inch thick and deep fry or pan fry until crisp.  

Serve with honey or maple syrup.


WASH DAY DINNER				Dorothy Schrum

5 eggs, beaten

1 cup milk

Dry bread crumbs or flour to make a thin batter

Line greased skillet with bacon slices.  Pour in the 

batter.  Top with more bacon slices.  Bake at 350 degrees 

for one hour.  Serve with apple mousse.		


		"Besser stumm als dumm,"

	Better to remain silent than to show you are stupid.


HEAD CHEESE  				Mrs. Jurgen Hinz

					Mrs. Wm. Jensen

Cook hogs head which has been cleaned and cut up. Boil 

in salted water until tender. Remove all the meat from 

the bones.  Reserve the water to cook grit.  Finely dice 

the cooked meat or grind the meat with several onions.  

Add salt, pepper, cloves, allspice and thyme.  Add only a 

very little of each or to taste.  May add sage.  Add 

vinegar - approximately 1/4 cup to 1 quart of ground meat.  

Combine well and put in a crock, colander or bowl.  Cover 

with a clean cloth and a plate.  Weight down the plate to 

press out the fat.  Chill.  Good sliced and served with 

rye bread.



GERMAN GRIT        			Annie Ewoldt

Many different recipes exist for this old favorite. 

Depending upon which area of Germany the family came 

from, ingredients could vary slightly, but the end 

result Is always a wonderful traditional dish.

Meat may be hog head, beef or pork heart or tongue, 

pork shoulder or ham bone with a bit of ham as available.

Boll the meat in salted water until well done.  

Save the meat to grind for head cheese.  To the 

juice (approx. 1 gallon) add 1/2 cup brown sugar, 

1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. nutmeg, 1/4 tsp. allspice, 

1/4 tsp. cloves and salt to taste, 4 pounds of steel 

cut oats and 2 cups raisins. Cook until thick - several 

hours - stirring often. Pour into bread pans or plastic 

containers in meal-size amounts.  May be frozen.  

To serve slice and fry to brown on both sides or heat 

in the microwave.  Serve with dark corn syrup.

*You may wish to use old fashioned rolled oats or barley 

grits or buckwheat grits in place of the steel cut oats.  

Some families add several handfuls of cracklings or of 

chopped meat to their grit. 


KNIP                         		  Linda Ahrendsen

1 hog head - 6 cups meat

Quick oatmeal - 6 cups


Allspice - 2 tsp.

Boll the hog head in salted water until tender. Grind the 

meat using both lean and some fat. Cook the oatmeal 

separately.  Proportions: Use 1 cup hog meat to 1 cup 

oatmeal until all the meat is used.  Add allspice and 

combine.  Refrigerate the mixture.  To serve, slice the 

knip, fry until brown.  Serve with syrup and bread.



Early March was usually butchering time for pork. The 

shoulders were trimmed of fat and cut in cubes.  

The cubes of meat were browned in the oven, then 

placed in jars and cold packed for later use.  It was 

always handy to have on hand in case of extra men or company.

The hams were soaked in a brine for 6 weeks, and then smoked.  

They were wrapped in newspapers and brown paper sacks and 

placed finally in burlap sacks.  These sacks were buried 

in the oats bin and pulled out when needed.  The bacon 

was either used as fresh "side pork" or smoked.

Many people also browned pork chops, side pork or pork 

patties, layered them in crocks and covered them with 

fresh rendered lard to use later.  The crocks of meat 

were stored in the basement, which was much cooler than 

our basements are nowadays.


LIVER SAUSAGE				Luella Gruhn

1 1/2 pounds uncooked liver		3/4 cup flour

1 1/2 pounds uncooked pork		6 Tbsp. margarine

Medium onion				3 1/2 cups milk

1 Tbsp. salt				3 eggs, beaten untill fluffy

1 tsp. pepper

Grind together at least 3 or 4 times the liver, pork and 

onion. Season with the salt and pepper.  Combine the flour, 

margarine, then the milk and cook like a gravy.  Allow to 

cool and add the three beaten eggs.  Add the liver, pork 

and onion mixture.  Combine well.  Fry a little in a pan 

and add additional salt or pepper as needed.  Pack in pint 

or halfpint jars, not too full.  Cold pack 11/2 to 2 hours.  



LIVERWURST				Mrs. August Ploog

					Ella Sonksen

1/2 pound salt				2 hog heads

2 1/2 ounces white pepper		2 livers

1/4 pound raisins			1 cheek fat

4 medium onions				3 pounds ground beef

Cook the meat, cool and	pick off the bone. Combine with 

the rest of the ingredients and stuff into casings, 

Cook for 15 minutes. Remove from the hot water and place 

in cold water. Cool for one day; then smoke for 4-5 hours.  

Store in cool place.  Makes 25 pounds of wurst.

		"Morgenstund hat gold im mund,"

	Up at an early hour puts money in your mouth

		as the early bird Aets the worm.


BLOOD PUDDING     			Mrs. Lena Kuhl

1/2 sieve flour

2 Tbsp. salt

1 tsp. allspice

11/4 cups milk

2 cups blood

2 Tbsp. sugar

2 Tbsp. syrup

3/4 cup melted lard

Combine all ingredients. Take a large square of heavy 

cloth, wet it and sprinkle the center with flour.  Put 

the cloth into a large colander and pour the pudding 

mixture into the cloth, bringing up the four corners 

loosely and tying with string.  Put into a large kettle 

of boiling water and cook approximately 11/2 hours or 

until firm.  Slice and serve with syrup.



1/4 cup sugar				1/4 tsp. cloves

2 1/2 cups oatmeal, soaked in		2 Tbsp. salt

1 1/2 cups boiling water		3/4 cup cracklings

3/4 cup raisins				2 cups blood

1 tsp. allspice				1/4 cup melted lard

Combine all ingredients.  Take a large square of heavy 

cloth, wet it and sprinkle the center with some flour.  

