Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb


Deloit News from the Denison Review

August - December, 1917

Denison Review, Wednesday, August 1, 1917

*Earl Richardson of Pearson, Iowa, has been visiting a few days at the M. E. parsonage with Miss Nathalie Allen.
*Mrs. Morrison went to Denison Wednesday to consult a physician in regard to her health. Miss Morris accompanied her.
*Alfred Brogden and John Taylor spent Wednesday with their families at the lake.
*Bert Darling and Dick Patchin are found out at A. D. Winey's these days carpentering.
*Eva Miller of Omaha was an over-Sunday guest of Miss Etta Stubbe.

*L. F. Morris and A. J. Mason purchased corn of Fred Schuler last week.
*Miss Fay Nestlebush left for Virginia for a visit.
*Mrs. Mauck and sister, Miss Jacobs have been enjoying a visit with their mother, Mrs. Jacobs of Lake City.
*Fred True has been taking a vacation, spending it at Lake Okoboji.
*James Estes lost a valuable horse in the hayfield Friday.
*Mr. and Mrs. James McKim returned this week from Lake Okoboji where they spent a few pleasant days with friends.

*Harvey Shives has sold out at Atkins, Minn. and will return here with his family.
*Leslie Childress says when his farm work is done this fall he is going to enlist.
*Mattie Cose is at home again from Omaha.
*John Newcom seems a little better being able to walk from one room to the other.
*Katie Halberg was a pleasant visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Browne from Friday until Sunday. Mr. Halberg arrived in his car. Mrs. West accompanied them home for a short visit before she leaves for her home at Abilene, Kansas.
*Will Rounds and wife spent the weekend at her father's in Dunlap to meet her sister from Dakota.

*Mrs. Lillie Merrington has been on the sick list the past week.
*The L. D. S. will meet Thursday and Friday afternoon in the church, having quilting on hand. Come, bring needle and thimble and help in the good work.
*Rev. Allen and family autoed up to Wall Lake for an outing Friday. They certainly enjoyed themselves and came home tired.
*Murray Woolsoncroft and family autoed to Ida Grove Friday.

*Newton Brogund and wife and child had a narrow escape on their way to Ida Grove Friday where their car turned over on them. Luckily for them Murray Woolsoncroft's little boy happened to look back and saw it so they turned around and went back. Mrs. B. and little boy had just crawled out but Mr. B. was not so fortunate. We understand the weight of the car pinned him down and he said that he could not have stood it much longer. His friends ahead, seeing that they were not coming turned around and came back, taking part of them and Mr. Woolsoncroft, the others they left in their car until they returned. Then Mr. B. drove it home a rather back wreck.

*Mr. and Mrs. Murray Woolsoncroft were Denison Shoppers Saturday.
*Next Sunday there will be services at the M. E. church as usual.
*Saturday and Sunday certainly made one think of Kansas, the heat being almost beyond endurance.
*Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Newton entertained her father, L. F. Morris and sister to dinner Thursday, it being his 77th birthday, which they enjoyed very much.
*Mr. and Mrs. George Newcom and Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Newton were Denison visitors Sunday.

*Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Comstock, Mr. and Mrs. Marl, Mrs. Clara Keller and children visited Friday with Mrs. Struter.
*Mrs. Fred Landon has been on the sick list.
*Mrs. A. M. Justice returned to her home in Denison after a pleasant visit at George Landon's.
*Edith Darling was home over Sunday.
*Mrs. Smith of Independence is visiting Mrs. J. L. Miller.

*Joe True's and U. S. Dunbar's went to Ida Grove Friday.
*Mrs. Allen visited Tuesday afternoon at the Campbell home.
*Mrs. Ben Fisher is enjoying a visit with her sister from Dakota.
*Mrs. Bert McKim arrived Sunday evening from her vacation in visiting relatives at Lincoln, Neb.

Denison Review, Wednesday, August 8, 1917

*Rev. Allen, wife and daughter, Nathalie visited at Boyer Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott were Denison callers this week to attend the Chase Lister show.
*Isaac Newton spent the week end in Denison.
*Mrs. Mattie Cose was a passenger to Council Bluffs Friday.
*Joe True and family and L. F. Morris and Miss Lovicie Morris autoed to Denison Friday to attend the ball game.

*Mr. and Mrs. John Sachau were over-night visitors in Denison at the Jensen home Friday.
*Mrs. Kropf and family arrived from Chicago Sunday and they intend to make Deloit their future home.
*James McKim of South Dakota and Milt Childress were down to see the ball game Friday in Denison.
*Mrs. E. A. McKim and Mrs. George Newcom arrived in Deloit Wednesday.
*Mrs. Williams has taken rooms at the Patchin home for awhile.
*The L. D. S. met in the church and quilted Thursday and Friday but did not get their work fully completed.

*Wm. Huckstep was a Deloit caller Monday and took home with him a new washing machine.
*Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Jessen were in town Monday shopping.
*The Ludwig boys autoed down to Deloit Monday.
*Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson is enjoying a visit with her daughter and little babe of Chicago, who arrived Sunday.
*Dr. Graham was a Denison visitor Monday.
*Ralph Allen is confined to the house with a fever.
*Willard Huckstep has been in the country assisting Pete Naslund with his harvesting.

*Mrs. E. McNeal and family were Deloit visitors Monday, the young ladies are preparing to take part in the musical recital to be held later.
*Mrs. T. C. Dobson and daughter, Eunice, returned home August 1 from a pleasant trip and visit in Dakota.
*Rev. Allen and family visited at the R. H. Childress home Tuesday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Newcom and son went in their car to visit in Dakota for a vacation, which will be greatly enjoyed by all.

*Uncle Bob Childress has rented his fine cottage at Lake View for $20 a month to Mr. Fideler and wife. Mr. Childress is too busy these days to spend them at the Lake as he is having his corn shelled and hauling it to the Deloit elevator.
*Clifford Browne had a badly burned hand and is under the doctor's care.
*The Misses Bessie Pilcher and Blossom Browne spent Monday with their friend, Miss Iona Turner in Denison.

*The L. D. S. reunion will take place August 15 at Logan.
*Milt Childress visited his sister, Mrs. Turner Thursday.
*Sabin Campbell is working this month for Fred Neuman on the farm.
*Chas. Campbell has a job of painting near Boyer.
*Mr. and Mrs. Will Morley and children went to the lake Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Imes were Deloit callers Saturday.

*Mr. and Mrs. Weir were Denison visitors Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schurkey were Deloit shopper Saturday.
*Ione Newcom and Helen Carstensen were Deloit visitors Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Allen Graham were in Denison Saturday to see the sights.
*Mrs. John Jessen was in Denison Wednesday shopping and visiting her many friends.
*Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powers of Chatfield, Minn., have been visiting this week at the home of Mr. Isaac Fisher. Mr. Powers is Mrs. Fisher's brother.

*Miss Mildred Merrill of Auburn, E. F. Jacobs, of Audubon and A. C. Jacobs, of Lake City, spent Sunday at the H. C. Mauck home.
*The Riggleman boys are home assisting in the harvesting and the folks are enjoying their company.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gardner and son, Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiss, motored from Benton, Iowa and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mauck.

*Dr. V. K. Graham is enjoying a visit from his aunt, Mrs. V. H. Selander, of Sheridan, Mo.
*Mr. and Mrs. John Judy gave a birthday party for their daughter, Edna.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spence took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Joe True Sunday, attending the lecture in the afternoon.
*Mr. and Mrs. Harry Childress visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller Sunday afternoon.
*Mrs. Ruth Priebs and Susie Hattery were calling on Schleswig friends last week.

