Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb


Dow City News from the Denison Review

1888 - 1889

Denison Review


A. A. Fishel our popular hotel keeper is on the sick list, threatened with a fever. His babe is recovering and is now out of danger.

Henry Bell is filling his ice house this week with fine ice. What is the matter with the railroad it won't furnish cars to ship either stock or grain? This should be called to the attention of the railroad commissioners and they should see to it that the railroads keep their cars equally divided along their lines. They should furnish cars on a few hours notice being given, for there is no telling what a shipper may lose by having to hold his stock from the market, just at the time he wants to place it there.

Rev. Beckwith of Defiance is assisting Rev. Lauck in the meetings this week. On Wednesday evening, after the sermons Mrs. J. Ellen Foster who was present came forward and gave a very interesting talk. It was mostly for the benefit of the young people The interest in the meetings is deepening.

Denison Review


The case of beer that was taken from the depot with a search warrant goes to the ground. This is the order of the court, it is not policy to order any intoxicating liquors without a permit, as they can be seized and destroyed.

Saturday, March 17th, was Auntie Noll's birthday. In the evening quite a number of her intimate friends gave her quite a surprise, each one taking along with them some eatables. A good time was had. Mrs. Noll is 59 years of age, and she says that she wants live to see 60.

Sunday night Clara, aged 8 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Talcott, died from the effects of a cold. Funeral at 10 o'clock Tuesday. The remains of the little one were laid to rest in the Dow City cemetery and thus another light has gone out. The family have the sympathy of all in this hour of their bereavement.

There will be a special election held in the incorporated town of Dow City Monday, March 26, to elect one trustee to fill vacancy.

The lecture in the M. E. church last Tuesday night by Rev. W. H. W. Reese was well attended, and the purpose of the lecture was well served and that was to raise money to pay off the indebtedness of the church on the improvements done last year. There were $205 pledged.

John Brunner is back from Indiana where he was visiting all winter. A younger brother came with him and will stay here for a while. Mr. A. A. Fishel, ex-landlord of the Central, if fitting up the Wheeler building and will keep a restaurant and cater to the wants of the public.

There is a case to be tried to see who is the biggest man, the township trustees or one of the road supervisors. The trustees ordered a man to put a sluice way through a grade of the road to drain the water from his field, and the supervisor is having him arrested for it.

Miss Isabella Rae died at the home of her brother James Rae, on Sunday evening last. She was not very well known in Dow City, but she is spoken of as a very fine lady. She was a member of the M. E. church.

Denison Review

Died Sunday morning, April 8th , Mr. S. R. Huffman, 58 years of age. Mr. H. was born in Canada, came to the United States 48 years ago, and to Crawford county 20 years ago and settled three miles east of Dow City. He was well and favorably known by all the old settlers, and was held in highest esteem, and by his death, Union township loses one of her best citizens. For some two or three years Mr. H. has been in poor health, and has tried the climate of Arkansas, California, New Mexico and other places for his health, and none gave the relief sought for. He had only been home but a short time when he was taken worse, and Thursday night went to sleep from which he never aroused from, until death came and claimed him as its own. The family have the sympathy of all in this greatest trial.

Mr. S. E. Dow is confined to the house with a bad cold. Only part of the time is he able to be up. W. C. Hillas is putting down a new side walk on the east side of Main street, which will be a call for more to go and do likewise.

Six of our G. A. R. boys are off to the state encampment this week at Cedar Rapids, S. M. Graham, G. W. Blackman, Thos. Bennett, W. O. Wood, B. H. Wiggins, and J. U. Wise. Our barber looks somewhat lonesome these days. Reason why, his wife is on a visit to her mother in Buffalo, N. Y.

Denison Review


Dow City

Has several large mercantile establishments, but none better than that of Mr. W. C. Hillas, whose stock of spring goods is especially inviting and complete.

Denison Review


Children's Day

Three hundred and sixty-four days of the year are for everybody everywhere. But this is children's day. Children appreciate only what they can enjoy and enjoy those things which they appreciate most. The enjoyment must be real, not an illusion or delusion, but something which in its spirit, affords tangible material for real, hearty and abiding pleasure. It does not follow that because this is Children's Day, the older ones must absent themselves from the company of children or delegate to the latter all the responsibility of preparing for the proper observance of the celebration. The presence and assistance and participation of parents and teachers afford the children added joy, but it should not be forgotten that children are quick to notice the sincerity on insincerity of the older ones in their expressions of good will.