Put the cloth into a large colander and pour the pudding 

mixture into the cloth, bringing up the four corners 

loosely and tying with string.  Put into a big kettle 

of boiling water and cook for approximately 11/2 hours 

or until firm.  Slice and serve with syrup.


BLAUTWURST (Bloodwurst)			Mrs. Fred Spies

					Mrs. Albert Genzen

1 gallon fresh pork blood		1 cup cracklings

1 cup raisins				1/2 cup lard

1 cup flour				2 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups sugar			2 tsp. cinnamon

Catch fresh blood at butchering time. Catch in a crock 

and stir with a wooden spoon continuously until it is 

cool and won't clot.  Combine all ingredients and pour 

into casings (available at butcher shops) or sew sacks 

the size of large casings.  Mom used heavy sugar sack 

material.  Wet the cloth sacks and fill.  Tie shut.  

Drop in large kettle of boiling water and boil until 

firm - about 15-20 minutes or less.  Cool and refrigerate.  

To serve, slice and fry and serve with syrup.  Remove 

cloth sack before slicing.


BLOOD AND BARLEY        		  Pearl Dammann

Gallon fresh blood

3 Tbsp. salt

1 lb pounds jowl meat

1 box barley

Sage to taste

Catch blood while butchering. Add 3 Tbsp. salt per gallon 

of blood.  Stir continuously.  Cool and refrigerate overnight.  

Soak barley overnight and cook using jowl meat and barley.  

Add sage to taste.  


METTWURST				Mercedes Bowers

12 pounds ground pork

5 pounds ground beef

1/3 pound salt

3 Tbsp. sugar

1 Tbsp. salt petre

1 tsp. pepper

Combine all ingredients and knead at least 20 minutes.  

Store overnight In an enamel or glass container to cool 

and season.  Put into casings and smoke moderately.  

Simmer 20 minutes before using.



4 1/2 pounds lean meat, chop or grind 

6 cups apple cider 			1/2 pound mixed candied fruit 

3 cups cider vinegar 			2 Tbsp. cinnamon 

11 cups sugar 				1 Tbsp. cloves

8 1/2 pints ground tart apples 		1 Tbsp. nutmeg

2 cups chopped suet 			1 Tbsp. salt

2 cups seeded raisins 			Juice of 1 lemon

2 cups seedless raisins 		1 Tbsp. black pepper

2 cups currants

Combine all ingredients. Simmer one hour. Cool and can or 

freeze until ready to use. May add 1 cup cognac or whiskey.



1/2 cup raw horseradish, scraped and diced 

3/8 cup water 

3/8 cup white vinegar 

1 tsp. lemon juice

Grind horseradish and rest of the Ingredients.  

Store In refrigerator in a tightly sealed jar.


1 cup sour cream                     	1 tsp. sugar

1/3 cup horseradish                  	1/4 tsp. salt

1 medium apple, peeled and shredded 

1/2 tsp. lemon rind

Combine ingredients well. Cover and chill. 

Excellent with beef roast.


RAHMMARINADE (Sauce for salad, meat or vegetable)

1 tsp. prepared mustard			2 Tbsp. flour

1 tsp. salt				1 tsp. butter

Dash of pepper				1 beaten egg yolk

1 1/2 tsp. powdered sugar		1/3 cup vinegar

1/2 cup heavy cream, whipped

Combine all ingredients except the cream. Heat slowly 

and beat until thick.  Cool and add the whipped cream.

This is excellent served over any vegetable, meat or 

green salad. May vary the recipe by adding cheese, 

wine, lemon rind, onion, horseradish, orange juice 

or use your imagination.


SCHLAGSAHNE (Whipped Cream)

Ever wonder how the Germans get their real whipped 

cream to stand up on their beautiful tortes?

Over low heat dissolve 1/2 tsp. unflavored gelatin in 

1-2 tsp. water. Cool slightly, but still must remain 

liquid. Whip 1/2 pint cream. As the cream begins to 

stiffen, gradually add the dissolved gelatin. 

Add 2 Tbsp. powdered sugar and flavoring. Will keep 

one to two days in the refrigerator.


2 cups milk				Dash of vanilla

2 Tbsp. sugar				1 Tbsp. cornstarch or flour

Bring to a boil 1 cup of the milk, sugar and vanilla.  

Combine cornstarch with remaining cup of milk.  

Combine two mixtures and cook over moderate heat 

until clear, stirring constantly. Cool and chill 

overnight. Beat before using.



2 cups milk             		7 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. cornstarch			1 tsp. vanilla

4 egg yolks

1 tsp. vanilla

1 envelope gelatin dissolved in 1 cup cream - whipped

Combine sugar, cornstarch, milk and egg yolks. Heat until 

near boiling point. Remove from heat and stir until it 

thickens.  Fold in whipped cream and vanilla and chill.


HOMEMADESOAP                 		Luella Gruhn

1 - 8 ounce can lye

21/2 pints RAIN water (A MUST)

6 pounds grease

Heat the grease and strain. Measure and set aside to cool.  

Combine lye and water and stir slowly into the cooled but 

not congealed grease.  Use a granite dishpan or crock.  

Stir all the time while pouring lye and water mixture 

into the grease.  Use a wooden stick to stir. When mixture 

is about the color and consistency of honey, pour into wet 

towel lined boxes and allow to stand overnight or until 

hard enough to cut into squares. Keep from intense heat 

or cold till real dry.  Ripen several weeks before using.  

May add old perfume, 2 Tbsp.  Borax, oil of peppermint or 


We used clean half gallon milk cartons to pour it into to set.


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