*Mrs. Scott McKim spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Jordan.
*The True Mercantile company will have a carload of peaches on the tracks in the near future. Those desiring same will do well to leave orders at the store.
*Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Woolsencroft spent Sunday at the James McKim home.

*Ralph Beaman has gone to Fremont.
*Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and family, Mr. Leonard Butterworth, of Dow City, Millard Turner of Denison and Mr. and Mrs. Miller, also of Denison, attended the lecture at the L. D. S. church Sunday afternoon.
*Mrs. George Storm of Chicago is visiting at the George Hutchinson home.

Denison Review, Wednesday, August 15, 1917

*Mrs. Anna Winans made a flying trip to Wall Lake Monday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Al Schuler and children were visitors at the Fred Schuler home this week and took their departure for Percival, Iowa to visit her sister, Mrs. Ray Winans.
*Picnic at Mrs. James McKim was most enjoyable treat to the ladies although they were compelled to each their lunch in the house on account of the storm.
*A little baby girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Sachau Friday morning.
*Joe Inghram shipped hogs Monday.

*Miss Edith Darling was an over-Sunday visitor at her home and attended the M. E. services.
*Mr. and Mrs. James McKim autoed down to Denison Wednesday where Mrs. McKim attended the club and remained overnight.
*Mrs. Ben Beaman and Mrs. Roy Green were Denison shoppers Wednesday.
*Mrs. E. M. Paup came up Thursday on the noon train to visit at the Newton home, returning Saturday.

*The Hutchinson home has been dressed up in a new coat of paint making it look fine.
*Fred True left for Council Bluffs Saturday on the afternoon train.
*Ben Patrick was an Arion visitor Saturday afternoon.
*Henry Snell and wife and daughter, Cora, arrived on the afternoon train from Schaller to visit at the Wane Snell home.
*Mrs. Geo. Newcom came down Saturday from Boyer to spend the week with her parents.

*Mrs. Allen and Miss Nathalie were Denison visitors Friday. Miss Lovicie Morris returned with them.
*We are glad to note that Ralph Allen is able to be up and about again after a week's confinement to the house.
*Mr. and Mrs. Broder Boysen returned this week from their two weeks' visit in Dakota.
*Uncle Bob Childress had the misfortune to lose one of his milk cows this week.
*Arden Newcom has been from work for a few days as he is quite ill.
*Mrs. Mattie Cose visited her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Winans and attended the lecture at the L. D. S. church.

*Mrs. Streeter is spending a few days at Mallard, Ia.
*Mrs. Williams is quite ill again.
*Harlan Allen was over home Sunday to spend the day with his parents.
*Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fisher visited at Isaac Fisher's home Sunday.
*Dr. Graham accompanied his aunt, Mrs. Sanders, to Sheridan, Mo. for a few days' visit.
*Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fisher are enjoying a visit from their niece, Miss Grace.
*Will Round's brother-in-law and family and her sister, Miss Ella Hansen of Dunlap, were visiting them over Sunday.

*Fred True visited L. F. Morris Sunday.
*Miss Luella Venick visited the past week at Earling and Panama.
*Mr. and Mrs. John Venick of near Manilla visited the fore part of the week at the Geo. Hutchinson home.
*Perry Rutledge is here busy looking after the hail insurance losses.
*The ladies' aid society will meet with Mrs. Young Thursday afternoon. All are cordially invited to attend.

*There will be a variety sale held August 17 on the church lawn under the auspices of the Epworth League. All cordially invited to join them and enjoy a social evening.
*Walter McKim visited at the J. R. Miller home one day while near here looking after his farm interests.
*Mrs. Clarence Cose is very sick again. Mr. Cose has had to quite work and care for her.
*Geo. Merrington has gone to Rochester again.

*Mrs. Carl Streeter's sister, Miss Clark and friend of Romelds, arrived Monday to visit here.
*Mrs. Geo. Zea and children came up from Denison on Monday to visit at the Streeter home.
*Mrs. Fred Landon is on the sick list again.
*Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Woolsoncroft and family dropped in to Deloit Monday for a short call. They were on their way home from Denison.

*F. L. Johnson of Kiron was a Deloit caller Monday.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Riggleman were in Deloit Monday trading. They are enjoying a family reunion.
*Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Dunbar and family autoed over to Deloit. They report they expect the threshing machine at their place this week.
*Glen Dunbar went to Denison on Tuesday to report for examination as a good many of our boys do this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Will Wooley, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Newcom, spent a week visiting in Spirit Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Cype Newcom.

*Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Loux have moved to Denison where he has a position with the Fairmont Creamery company. Mrs. Helen Johnstone has rented the house vacated by him for the coming school year.
*Ione Turner and brother, Bruce, are staying with their grandparents until the return of their parents from Dakota where they are visiting Mrs. May Campbell.

Denison Review, Wednesday, August 22, 1917

*Bob Childress brought his sister a load of fine cobs Monday which she will greatly enjoy using these days when fuel is so high.
*Mrs. Winnie Browne and son, Clifford went to Omaha, Monday to have his tonsils removed.
*John Nestlebush and wife and little daughter came overland from Omaha Monday to visit at the Platt Moore home.
*Bennie Nestlebush went to Council Bluffs, Monday.

*Oliver Fink and wife and son, Percy, were here from Nebraska for a short stay with relatives and friends last week.
*Minor Thompson is down from Minnesota visiting relatives and calling on old friends.
*Mrs. Richard Johnston has rented Mrs. Worley's tenant house. Mrs. Worley expects to spend the winter in Denison with her daughter, Mrs. George Prentice.
*Bessie Pilcher gave a farewell party to her girl friends at the home of her grandfather, Geo. Winans, Wednesday. She returned to her home at Ida Grove Saturday and will be very much missed by all as she has made many friends.
*School will being soon.

*Mrs. Martha Stubbe is visiting in Deloit.
*John Rounds and wife and Carl Streeter and wife went to the reunion at Boone in Milton Johnson's car.
*Ralph Hattery who went to Dakota with Cyp Newcom, says Mr. Newcom has been having sinking spells which last an hour before they can revive him. Mrs. Newcom has been in poor health for a long time. We certainly hope he will soon recover his old time health.
*Willard Johnson and family have moved to the Harry Childress tenant house lately vacated by Albert Johnson.

*Cora Simons, who used to live at this place, was lately married to Mr. Maggard in Dillingham. Colo.
*Mrs. Sallie Childress is reported as better but had her grip packed to depart for Rochester, Minn. when her son, Leslie, was suddenly taken ill. She may go later. Leslie is able to be about again but looks very pale.
*Mrs. Mattie Cose expects to wield the birch at the old Jordan school this fall.
*Blossom Browne and Edna Winans visited Aunt Ann Tuner overnight Monday, which she greatly enjoyed.

*John Taylor and family autoed up to Deloit Monday and visited at the Estes home.
*Mr. and Mrs. Watson and family of Vail and Mr. and Mrs. Clements and Miss Bessie Haas of Carroll, visited at the George Hutchison home Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Andrews, who were enroute to Council Bluffs from Lake Okoboji, visited Sunday with their cousins, Mrs. George Hutchison and Miss Luella Vennick.

*Newton Brogden is driving a new Studebaker.
*Broder Boysen left Saturday for Montana where they will enjoy a visit with relatives and a host of old time friends.
*House cleaning is going on at our school house with Mr. and Mrs. Graham at the helm.
*Mr. and Mrs. John Justice and their daughter, of Denison, are visiting relatives here.
*Uncle George Landon is in full swing with his popcorn, candy and nut stand. Patronize the old gentleman and cheer him up.