The following program will be carried out by the M. E. Sabbath School in Dow City, Sunday, June 10, commencing at 11 a.m.
Anthem by the choir.
Salutatory, Grace Wiggins and Guy Whaley.
Singing Jesus bids us Shine.
Prayer, by Rev. S. W. Lauck.
Essay, Miss Aggie Bell
Exercise, by Mrs. Talcott and four young ladies.
Singing, "Mission of the Flowers."
Recitation, "Earthly Glory, Ollie Town, with response by Lizzie Morton, Mable Hardy and Nellie Morton.
Essay, "Flowers of the Bible, " Maud Hardy
Singing, "The Lord Demands, " song by choir, chorus by school
Exercise by Mrs. Whaley and class.
Voices, "From the buds of Promise" by Mrs. Graham and the little ones.
Essay, "Schools of the Bible, "Miss Maggie Rae.
Address, "Modern Education, " Rev. Lauck
Closing exercise.

Denison Review


The weather for the past week has been rather wet, which is retarding all kinds of work.

Jay Woodruff, who has been in school at Ames, came home last Sunday evening sick with malarial fever. Miss Aggie Bell is on the sick list. At this time Mrs. W. C. Hillas is not expected to live through the night. The others who are on the sick list are doing nicely.

A little baby girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Oliver, and claims protection from them. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will give a lawn social at the residence of E. W. Pierce Friday evening. The time will be devoted to recitations, music, select reading, ice cream and cake. Everybody invited.

Miss Edie Lewis is home from Lincoln, Neb. Miss Susie Whaley is clerking in L. H. Hardy's store.

Republican caucus Friday evening, at 7 o'clock at W. Cook's restaurant. Every republican to be on hand.

Denison Review

Dow City Advocate - Page 8 (In Denison Review)


John Bruner has been pelting Mr. Pelter with ears of corn for some time past. We now will let Wilson Talcott, who is but a boy, pelt us in the same way. He has made the following record husking corn:
Nov. 19, bushels, 80, time 8:15
Nov. 20, bushels, 78, time 8:20
Nov. 21, bushels, 88, time 8:50
Nov. 22, bushels, 98, time 8:20
Nov. 23, bushels, 85, time 7:50
Nov. 24, bushels, 80, time 8:00
Nov. 26, bushels, 95, time 8:55
Nov. 27, bushels, 95, time 8:50

He has done his own cribbing. The corn was not weighted, but measured in the wagon box, allowing one inch in depth for one bushel. Now out of the way Mr. Bruner or you will get pelted in the back with an ear of corn by a boy. Wilson has done chores night and morning. We now submit our case to the jury and wait their decision.

Denison Review


The presses and most of the other material are on hand for our city paper.

Mr. S. J. Comfort has left us and moved back to his farm north-west of town. Mr. T. W. Swatman has bought out the livery business from Amos Weatherbee and will take possession the first of January. He will move into the house vacated by Mr. Comfort.

E. L. Hammond will soon be one of us. He is refitting up the building lately occupied by Wm. Cook, and will run a restaurant, where the hungry may be fed, and the boys meet to crack nuts and jokes.

Most of the farmers are done husking corn and if this nice weather continues for awhile longer it will give the others a chance to get done. There is not much corn being marketed yet, as the price is so low the farmers are holding for a raise in price.

Mr. J. B. Poitevin is becoming quite noted as a fine hog raiser. He has an order for one to be shipped to California. He shipped three to Ogden, Iowa this week.

Mr. Henry Bell, who has been ailing for some time, is now confined to his bed. May he soon recover.

There will be Christmas trees at the Baptist and Methodist churches, that the little ones may be glad. Rev. Linn is holding revival meeting out on the Willow. The prospects are that much good will be done.

We expect to have an army campfire by The Fighting Chaplain J. H. Lozier. Announcements next week. Look out for them.

Denison Review


A cordial invitation is given by the ladies of the Baptist church, Dow City, for all to attend their Bazaar and supper at Jordan's Hall, on Wednesday, Dec. 19, commencing at 3 p.m. and continuing through the evening. All articles exhibited will be sold and a good supper is guaranteed by the COMMITTEE

Look out for the fighting chaplain Wednesday, December 19, at the hall at 7:30 p.m. Come everybody.