*Don Fink's new barn is nearing completion and when done he will install a milking machine, which will greatly reduce the labor question on his farm.
*Mrs. Graham and son were pleasant Denison visitors Saturday.
*Miss Lucy Flint attended the farewell party given Miss Hansen by the Rebekahs at Denison this week.
*Rev. Allen and family left Monday for the district conference to be held at Pearson, Iowa and also to visit there as he was pastor at Pearson for four years.

*The variety fair held upon the church lawn Friday was a success. Entertainment was first class and those in charge of stands were excellent salesmen and ladies and we must not forget to note those who had their fortunes told were well pleased and are rejoicing over the future revealed to them.
*Miss Cole, one of our excellent teachers, was here spending a few days visiting old friends.

*Mr. and Mrs. George Newcom, of Boyer, stopped at the Newton home for supper Friday evening and spent a short time at the variety fair.
*John Fleming and sister, Grace, and little Charles came down to Deloit on Friday evening to spend the time at the fair.
*Mr. Weir, our pleasant Northwestern agent, is away on his vacation visiting his brother in Colorado.
*Mrs. Roy Green was a Denison shopper Saturday.

*Mrs. A. D. Winey led the Epworth League Sunday evening.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller drove to Logan Sunday to attend services at the L. D. S. reunion. On the way home they called upon Mr. and Mrs. R. Robertson whom they found nicely and comfortably located in their cottage in south Dunlap. They are enjoying life, having the luxuries of electric lights; iron and washer and other modern conveniences. They sent greetings to all friends.

*Joe True received a letter from his brother, Fred, who has been visiting for about ten days in Oklahoma, which reads as follows: " We are married. Will be home in about ten days." It was dated at Muskogee, August 17th. After such proceedings there is nothing to say.
*Mr. and Mrs. George Beaman visited at the Tracy Jordan home Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Winey and family visited at the Ben Beaman home Sunday.
*Eldridge Winey has a badly poisoned arm from poison ivy. Mr. Winey took him to Denison to have it cared for and it is some better.

*Miss Lovicie Morris was in Denison Saturday.
*The Anderson boys have started the threshing machine.
*Gene Fink was in town Monday and says he is going to have a milking machine installed and a room in his barn where the separator will run at the same time so when milking is done the separating will be nearly done. Not a bad idea on the farm these days when help is so scarce.
*The Ladies' Aid society will hold a market day Saturday afternoon, which will be a food sale so come and help along with your donations and also buy you a Sunday dinner so you can attend church.

*Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fink, Mr. and Mrs. John Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jensen, Verne and Don Wilkinson and A. D. Winey and family took in the variety fair. The Fink boys assisted the band, which was an ideal one.
*A. D. Winey drove to Denison after some material for his porch which is being built this week on his fine house.
*The funeral of Mr. Huskey occurred Wednesday and the remains were laid to rest in the King cemetery east of Deloit.
*Watt Wilkinson has sold his model farm to John Judy, giving possession March 1, 1918. Mr. Wilkinson has not decided what he will do yet.

*Mr. and Mrs. Allen spent Tuesday at the Winey home. Rev. Allen had the misfortune to have a breakdown with his car and had to have it towed in.
*Mesdames Green and Newton visited Wednesday afternoon at the Albert Winey home.
*The boom of the cannon was heard this morning but upon investigation it was found to be graders blasting trees on the road north of town.
*Asa Brown has a fine black strip on his place plowed.

*Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beaman were Denison shoppers Saturday.
*Gene Fink is also putting in his best licks plowing but he says it is pretty dry.
*Miss Hansen of Nebraska, is a pleasant visitor at the home of her brother, Myers Hansen.
*Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson and Mrs. Newton were the guests of Mrs. B. Beaman Saturday.

Denison Review August 29, 1917

*Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Newton took the Monday morning train for Council Bluffs and came back with Mr. and Mrs. George Newcom in their new Grant six. They certainly enjoyed the overland trip.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True and Mrs. Merle Myers went to Logan to spend Sunday and on their return had a breakdown near the McNeal farm. Merle came home and got his car and went back and towed them in.
*Mr. and Mrs. Blair Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cose and family, Lloyd Winans and others attended the reunion at Logan and had a pleasant time.

*School Commences September 3rd with Prof. William H. Kuhn, of Washington, Iowa as superintendent; first room, Mrs. Richard Johnston of Denison; second room, Miss Iva Mason of Deloit; third room, Miss Ethel Greenwood of Battle Creek.
*Mrs. Winnie Browne attended the exercises of the rural graduates at Denison Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Louie Blaisdal, of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Dunbar and daughter, Ruth, were entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell Wednesday.

*Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cose spent Sunday at the U. S. Dunbar home.
*Mr. and Mrs. John Justice of Denison, who have been visiting relatives here, returned home the forepart of the week.
*Mrs. Otto Foster is enjoying a visit with her brother, who lately arrived.
*The Misses Johnson of Kiron, were pleasant Deloit callers Monday.
*Miss Young is here for a two weeks' visit with her parents.
*Mrs. Otto Foster was a pleasant caller in Deloit Monday.

*Miss Lucy Flint went to Denison Monday to attend a lodge meeting.
*Perry Rutledge's smiling face was seen on our streets this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Blaisdale, of Waterloo, drove through in their car to visit and Mrs. Fred Landon and other old friends.
*Mrs. Orpha Newman of Boyer, visited at the home of her parents Monday.

*Russell Newcom and wife have a fine 8 pound baby girl to care for.
*The Worley and Moeller Land Company of Deloit have made some fine land sales the past week, selling the J. W. Wilkinson farm at $150 an acre and the John Johannsen farm, better known as the old Gillette farm, at $52,000.
*Ben Beaman was in Denison Monday transacting business.

*Mrs. Ralph Beaman was assisting her sister in Denison Tuesday.
*Miss Hester Lingle is taking a very enjoyable vacation, going to Odebolt where she joined her uncle and aunt in an auto trip to Nebraska to visit her mother's youngest sister.
*Dr. Graham and Miss Stubbe have returned from their pleasant trip.
*Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Worley took their son to Denison Thursday, where he had his tonsils removed.
*Mrs. J. L. Riggleman and Misses Ruby and Jessie, autoed to Denison Saturday.

*James McKim, Verne Wilkinson and S. D. Newton have been making a raid on the church lawn and got a full hay crop. The janitor is away on a vacation.
*Herman Grill was an Omaha and Council Bluffs visitor Friday.
*Miss Iva Mason returned Saturday from Cedar Falls, where she has been fitting herself for a better teacher. Her qualifications are now first class and she has secured a position in the Deloit school.
*Herman Kropf and family attended the old settlers' picnic and their baby drew first prize. Their friends extend congratulations.

*L. F. Morris took dinner Thursday with his daughter, Mrs. S. D. Newton.
*Mrs. Herman Sheldorf and children of West Side, visited her sister, Mrs. Jim Abbott, Friday.
*Mrs. Taylor and children of Dunlap, are pleasant visitors at the Moeller home this week.
*Rev. Allen and family returned Saturday from their trip to Pierson, where they visited old friends and attended the district conference.

*A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Iva Landon Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Peter Naslund, here sister. There were about twenty guests present from in and around Kiron to enjoy the pleasant afternoon. Miss Landon received many useful gifts. Mrs. Naslund had prepared an excellent two course luncheon which she served at 4 o'clock. After many best wishes the friends took their departure.

*Miss Eunice Dobson and mother went to Logan Saturday to attend the reunion.
*Dick Patchin was a passenger Sunday morning for Logan.
*Mrs. Alma Prentice returned Monday from her pleasant visit in Dakota and is looking fine. She tells us she rode on her son-in-law's circuit of fifty miles and attended L. A. society at ten mile ride, and that the school houses were filled with people at church.
*Mrs. Mauck was called some time ago to Bell Fountain, O., as a relative had passed away. She expects to remain for some time.

Denison Review September 5, 1917

*Mrs. J. L. Miller received the sad news that her nephew, Roy McKim, had been killed in France on August 16th. Many will remember him as Roy grew to manhood here and was one of Crawford county's best teachers. He had gone from Canada with the troops from there. The relatives have our sympathy.

*Miss Ivan Landon and Mr. Fred Rickman, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Naslund, went to Omaha Friday, where they were quietly united in marriage by Rev. Vanderpellte, the Presbyterian minister. The bride was gowned in pink silk and gold lace and wore a white hat. The groom wore the usual costume. After the ceremony they went to South Omaha where a cousin of the bride served a lovely luncheon. Their many friends wish them a happy prosperous life together. They will make Deloit their home.

*School opened this week. Parents please take notice and start your children now; don't wait until the children get behind, especially in the primary department. If we expect to do effective work we must cooperate with the teachers and get our children there ready for work.
*Mrs. T. C. Dobson and daughter, Eunice and Mrs. Chas. Campbell and son, motored out to spend the day at the Fred Neuman home.
*Mrs. Wilbur Hawley and children visited Sunday at the R. H. Childress home and went to see the new baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Newcom.

*Professor Kuhn has rented the furnished rooms of Mrs. Ann Winans and they are nicely settled for school work.
*Three of the Spence boys, formerly of Deloit, we understand have enlisted and gone to New Mexico.
*Miss Greenwood, of the third room, has taken rooms at the home of Mrs. Winnie Browne.
*Nathalie Allen returned this week from Pierson.

*Mrs. Myrtle Armour, of Rock Island, arrived Thursday for a visit with relatives.
*Bert McKim and family spent the weekend at Storm Lake. Mrs. Hess has been looking after the housework during their absence.
*Mrs. Helen Johnstone has moved into the Worley house and is pleasantly located, ready for her school work.
*Mrs. Winnie Browne and Miss Blossom were Denison shoppers Monday.

*The sad news reached Deloit that Mrs. Freml was found by passersby Monday morning where she had dropped dead, about a mile from home.
*George Hutchinson autoed over to Manilla Sunday, bringing home Mrs. Hutchison and Miss Kathryn Vennick.
*Mr. and Mrs. Broder Boysen returned home from Montana this week and had a very pleasant trip.
*R. H. Childress returned from a business trip to Lake View. Uncle Bob is putting in cement walks and putting up the foundation for a garage at his cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Newcom will reside on his farm next year.

*Clarence Cose returned this week from South Dakota, where he has been looking after land interests.
*Geo. Merrington returned Sunday from Rochester, where he has been for some time taking treatments.
*Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lingle visited Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beaman.
*The Ladies Aid society will meet this Friday afternoon with Mrs. Allen. Bring needle and thimbles. Luncheon will be served. All are cordially invited to attend.

*Bert Darling and Dick Patchin have been erecting a fine corn crib at the Clarence Hutchinson place this week.
*Joe True and family spent a few days at Avoca this week taking in the fair.
*Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott enjoyed an outing at the lake Sunday.
*Ray Shives, a former Deloit resident, is making good at cement work at Lake View.
*Fred True and bride arrived last Thursday, coming overland in their car from Oklahoma. We welcome them to our midst. At present they are to be found at the James McKim home.

*Mr. and Mrs. John Yankee and babe autoed up to attend the M. E. services Sunday morning.
*Miss Luella Vennick and Mrs. Strong and babe are spending a few days at Manilla visiting relatives.
*W. J. Wilkinson and James McKim autoed to Kiron Tuesday.

*Mrs. Geo. Newcom spent Tuesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Newton.
*Mr. Weir returned home Monday after a most pleasant trip to Colorado, where he went to visit his brother. He fell in love with the country and expects to winter there.

Denison Review, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1917

*Mr. and Mrs. James Estes and Rig Rounds and wife, drove through in their car to Cameron, Mo. to visit relatives and friends.
*Mr. and Mrs. Cyp Newcom have been spending the week with friends in Deloit. Mrs. Anna Winans accompanied them home.
*Mrs. Markam, who used to live at this place, spent Sunday here. It has been about seventeen years since she left and she found many changes had taken place.

*The many friends of Arthur McKim will be pleased to hear he was united in marriage to Miss Ruby Short on August 16th at Independence, Mo. Arthur is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKim. The bride is a stranger. Friends extend hearty congratulations.

*Mrs. Rilla Patchin went with Mr. and Mrs. Carstensen overland in their car to visit her son near Spirit Lake.
*Ernest Slechta has gone to Minnesota to look up a farm.
*Johnnie Sachau has sold his one residence to Martin Lorensen. Mr. Sachau will occupy a part of the double house on the hill where Millard Turner used to live.
*Mrs. Grill and Miss Ella Castner are pleasant visitors at the Herman Grill home.
*Ben Fisher has purchased the Ford car of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson. Bob Richmond has bought a Buick of Mr. Wilkinson. Now for some spins.

*Isaac Newton spent Wednesday and Thursday at Arion attending the fair and visiting his niece, Mrs. Earl Tripp and family.
*Geo. Hutchinson and family left this week in his car for a visit with old friends and relatives in Illinois. His brother and sons who were visiting him, returned home with them.
*Anna Winans will visit Mrs. Edith Putbreese and Aunt Lucy Dobson in Ulmer on her trip.

*Dale Cose and family and Mrs. Armour attended the Arion fair Thursday.
*Mrs. Eliza Worley is on the sick list this week.
*Harry Childress has been hauling sand for the foundation for his garage on his farm.
*Milton Johnson and J. Turner are repairing their tenant houses this week in Deloit.
*Mrs. Alma Prentice was a Denison visitor Monday, having some dental work done.
*the M. E. church entertained the school board and the teachers of the Deloit school Thursday evening. A program and refreshments were part of the entertainment. The church was decorated for the occasion.

*Claire McKim came Monday for his son who had been spending the summer with his aunt, Mrs. R. E. Miller. Claire is another Crawford county boy and is now traveling for a cream separator company in Wyoming.
*Merle Myers returned home Thursday from Mallard where he had been raking hay when the sun shone.
*Earl Winans and family autoed to Denison Thursday to do shopping.
*Mesdames Noakes and Graham were passengers to Denison Thursday.
*Ted Abbott, Milt Childress, Mr. and Mrs. John Cose, Mrs. DeWitt, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Newton took in the fair at Arion Thursday.
*Henry Moeller, Gus Anderson and Jim Abbott and Will Gronau spent last week at St. Paul taking in the fair and also went to Ft. Snelling and saw the soldiers.

*Bert Darling has put on a fine porch at the A. J. Mason home which will be greatly enjoyed by them.
*Messrs. James McKim and Fred True, with their wives, autoed up to see Uncle John Newcom Sunday.
*Guy Johnson was seen on the Deloit streets Monday.
*The ladies of the M. E. church have a quilt on at the parsonage which they expect to work on Thursday afternoon.

*Bert Woodruff and family, of Denison, were Deloit callers Monday.
*The ladies Aid will meet Friday afternoon at the M. E. church to select officers. All members are expected to be present and take part.
*Mrs. Fred True has been quite ill but is reported better.

Denison Review, Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1917

*Henry Boysen visited his friend, Leslie Childress, over Saturday night.
*Mrs. Mauck returned home Saturday night from Ohio where she had a pleasant visit.
*Mrs. Albro Darling and three sons visited at the Bert Darling home on Sunday.
*Iva Mason was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neuman and Sabin Campbell were Deloit visitors Saturday night.
*John Worley and wife, of Sac City, Mrs. Liza Worley, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prentice of Denison, visited at the Will Worley home.