The Star Minstrels will give an entertainment in Dow City, at Jordan's Hall, Saturday evening, Dec. 22, consisting of the Dutch play, "Katrina's Little Game," and the negro burlesque, Othello and Darsdemoney (Desdemona). Both are very funny and will be interspersed by comic songs and a stump speech. The prima donna is Miss Katherina Villemeena Lebersteiner Mandeleena Dinglebender Hochsteinlantenslager, and will be supported by the famous stars, Dr. Artemus Squozzle and Sig. Jemius Fluticus. Admission, 10 cents.
C.Wilder, Manager

Denison Review


MARRIED - COON - CLARK - At York, Neb., January 1, 1889 Mr. Mott Coon, of Lincoln and Miss Ella Clark, of York, Neb.

Mott is one of Dow City's boys and at present one of the energetic railroad employees of the B. and M. railroad in Nebraska, and his old friends will join the Clipper in wishing him God speed on his matrimonial car. We are informed that he will soon enter the railroad mail service at a large increase of salary. Those who know Mott best will know how well he is deserving of this promotion.

Frank S. Stone was the recipient of a very nice pocket-toilet set, on Christmas, from his employers, Scriver & Co., one of our live dealers in coal and lumber.

DIED - Near Panama, Iowa, Dec., 3rd, Jane Halliday, aged 57 years. The deceased was the only sister of our fellow townsman, W. C. Hillas, who has the sympathy of all who know him, in his sad bereavement.

The Dow City Band has been reorganized with Ned Wilder leader. Ned Wilder blowing E. flat cornet, Chas. McHenry, Solo B. flat, L. C. Butler, Alto, Chas. Butler, 1st Alton, Carl Wilder, Baratone, McHenry, Tuba, J. E. Rule, Snare drum, E. H. Swasey, Bass drum. When the new music arribes we may expect rare treats, as Ned understands his business and under his efficient leadership the boys will soon be back to hold their old place, the first in the county.

Denison Review


Last Thursday evening, Jan. 31st, at the M. E. parsonage, Mr. Joseph Kepford and Miss Edith Huffman were married, the Rev. H. Linn officiating. We wish the young couple a long and happy life.

Sheriff Mooney is always where he is not wanted - that is by those who transgress the law. Last Friday evening he arrested Geo. Brewer in Dow City, who is under indictment for selling intoxicating liquors at Charter Oak contrary to law.

E. C. Totman returned home last Friday morning from a visit among friends in New York state. Harvey Dale, formerly of Dow City, stopped off one day to see his sister, Mrs. Byam. He was on his way from Boston to his home in Baker City, Oregon. Bert Byam accompanied him to the far west.

A couple of red men of the forest were in town a few days ago, advertising their medicines. M. B. Lewis took a relapse last Friday morning, but at this writing is improving. H. S. Green, our enterprising banker, has great faith in the future prospects of our town. He has lately purchased the Central Hotel and the Jordan brick. These two buildings stand side by side on Main Street.

There was a vacancy in the office of a justice of the peace in this township. The trustees held a meeting, Monday, and appointed G. W. Huntington to fill the vacancy. Mr. Huntington is a well informed man, and will make a good justice.

The M. E. church was filled, Sunday, to hear a Mrs. Cruger, who related her experience of a cure by faith. She had been a cripple for a long time (paralysis of the lower limbs) and had to go on crutches. About seventeen years ago she was restored to health and was enabled to walk without crutches.

Frakes and Flowers waived an examination last Tuesday, and gave bonds to appear before the grand jury at the next term of court. Since our last there have been a few more cases of measles. So far all are getting along finely.

Denison Review


Al Talcott was the new mail boy at the depot but held the position only a few days when an order came from headquarters that the company was too poor to afford it, and they would have to dispense with a boy to carry the mail. You know in economy there is wealth.

Last Tuesday Feb. 5, a little baby boy took up his home with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell, just north of town. All are doing well. Parties are here getting out black walnut logs to be shipped to the Cottage Organ company in Illinois.

Our new stock buyers are rustlers, that is they rustle out among the farmers, and by so doing they are getting a good share of the stock to ship. May they make a success of it and make Dow City their future home.