*Mrs. Alma Prentice is having her house sided, making a fine appearance.
*Merle Myers and Heman Newcom are baling hay at Mallard.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True and children motored to Avoca Sunday.
*Chas. Campbell and John Dewitt are painting and putting in cement work at the Herman Schultz home.
*John Dewitt visited at the Phil Peieper home Sunday.
*Jim Estes and Will Rounds returned home Sunday from Cameron, Mo.

*Mrs. T. C. Dobson and Miss Eunice were Denison shoppers Saturday.
*Millard Turner was up to Deloit on business Saturday.
*The L. A. society will meet with Mrs. Allen Thursday.
*Miss Ardath Cose is taking up work in the Denison school this fall.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True and Miss Lovicie Morris autoed to Denison last Thursday. The ladies had some more supplies for the Red Cross.
*Chas. Brogden is loading a car with stove wood to ship to Denison.

*Floyd Darling is busy these days doing chores at the John Fleming home while they are visiting his sister, Mrs. Carlson in Minnesota.
*Mrs. Helen Johnston was called to Denison last week on account of the death of her husband's mother. Mrs. Jordan looked after her room in the school during her absence.
*Miss Nathalie Allen is attending school in Denison this fall.
*The boys have the school ground cleaned for basketball and have begun practice under Professor Kuhn.

*Mrs. Mattie Cose and Mrs. Lloyd Winans are on the sick list.
*Clark Dillivan and family autoed over to the John Cose home Sunday and enjoyed supper with them.
*The Camp Fire girls, with their leader, Miss Iva Mason, took a hike to the timber Friday evening after school and enjoyed a wienie and marshmallow roast and hot coffee. Miss Greenwood accompanied them as a visitor.
*George Winans and Herman Grill have been having the wood sawers at their places getting the fall wood ready for use. Vanderwall and his helpers did the work.
*Joe True went to Omaha Tuesday and is now spinning around in a new Studebaker six.
*Will Worley has had a fine piano put in their home.

*Rich Johnston was a Deloit caller this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Murray Woolsoncroft have just returned from a pleasant trip to Missouri.
*Marion Hutchinson was a pleasant caller in Deloit one day this week and was displaying some fine apples off his farm.
*Herman Rathje hauled hogs to market Saturday.
*Milton Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. James Turner autoed to Denison one day last week.
*There will be a market day Saturday in Deloit. Look at the bulletin board for place.

*The Willing Workers held a market day at the meat market Saturday afternoon.
*Mr. and Mrs. Broder Boysen were Denison shoppers Friday. Mrs. Myers Hansen and babe accompanied them.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller were visitors in Denison Saturday.
*Guy Martin, Sr. is enjoying a visit with his sister, Mrs. Howell.
*Miss Ella Weiber came Monday to visit her brother, Fred.
*Mrs. Annie Winans returned Monday from a pleasant trip.
*Miss Day of Indiana is spending a few days with her friend, Miss Westcott.
*J. P. Conner was in town Monday.

*Mr. and Mrs. Fred True are moving into the O'Banion house lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson.
*Jim Abbott went to Denison Monday on business.
*Gene Schuler and family are here visiting their parents and other relatives.
*Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shives autoed over to Deloit Tuesday to spend the day with friends. It looked good to see them here again.
*S. D. Newton was a Denison visitor between trains Tuesday.
*Mrs. Lucy Dobson and Mrs. Edith Putbreese arrived in Deloit the forepart of the week to visit relatives.

*Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Streeter were greatly surprised on Saturday afternoon by having all their children step in for a family reunion on Sunday. Those who had their feet under Pa's and Ma's table were Mrs. Sadie Tyler and babe, from Creighton, Neb.; Mrs. Nina McKim and son, Howard, of Mallard; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Winans and babe of Wall Lake; Raymond, Dennie and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Streeter of Deloit and Mrs. Geo. Zea and babe of Denison. The table fairly groaned under the load of good things to eat and the occasion will long be remembered by those present. On Monday afternoon they all went to Denison to have their picture taken. The oldest girl has not been under the parental roof for ten years, thus the event was greatly enjoyed.

*On Thursday evening at the Grill Hall a supper and entertainment will be held in honor of the boys who are departing for the front. Several able speakers have been procured and a general good time is anticipated by all, so if the soliciting committee does not call upon you do not be offended but bring a well filled basket and come prepared to do your share in any capacity for this is a chance to show your patriotism.

Denison Review - Wednesday, September 26, 1917

*Mrs. J. Allen went to Boyer Sunday to lead the Epworth League in the evening.
*The meeting for the soldiers last Thursday was a success as all were ready to respond to anything asked of them. The camp fire girls and boy scouts filled their places with credit. There was music by prominent helpers and Mr. Caswell and Mr. Powers gave talks appreciated by those present. The boy scouts gave their scoutmaster a fine wrist watch and each soldier was presented with a comfort kit.

*Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson and daughter, were called home suddenly from Illinois where they have been having a pleasant visit. The little seven months old baby of Mrs. Hutchinson's daughter, Mrs. George Storms, was taken suddenly ill with cholera morbus and only lived twelve hours. Mr. Storms of Chicago, was called and arrived too late to see the little one alive. The baby was laid to rest at Manilla. Mr. and Mrs. Storms will leave for their home in Chicago today. They are all broken up and they certainly have the sympathy of friends but may they put their trust in our heavenly Father as He is the only comforter that can reach us in these sorrowful hours.

*Mr. and Mrs. Con Lingle spent Sunday at Odebolt and Lake View visiting relatives.
*Mrs. Ruth Young is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Newcom. Uncle John has had a bad turn and is quite sick again.
*Mrs. Ann Turner visited at the Lloyd Winans home Monday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Petty, of Laurel, Neb. Came overland in their new seven passenger Oldsmobile to visit at the Con Lingle, John Dewitt, Tom Hutchinson and Chas. Shives home.

*Rev. Allen and family were Denison visitors Friday. Miss Lovicie Morris accompanied them and Miss Nathalie Allen returned home with them for a Sunday visit.
*George Beaman took a load of gentlemen to Sioux City to take in the fair a couple of days. They were Con Lingle, Ralph Beaman and Tracy Jordan. Beaman and Lingle bought some fine stocks hogs.
*Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. Ben Beaman helped Mrs. Jas. McKim eat her birthday dinner Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Fred True autoed out to the Wm. Huckstep home Sunday to spend the day.

*Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and daughter autoed up to Deloit Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. James McKim.
*Mrs. Helen Snell is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Snell.
*Mrs. Ray Green and family left for Lemon, S. D. Tuesday.
*Mrs. S. D. Newton was a passenger to Boyer Tuesday to spend a couple of days at the home of her daughter.
*Isaac Newton and Bert Alkeman are assisting Isaac Newton to dig his potatoes.
*Blair Richardson and family and his father go to East St. Louis to visit his brother.

*Mrs. Blanche Winans, who is ill, had the pleasure of a visit from five neighbors who came in and peeled two bushels of peaches and canned them for her.
*Mr. and Mrs. Lite Miller left last Wednesday for Independence, Mo. to visit her brother, Wm. McKim.
*Mrs. Mae Dobson Rudd has sold her Kansas farm and bought a house in Council Bluffs. Mrs. Rudd is a daughter of Mrs. T. C. Dobson.
*Lloyd Winans has a brand new cream separator. Now for a good test.
*Jay Myers is coming back here and is looking for a place.