We understand that the G. B. L. Co. his disposed of its stock of lumber etc. To Scriver & Co. It is to be hoped that R. A. Slocumb, who was the agent here, will remain with us, as we can't well afford to loose such as him and his wife.

Miss Ollie Dorsey is visiting her sister Mrs. W. E. Dow. Miss Dorsey met with a painful accident some time ago in a collision on the motor line, on the new bridge between Council Bluffs and Omaha.

We are sorry to have to report the sickness of Wm. Beatty M. D. He is confined to his bed with lung fever. We all wish for his speedy recovery. There are more measles in Dow City than money, there being about twenty-five cases all told. Some of the older ones are having a rather hard time, but the smaller ones get along quite well.

Ray Hardy is on the sick list threatened with fever, also some of S. F. Davis' children. Mrs. E. B. Hoeffer has been confined to the house for some time with a bad cold.

What queer country ours is. Some of our citizens have put up lots of ice that we may be able to keep cool next summer, others are piling up lots of wood, that we may keep warm. We now have our train service back to what it was last summer. Will correct the time table next week.

The meetings have closed in the M. E. Church. Rev. Fletcher Brown of Simmpson College filled the pulpit last Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. He is a fine speaker. The revival meetings will continue this week and may be longer, at the Baptist Church.

Denison Review


Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cramer lost their youngest child with whooping cough last Thursday evening. Funeral services at the house by Rev. Reed Friday afternoon.

Thursday night the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Kelley died of lung fever, aged one year and 11 days. Rev. Linn conducted the funeral service at the house Saturday forenoon.

At this time the only girl of W. J. Butler is not expected to live. She has lung fever, been sick over a week. Little Blanche Rule has about recovered from her attack of lung fever.

There will be an orange tea party at the hall this evening for the benefit of the Dow City band. Bring your own basket full of goodies, and then pay for the privilege of eating your supper. Of course this is right. Our band is starting out in good shape, and we all appreciate the fine music they give us occasionally on the streets. The proceeds of this entertainment will go towards getting a new bass drum and cymbals. You know the others were burned up in the fire here some time ago. Everybody give the boys a lift.

Our schools closed last Friday for a two weeks vacation.

Denison Review


On Monday there was a change in the management of the Central house, L. Byam retiring, and Mrs. H. E. Talcott taking possession. J. B. Halliday, our artistic painter and paper hanger, is fitting it up in good shape. We wish Mrs. Talcott success in the business. Miss Maggie Keevan went to Vail last Friday to visit Miss Lizzie Platt.

Mrs. Abner Graves took the train last Wednesday morning for California. She will be gone some time. Mr. S. E. Dow was summoned to Chicago last Sunday by telegram, to see his brother, who is sick. Misses Nettie and Lizzie Rae and Maud Hardy went to Woodbine last Friday and stopped off at Dunlap over Sunday, returning home Monday.

Kyle & Pierce are doing a good business in the implement business. Fishel, who is next door to them, has been doing a little painting, just to make the front of his restaurant look better.

Ab. Boering returned to his home last Tuesday.

Kyle and Pierce sold to Thos. Rae, a fine carriage last week. It is a two seated one, and the finest one in the country. We don't know of any one more deserving of it than Mr. and Mrs. Rae, for they have lived here for 22 years, have worked hard, have built them up a nice home, and while we are at it, will just say that theirs is one of the best places to go to visit at in this part of the county, and now may they take lots of good, comfort in riding around in their nice carriage.

The benefit entertainment last Wednesday eve, for the band, was a grand success financially, as well as amusing. Ye scribe of the Clipper got the bottle of Wizzard Oil for being the laziest man, and truly we think that it was well sent. Miss Samantha Talcott got the prize as the most popular young lady, but Miss Maggie Keevan followed in a hard second, there being 97 and 102 votes cast, amounting to $9.95 that went to help swell the proceeds of the evening, which were $24.25 cents.

As we have a freight train pass the mail here in the afternoon, and it always pulls in first and opens up so the way will be clear to the depot, why is it, that just as soon as the mail comes in sight they must close up the gap, thereby preventing anyone getting through who may be a little late. Such a thing happened Monday, and had it not been for Asa Dow climbing over the freight train and having the conductor hold the train, a lady passenger with a young child would have been left. Don't be in to big a hurry boys.

Madame O. E. Lins; of the city of Gonaives, Haiti, spoke in the Baptist church Sunday evening. She is a fine talker, and interests her audience well.