Denison Review, Wednesday, October 2, 1917

*Mr. and Mrs. Hannibal Fink of Denison spent Sunday at the Newcom home.
*Mr. and Mrs. George Newcom called on his uncle, John Newcom, Sunday.
*Rev. Allen left Tuesday to attend conference.
*Ben Beaman is busy these days assisting the graders near the Fred Schuler farm in their work.
*The Ladies' Aid will meet again this week to finish off the quilt that has been on for some time. A fifteen cent lunch will also be served. Come and enjoy a social afternoon and help in a good cause.

*Mr. and Mrs. Mommie Jessen and Miss Emelia Jessen, their daughter, arrived in Deloit for a short visit with their daughter, Mrs. Herman Grill. They expect to leave soon for this home in California.
*Mrs. Hildreth Tucker and daughter, Mrs. Mills, visited at the Mrs. E. A. McKim home Friday. Mrs. George Newcom of Odebolt was also down to see her mother.
*Earl Winans sold some fine cattle this week.
*Miss Garnet Campbell was a weekend visitor at the Fred Neuman home near Boyer.
*Rev. Allen spent Monday visiting at Boyer.

*Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell and children drove up to Boyer Sunday to spend the day with their daughter.
*The Red Cross is nicely settled in their new home near the post office and are as busy as bees. Anyone who can assist them will be welcome.
*Quite a number of our people have been having the grippe but none are seriously ill.
*Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott spent Sunday at the Schelldorf home in West Side.

*Broder Boysen sold and hauled his corn to the elevator this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mauck drove to Des Moines Sunday.
*Millard Turner was a Deloit visitor Friday.
*Alfred Brogden and wife, from near Denison, visited at the Dale Cose home Sunday.
*N. H. Brogden is keeping bachelor's hall while his wife is visiting in Los Angels and San Francisco, Calif.

*Uncle John Newcom who has been ill so long, is somewhat improved.
*N. H. Brogden visited his daughter Bessie Cose Sunday.
*Mr. Weir and wife will soon leave us as the new agent has arrived.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True autoed over to Soldier Sunday to spend the day with old friends and report a dandy chicken dinner.
*Miss Etta Stubbe has been spending the weekend at Boyer.
*Harvey Shives and family will move to Denison, where he has rented a house until spring.

*Willard Rickman and Albert Anderson have rented the Voss Horr house, which is a double one, making it very convenient for small families.
*Mrs. Annie Winans and Mrs. Lucy Dobson spent last week at the Slater home.
*Milton Johnson went to Boone for a short visit Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Rickman visited Sunday at the Ike Zea home.
*Mr. and Mrs. Pete Naslund and Mr. and Mrs. Wulf of Boyer, drove down to spend the day Sunday at the Fred Landon home.

*Mr. and Mrs. Kehr, of Manilla, autoed over to Deloit Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson.
*Mr. and Mrs. Al Chamberlain and George Watson were pleasant callers on their old friend, George Hutchinson, Sunday.

*Ralph Beaman, Con Lingle and Geo. Beaman went to Wall Lake to spend the day Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Frank Priebs were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Carstensen.
*The old Milt Childress farm has been reported sold for $183 per acre.

Denison Review, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1917

*Bert McKim is busy these days hanging paper at the Riggleman home.
*S. D. Newton is busy this week assisting A. D. Winey with his work.
*Mrs. Ben Beaman and Miss Lucy Flint were Denison shoppers Saturday.
*Jim McKim was in Denison Saturday.
*Mrs. Ralph Beaman visited at the L. F. Morris home Sunday.
*Mrs. Houlihan was a Deloit visitor Saturday evening.

*Horace Miller is hauling sand from the Deloit sand pit this week.
*John Hansen went to Denison Friday for a load of ice for the butcher shop.
*Nye Schneider Fowler elevator company are improving their driveway by taking out the old one and putting in cement abutments and filling up with lumber and dirt.
*Will Worley was in town Tuesday.
*The boy scouts held a marshmallow roast Monday night.

*Bert Darling and Dick Patchin are doing carpenter work for Clarence Hutchinson.
*Bert McKim is building a house on the Martin farm.
*Rev. Allen returned from conference Tuesday.
*Mrs. Miller and babe are pleasant visitors at the Rev. Allen home.
*The Camp Fire Girls with their Indian, enjoyed another hike Thursday evening after school. They roasted potatoes and wieners and fried eggs in a fire and had one of their usual good times.

*On Wednesday, a jolly bunch spent the evening in the woods, escorted by Harlow and Avery Mason. Those who went were Prof. Kuhn and wife, Miss Iva Mason, Mrs. Johnston, Miss Greenwood, Ben Patrick and Mrs. Brown and family. They certainly made the nuts and the wienies suffer and had a very enjoyable time.
*R. M. Johnston visited his wife the fore part of the week.
*The Red Cross were to busy finishing some work that they put in last Thursday evening extra.

*Mr. and Mrs. James McKim entertained Mr. and Mrs. Weir Tuesday evening.
*Mrs. Fred Schuler visited at the Murray Woolsoncroft home Friday.
*Mrs. Geo Newcom of Boyer spent Friday with her parents.
*A surprise picnic dinner was given at the Isaac Zea home for Miss Mabel who is a shut-in. The affair was greatly enjoyed by those present who were Mrs. Bert McKim, Mrs. Helen Hess, Mrs. Fred Landon, Mrs. Fred Rickman and Miss Lucy Flint.
*Mr. and Mrs. James McKim spent a couple of days at Lake Okoboji this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True and Miss Lovicie Morris spent Friday in Denison.

*Mrs. E. A. McKim's birthday Saturday was a pleasant feature as she is a shut-in. Her immediate relatives took their dinner and went in as a surprise. Mrs. McKim is 84 years old and one of the pioneer settlers of Deloit and surely appreciated the thoughtfulness of those near and dear to her. May she recover her health and enjoy many more happy birthdays.
*Mrs. Orpha Newman spent a couple of days under the parental roof this week.
*Miss Lucy Flint visited Mrs. Lillie Newton over Friday night. She is making preparations to leave soon for California.

*Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mauck returned home the fore part of the week from Des Moines, where they enjoyed a pleasant visit with friends.
*Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fink and Miss Etta Stubbe autoed to Des Moines on Sunday to visit friends. Leslie Childress is busy looking after the chores during Mr. Fink's absence.
*Mrs. Young visited at the James McKim home Thursday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winans of Percival visited Sunday with his father, Geo. Winans.

*Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson have been spending a few days in Omaha taking in the Ak-Sar-Ban.
*Oker Myers, one of our young men, has enlisted in the navy. He is the only son of Jay Myers.
*Jim Estes raised 100 bushels of potatoes, which are the Irish cobbler and a fine potato is not to be found.
*Will Rounds raised 75 bushels of potatoes in three lots and he thinks he has done extra well.
*Mrs. Carl Streeter and Mrs. Kuhn and Mrs. Silas Streeter picnicked in the grove and got a fine supply of nuts.

*The L. D. S. will hold their conference at Mallard on October 12th and quite a good many from here expect to attend.
*Mr. and Mrs. Bob Childress and son, Leslie, and Mrs. Wayne Snell went to Lake View Thursday.
*The L. D. S. will soon have their church cleaned and repapered and a new carpet laid, ready for the winter services.
*Bert Darling was a Denison visitor Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hutchinson took in the married folks' dance at Vail last Wednesday evening.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True drove down to Avoca Sunday and Mrs. True's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Litts came home with them for a visit.