We are sorry to have to report this week the death of little Bessie, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Butler, age four years and seven months. She died last Thursday evening of lung fever and whopping cough. The funeral was held at the Baptist church Friday afternoon when the form of the little one was laid away to rest in the family burying ground, east of town. The family have the sympathy of all in the loss of their only daughter.

Mrs. S. Knauss is quite sick at this writing, and her recovery is very doubtful. She is quite aged. E. B. Hoeffer's youngest child is very low with lung fever and whopping cough. In the last four weeks there have been nine deaths here.

Len. Butterworth will soon commence to manufacture brick. There is always a good demand for good brick, so make good ones and you will find a sale for them.

Denison Review


The clothes pin festival last Wednesday evening was a success in every respect. Financially it netted $23.52, and socially it was the best in town for a long time. Mayor Stone got the nice cake for being in possession of the handsomest mustache, but no one could see the point until he was taken back to the stove and had one put on by our skilled artist Ned. Wilder. Wonder what Frank did with the cake, did he take it off with him Saturday evening? Who painted the sign, "Gone to get married, who will care for mother now?"

Al Talcott has gone west to grow up with the country, (not Oklahoma.) Ed. Lyman, wife and son, of Lincoln, Neb. Visited at M. B. Lewis' last week. Miss Bessie Talcott, of Oakley, Kan. is visiting friends in Dow City.

E. W. Pierce and brother Fred, are about as contented as any one can be because their father is with them a few days.

Our school board has retained the three lady teachers for another year, but done nothing as to principal. Those who attended the union services in the Baptist church Sunday evening were well paid, for there was an interesting program. The M. E. Sabbath school have a nice Easter service for Easter Sunday. All are invited.

Denison Review


Memorial services were well attended Sunday in Dow City, the M. E. church being packed full. All were well pleased with the exercises.

L. E. Hammond has sold out his restaurant to R. A. Slocumb. The Exchange Bank looks better with a new awning and coat of fresh paint on the front.

Harry Huntington met with quite a mishap a few days ago. He kicked a dog and sprained his ankle, so that now he has to go on crutches. Len Butterworth has started the fire in his kiln of brick so it won't be many days until those who are waiting for brick can be supplied.

Totman is lonely now. His wife and her mother have gone to Michigan for a two month's visit. We have the Kickapoos with us now. They were here all last week and will be here all of this. Their entertainments are pretty thin.

Rev. Linn and wife have gone to Shelby for a visit. Rev. Yackey, of Defiance, will preach in the M. E. church next Sunday.
***************************** Denison Review

DOW CITY ADVOCATE (In Denison Review)

As previously announced, Memorial Day was observed on Wednesday, the 29th. The procession formed at 1:30 with the band at the head; then the G. A. R. and soldiers, then the scholars of the schools in wagons, next the ladies of the W. R. C. in carriages, and then citizens in carriages, in all making a procession over half a mile in length. At the cemetery the exercises were carried out as given in the programme. Mr. R. Shaw Van, of Denison, was the speaker. He did not speak long, but gave us a good one and to the point. Taken all in all, it was a success; and hereafter memorial services will be held on Memorial Day, the 30th of May.

A meeting was held Saturday evening to see about a Fourth of July celebration. Frank Stone and Burt Slocumb were appointed a finance committee to see what sum could be raised for that purpose. It is six years since Dow City has held a celebration, and some of our citizens think it about time that we show some signs that we have a little life left. Now, what say ye?

Everybody go down to Mr. H. McIntosh's this evening and enjoy the lawn social to be given by the ladies of the W. C. T. U. Strawberries, ice cream and cake will be served. W. V. Whaley has bought out J. E. Rule's harness shop. John will continue to manipulate the awl and needle for him.

Dow City has a new shoemaker. He may be found in A. A. Fishell's restaurant. He says that all he asks is to give him a grial and he will convince you that he can do a good job. He comes from Denison, and his name is Robt. Heppner.

Mr. S. J. Comfort is dead. He was in town Saturday forenoon, and on his way home was taken sick with peritonitis, and died Monday morning at 4 o'clock. We do not know his exact age, but about 72 years. Mr. Comfort was one of Crawford county's first settlers, coming to the county in 1855.

As there have been several agents for road graders here trying to sell one to the township, it has been concluded to give a trial of their graders on the 7th inst. Let all who can come out and see them work.