*The Red Cross will hold a convention at Des Moines on October 29th and 30th. A delegation is wanted from each chapter.
*The L. D. S. will meet with Mrs. Helen Zea Thursday afternoon. A 15 cent lunch will be served. The dues will also be collected.
*Mrs. Vanderwall and Miss Mabel were in attendance at the Ak-Sar-Ban last week.
*Johnnie Sachau sold his 80 acres in Otter Creek to his brother, August, for $150 per acre. The latter kept it about a week and the Worley Moeller Land company reports the sale of it to Chas. Freml for $190. A pretty good deal.

*Deloit experienced the worst fire in the history of the town yesterday afternoon when four buildings in the business section were totally destroyed and which threatened the destruction of all of the business houses. A strong northwest wind was blowing which carried the flames across the street and threatened the building in which the post office is located. All of the post office records, together with the mail and supplies were removed from this building and taken to the bank building a block away for fear of destruction. The fire demonstrated to the people of Deloit the necessity of a city water works system and the matter is now being agitated with every indication that favorable action will be taken.

The fire broke out about 2:30 o'clock in the hotel and was discovered by John Sachau, who noticed smoke curling up from the room. Mrs. Laura Noakes stopped at the hotel to see Mrs. Merrington and upon entering the building found it full of smoke. She rushed out into the street just as Mr. Sachau was giving the alarm. No one was in the hotel during this early part of the afternoon as Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Merrington, who conduct it, had gone to Denison in a car to make some purchases consequently the fire had made considerable headway before it was discovered. The three buildings adjoining the hotel were soon enveloped in flames, although every man, woman and child in the town were heroically working to save the property. Bucket brigades were formed and four nearby wells were pumped dry.

When it was apparent the whole town was in danger a telephone message was sent to Denison for help and the big fire truck from there, together with several firemen made a record run here and assisted materially in getting the blaze under control. The hotel building, which is owned by the Sachau estate, was partially covered by insurance and Mr. and Mrs. Merrington carried a policy of $1700 on their hotel equipment. While considerable furniture and bedding were removed from the building it was more or less damaged by smoke and water.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Merrington lost $50 in currency, his summer's wages in the fire. All of the family's clothing was destroyed. The Robert McKim building which was rented by the Bloomer Cold Storage company of Council Bluffs for a cream station and operated by Earl Winans, was totally destroyed. The insurance on this building had run out so will be a total loss to the estate. Mr. Winans was able to remove most of his property from the building. The building just east of the hotel, owned by Geo. Landon, was destroyed and it is said the insurance on this property had also expired.

Fred Wieber, the barber, rented this property but a short time ago had moved his shop across the street and sublet a portion of the building for a pop corn stand. The Deloit Red Cross society used the building for some time as a work room but their material was moved out last week. The drug store, owned and operated by Harry Mauck, was the last building to catch fire. While his loss is considerable, much of his stock was removed. The building and stock were covered by insurance.

Mr. Mauck's Christmas stock arrived the first of the week and he was marking the goods when the fire broke out. Much of this stock was destroyed. This is the third time that Mr. Mauck has been burned out, twice before coming to Deloit. For a time it seemed that the True mercantile establishment, located at the east end of the block, would also catch on fire.

Fortunately there was a vacant lot between their building and the drug store or it might have been destroyed. About seven years ago Deloit experienced a similar fire when the hotel and drug store were destroyed but the fire yesterday did considerable more damage.

Much credit is due Harlow Mason, Arden Newcom, Robert Wieber, Ralph Beaman, Will Morrison and Andrew Bartman, who worked heroically carrying valuables from the building buildings. It is impossible at this time to give the actual loss, but it will no doubt run up into the thousands of dollars.

Denison Review, Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1917

*Deloit did not have enough excitement at the fire so there were some thieves broke into Mauck's building taking some jewelry. The safe was tampered with. At the meat market the safe was blown open and Jim's buffalo nickels were all taken. The theft occurred Wednesday night when all were dead tired after the fire.
*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hicks, of Montezuma, cousins of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, are here for a visit. They all autoed over to the George Holdsworth home near Manning for a visit.

*George Storm, of Chicago, son-in-law of Mrs. George Hutchinson, has been here and transacting business.
*Hannes Mumsen and Fred Petersen went to Omaha for cattle Tuesday. The cattle were shipped here Wednesday.
*Mrs. Chas. Evers of Denison spent a few days with her brother, Broder Boysen.
*Fred and Joe True were Kiron visitors Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Pilcher and family and their married daughter, Mrs. Knuth and children visited this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Broder Boysen. They autoed through from Princeton and expect to make many more visits to other places before returning home.

*Mr. and Mrs. John Yankee and babe visited at the John DeWitt home Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Pete Naslund were pleasant visitors in Deloit Tuesday.
*The Red Cross have been working in the bank these cool days.
*Miss Mary Fink, of Denison is visiting with her friend, Miss Hester Lingle.
*Mrs. Fred True and Miss Ella Martin were Denison shoppers Monday.
*Don't miss the attraction at the Grill Hall. "The Girl and the Tramp" on October 18th. A sure cure for the blues.

*Dr. Rosburg of Denison was on our streets Friday.
*Dr. Graham is spending a few days in Deloit invoicing his goods. The new doctor, we understand, is busy looking over the location and if satisfactory, will buy Dr. Graham's practice.

*Friday the Ladies Aid met on its regular meeting day with Mrs. Helen Zea and seventeen ladies were present. The afternoon was spent doing fancy work and Red Cross knitting. The ladies enjoyed a good social afternoon. They held a short business session for the reports and discussion of a bazaar and other entertainment in the near future. Miss Lucy Flint read a chapter from St. John. Prayer was given by Mrs. Newton and after singing "What a Friend we have in Jesus," a delicious lunch was served by Mesdames Riggleman, Landon, Rickman and Zea. Next meeting will be held Friday, Oct. 19. Supper 25 cents served from 5 to 6. Everybody come. Nowhere can you be served so good a supper at that price. The visitors were Miss Emelie Jessen of Whittier, Calif. And Mrs. Annie Winans.

*James Abbott has purchased Uncle George Landon's pop corn outfit and had it put in his meat market.
*Miss Solinger and Miss Cole of Denison, were weekend visitors with Miss Nathalie Allen at the M. E. parsonage.
*Miss Ardath Cose spent this weekend at home.
*The boy scouts received medals Saturday night at the Grill Hall. Dr. V. K. Graham, their old scout master, was present and presented them to the boys who were very much pleased to see their old scout master and also to receive their medals.

*Mrs. Murray Woolsoncroft, who has been ill, was able to be out to church Sunday.
*The teacher, Prof. Kuhn, Mrs. Brown, Miss Dobson, Miss Greenwood, Miss Hester Lingle and Miss Mason were Denison visitors last week attending the teacher's institute.
*Rev. Kemphoefner, the Ida Grove district superintendent, was in Deloit Sunday and gave e the people at the M. E. church a fine sermon. Special music by the choir was enjoyed by the music lovers.

*Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Woolsoncroft and family attended M. E. services Sunday evening in Deloit.
*Mr. Miller is visiting his wife and babe at the parsonage over Sunday.
*Raymond Conner and Mr. Caswell were Deloit callers the day of the fire.
*Mr. and Mrs. Tempest of Vail were calling on old friends in Deloit last Thursday.
*Mr. Samuelson sold Mr. North a fine stock hog weighing around 800 pounds.

*Ben Patrick is wearing a smiling face, all on account of the finding of his pocketbook by Murray Hemple. We understand it contained something over $50.00. We congratulate.
*Mrs. Will Morrison was in Denison Tuesday.
*Mrs. Geo. Newcom visited at the home of her parents, Tuesday, while Mr. Newcom was in Denison.
*Mr. and Mrs. James McKim were pleasant visitors in Denison Tuesday.