Ira Tripp is at his father's sick with fever. Bert is also down with the fever. It is estimated that there were a thousand people in town Saturday evening, at the Kickapoo Indian free exhibition. They are now exhibiting at Charter Oak.

E. L. Hammond will move into the house south of Mrs. Waters, this week. We understand that he will go to Chicago, soon to have his eyes doctored as his eyesight is failing quite rapidly.

Both the Methodist and the Baptist Sabbath Schools will observe Children's Day, which occurs next Sunday. Interesting programmes have been prepared.

Now, what is best to be done with the court house problem? We do not favor any more additions being put on. Let it be put to a vote of the people and see what they want, a new court house or not. If our county officers are crowded for room, do not put on any more eye-sores, but build a new court house.

Denison Review

Dow City Does Denison on Friday

The West Enders scored another victory. The fielding of the Dow City club is far superior to that of Denison's. Their pitcher is not so good as either Seamann or Broadus and any attempt to accuse him of prejudiced judgment cannot in decency be made. We believe that unless Denison practices more, Dow City can beat them as often as they wish. The following is the score by innings:
Denison 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 - 10
Dow City 1 0 2 3 1 1 0 1 3 - 12
Another game will be played at Dow City on Friday next.

City Directory
Mayor F. S. Stone
Recorder N. B. Crowell
Treasurer Abner Graves
Marshall Henry Bell
Street Commissioner


Baptist - Rev. N. A. Reed, Pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and evening. Sabbath School at 12:00 m. Young People's meeting every Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Covenant and business meeting Saturday at 2 pm before the first Sunday of each month. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and worship with us. All are made welcome.

Methodist - Rev. Hugh Linn, Pastor - Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath School at 12 M. E. Pierce, Superintendent. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Everybody invited to come and strangers made welcome.

The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the M. E. church, every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. All the young folks in town and vicinity are invited to attend.

Latter Day Saints - C. E. Butterworth, pastor. Preaching at 11 o'clock every Sabbath and prayer meeting at 3:30 p.m. Sacrament administered on the first Sabbath in the month.

  • Railroad Timetable
  • Going East
  • Mail 12:00 P.M.
  • Limited 11:06 "
  • Don't stop
  • Mail & ac. 7:50 "
  • Limited 5:00 "
  • Don't stop
  • Stock frt 2:55 "
  • Way frt 1:10 "
  • Going West
  • Passenger 4:45 A.M.
  • Limited 7:33 "
  • Don't stop
  • Way frt 10:30 "
  • Freight 3:59 "
  • Freight 5:05 "
  • Passenger daily except east Saturday nights and west Monday morning.

Denison Review


Shouten - At her home near Dow City, Nov. 3, 1889, Mrs. Mary A. Shouten, of acute bronchitis, aged 69 years, 5 months and 19 days.

Deceased was born in Saratoga county, N. y., May 15, 1820. Was united in marriage to Jas. Schouten May 6, 1840. In 1856 they moved to Illinois, and in 1875 to Crawford county, Iowa.

She leaves an aged companion and three children to mourn her loss - Mrs. David McCord and Mrs. J. P. Duncan, of Paradise township, and W. N. Schouten, of Dow City. She was a devoted wife and mother, gentle, loving and self-sacrificing to the wants of her loved ones. She will be missed not only in the family circle, but in the neighborhood where she lived. She was ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in need and distress. She embraced Christianity in her youth and lived a conscientious life, her example being worthy of emulation. She was a member of the Wesleyan Methodist church at the time of her death. The deceased had been a sufferer for years with disease that caused her death; still it was a shock to her family when the messenger came.
******************************************** Denison Review


A change was made Sunday in the time of running of trains on the North-Western. See time table above.

Mrs. M. B. Lewis took the noon train last Tuesday for Salem, Mass. She will stay all winter with her daughter Mrs. F. E. Wilder. Lizzie accompanied her. The youngest child of Clair Butterwroth fell a few days ago and broke its left arm just above the wrist. Abner Graves returned home last Thursday from a visit in New York where he has been for some time.

Monday there was a man in town looking for a house to live in, and he couldn't even find a room. This speaks well for Dow City. There is not an empty business house now. If you want to buy land before it takes a jump you better be about it. Some are adding ten dollars per acre in value. It is attributed to the vast amount of work that is being done (and what will be done) on the beautiful park just south of town. Let her go.

Rev. Carroll is assisting Rev. Reed in the revival meetings that are being held at the Baptist Church.

Flames were seen coming from the roof of John Rudd's house Monday morning by parties near by, but were put out before much damage was done. Caught from the pipe going up through the roof.

Denison Review


The cold snap last week put a stop to the grading on the driveways in the mineral park. There are between eight and ten miles of streets laid out, and mostly graded. A force of men will be kept at work all winter clearing off the trees and stumps.

A little girl put in an appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Frownfelter last Wednesday morning, Nov. 27. Just in time for Thanksgiving.

We took our Thanksgiving turkey with Geo. Brake and wife out on the Willow. The fire alarm was sounded Monday morning about 9 o'clock caused by some tar taking fire that was melting north of the Dow City mills. The flames shot up higher than the mill, which caused the alarm.

Mrs. J. W. Vertress, who has been on the sick list some time is now improving. Mrs. Totman will be at home this week and then E. C. will be happy. Marion Cole is independent, with a stiff neck. Mr. B. Lewis has sold out his stock of drugs and will go to Nebraska this week to spend the winter with his brother-in-law Ed Lyman.

The young man who comes up from Omaha selling that which intoxicates by the jug full, had better look a "leetle oud" or he will get in a jug. All are asking what will be done with the prohibition law this winter. We tell them that the republicans won't repeal it and the democrats dare not. Now wait and see. There are democrats here who say that they don't want the open saloon again.

T. J. Rasp, auditor elect, will soon move to Denison to be ready to assume the duties of the office. We believe we are safe in saying that T. J. will make a No. 1 auditor, although we did our best to keep him from being elected. Not that we had anything laid up against him as a man, only that he always voted on the wrong side, that is, he is a democrat.

It is reported that there will be some changes in some of our mercantile firms the first of the year. W. B. Evans took a flying trip to Wichita, Kansas last Monday evening coming back Friday evening on the flyer. Well now it wouldn't do to forget to say that the Clipper scissors manipulator was on the sick list last week. Vivie McIntosh assisted in the office while the editor was sick.

Denison Review


Last Friday evening L. E. Hardy gave us a very interesting account of the battle of Antietam in the G. A. R. hall after which the post held its election for the coming year. The 27th inst. Budd Smith post will give a regular old fashioned camp-fire in Green's Hall. Beans, hard-tack and ------ will be served Cook's restaurant. L. E. Hardy will fight over again the battle of Gettysburg.

Harry Hunting has bid adieu to Dow City and friends and took himself off to Illinois, where he will learn the art of telegraphy.

The home of J. W. Reynolds, south of town, was made glad Tuesday, Dec. 5. It is a little boy. Mother and baby doing well.

By the time this is in print the Dow City mills will be running again. Messrs. Dow & Graves don't propose to be out done by parties in other towns, and now they expect to turn out just as good (if not a little better) a grade of flour than any other mill in the west.

At the annual meeting of the Sunday school of the M. E. church, held Tuesday evening, Dec. 5th, Morris McHenry was elected superintendent.

As the weather has moderated and there being no frost in the ground, a large force of men and teams are at work on the streets in the mineral park.

The meetings that have been in progress at the Baptist church for some weeks have resulted in some good. There have been several conversions. Wednesday evening, Dec. 6th, baptismal services were held in the church and six were taken into full membership.

Denison Review


A Merry Xmas to all.

A few nights ago some sneak thief opened the back door of W. C. Hillas' store and helped themselves to what loose change there was in the money drawer. Whoever it was understood how the door was fastened.

The band boys gave a festival last Saturday evening. There was not a very large turnout owing to the stormy weather. They cleared over $10. M. G. Wiggins got the sell cake.

Rev. J. B. Harris of Denison filled Rev. Smith's place at the second quarterly meeting at the M. E. church last Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Linn has closed the meetings out at the Willow appointment, where twelve united with the church.

The ladies of the W. C. T. U. gave a rehearsal in the Baptist church Sunday evening of the workings of the Crusade movements since 1873. At the close it was requested of all who favored the prohibition law to be retained to rise to their feet. There were 93 got up.

M. B. Lewis left last Thursday morning for Ravena, Nebraska.

Dow City news articles from 1870 to 1897 submitted by Melba McDowell