*Harry Mauck and wife were busy getting their goods on the shelves in the Brogden building west of the meat market.
*The manager of the Bloomer Cold Storage company was here getting Earl Winans located in the Abbott office near the livery barn so the farmers were not put out and their cream was cared for, and also their chickens.
*Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson left on Wednesday for Anthon to visit his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Halberg.

*The Misses Luella and Kathryn Vennick are the proud possessors of a fine piano. This family are great lovers of music.
*Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Myers, of Herring, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spence spent Sunday in Deloit. Mr. Spence filled the pulpit in the L. D. S. church in the morning.

*Mr. and Mrs. Mommie Jessen and daughter, were bidding their friends goodbye Saturday. They have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grill. They went to Denison Saturday to remain over Sunday and left Monday for Whittier, Cal. They have been away from home seven months, visiting here and with their son, Henry, in Dakota and feel that it is time to turn their faces homeward. Miss Lucy Flint accompanied them and will visit her brother Charles and if she likes it she may make California her home in the future.

*Mr. and Mrs. Perry Huckstep and Mr. and Mrs. Milt Childress autoed to Anthon for an over-Sunday visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Halberg.
*Jim Turner has been picking apples for Aunt Jane Johnson for half of the apples.
*Will Rounds is found these days working at the Nye Schneider Fowler lumber yard.
*Mrs. Williams expects to go and keep house for her son, Walter, soon.
*Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preebes are moving to Schleswig.

*Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller returned this week from Independence where they had been spending a few weeks visiting.
*Jim Williams and sister, Lottie, expect to start a hotel in Ford Dodge soon.
*Mrs. Richard Johnson spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives in Denison.
*It is rumored that there will be a good building put up where those were burned last week.
*Mrs. Silas Streeter returned Monday from Mallard where she had been spending a few days.

Denison Review, Wednesday, October 31, 1917

*Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beaman and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson and son, Verne, took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKim.
*Mrs. Winnie White of Omaha, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Hunt, near Boyer, for the past ten days, came down to Deloit Thursday and spent the remainder of the week visiting her aunts, Mrs. Fred Landon and Mrs. Helen Zea, also her cousin, Mrs. Willard Rickman.

*Mr. and Mrs. Fred True returned from Rochester the fore part of the week.
*Mrs. Clarence Cose visited at the James Estes home Monday.
*Ben Beaman was down to the county seat Monday transacting business.
*Mr. and Mrs. Pete Naslund and their cousin, Mrs. White, motored to Denison Thursday.

*The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Fred Schuler and spent a pleasant afternoon and planned for a chicken pie supper at the home of the president, Mrs. Riggleman, on Friday, November 2nd. All know what splendid times are had at the Riggleman home so don't miss it. Everybody invited.
*Mrs. Joe True enjoyed having the Red Cross meet with her Monday afternoon, when nothing but the click of the knitting needles could be heard.
*Mrs. Willard Rickman and Mrs. White, of Omaha, spent a pleasant day in Denison Saturday visiting with relatives and friends.

*Rev. Allen returned home the forepart of the week from Wyandotte, Neb.
*Mrs. Broder Boysen visited with her friend, Mrs. Lillie Newton, Wednesday.
*Mrs. James Abbott was in Denison shopping Thursday.
*Harry Mauck and son, Frederick, autoed to Denison Thursday.
*S. D. Newton was in Denison Tuesday assisting in unloading cars for Geo. Newcom.
*The many friends regret to hear that Uncle Dick Brogden had a stroke of paralysis on his left side.

*Dr. Merriam has rented the Johnson & Turner house and will move his family here soon.
*Harry Mauck and Ben Patrick spent the weekend at Omaha.
*Andy Bartman is keeping these days in the old Robertson house now owned by Joe True.
*Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Riggleman and daughter have returned to their home in Graham, Minn.

*Miss Pearl Hutchinson was the guest of Miss Kathryn Vennick over Sunday.
*Mrs. Jackie Sachau, after a pleasant visit with her sister in Montana, returned to her home. She has been gone for some time.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Firman Newcom at dinner.
*Glen Dunbar came to visit his parents, U. S. Dunbar and wife, returning Sunday to Camp Dodge.
*Mrs. Chas. Campbell and son, Will, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman.
*Miss Garnet Campbell spent the weekend with her sister near Boyer.

*Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mason spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kuhl, it being their twentieth wedding anniversary.
*Mrs. Riggleman and daughter and Miss Mabel Vanderwall, attended the style show in Denison Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True went to Denison Saturday, taking some of the teachers in their auto.
*Stanley Browne is driving a new Ford car.

*Our teachers were in attendance at the study center in Denison Saturday.
*Miss Greenwood, a teacher of Charter Oak, visited her sister in Deloit Sunday.
*Miss Luella Vennick was a Sunday visitor in Deloit.
*Miss Edna Browne has a painful felon on her thumb.
*Mr. and Mrs. Milton Childress's forty-third wedding anniversary occurred on October 25th, a fact which they nearly forgot.

*Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson will go to Anthon, where the former will assist Alfred Halberg in the store and his wife will assist Mrs. Halberg with the housework.
*Earl Winans shipped a barrel of fine apples to his brother, Maurice, at Wall Lake.
*Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winans took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller.
*Walter Kropf visited his sister, Mrs. James Abbott, Sunday.
*Miss Etta Stubbe visited her sister near Boyer.

*Chas. Cose and family visited at the U. S. Dunbar home Sunday.
*Bert Darling was an overnight visitor with his father near Ells.
*Mrs. George Merrington visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Estes.
*Mr. and Mrs. Willard Johnson visited at the home of her parents with her brother, Earl, who was here for the day.
*Chester McDermott and Irvin Larson are here for a short stay from Camp Dodge.

Denison Review, Wednesday, November 7, 1917

*Mr. and Mrs. John Cose were Deloit shoppers Monday.
*Will Rounds has been husking corn for Sam Newcom the past week.
*Mrs. Allan Graham is away visiting in Cameron, Mo.
*Bert Darling was down to the county seat Monday.
*Ben Patrick is transacting business for a few days at Sloan.
*Sachau, Thompson and Moeller have purchased land in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

*Miss Etta Stubbe was a pleasant guest at dinner at the home of Mrs. Will Worley. Mrs. Worley was celebrating her birthday.
*Mrs. Round s of Missouri, is here visiting Allan Graham, her stepson.
*Milt Childress visited his sister, Mrs. Ann Turner, Monday.
*Mrs. Mattie Cose and mother spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Lloyd Winans, who has been quite ill.

*Mr. and Mrs. Fred True spent the past week at Omaha.
*Mrs. S. D. Newton entertained her father and sister, L. F. Morris and Miss Lovicie Morris at dinner Tuesday.
*Mr. Groethe is at Hartley working.
*Ralph Beaman has been confined to the house with sore throat for a few days.
*Mr. and Mrs. James McKim were pleasant visitors in Denison Tuesday. Mrs. Walker came home with them and remained over night.

*Mrs. Groethe received a message that her father was very sick and she and the little ones left Sunday evening for Chicago.
*Mrs. James Abbott, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Newton were in Denison Wednesday afternoon.
*Ralph McKim is here from Nebraska for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKim.
*Miss Kathryn Vennick was down to Denison to take in "The Birth of a Nation."

*Jim Estes lost a fine horse Wednesday.
*The Willing Workers met at the home of Mrs. Firman Newcom last Wednesday afternoon. Several ladies took advantage of the fine day and spent a profitable afternoon with Mrs. Newcom who is a model hostess.
*Ben Beaman sold some fine cattle to Mr. Clauson Thursday.
*Ted Abbott, was a pleasant visitor in Vail Thursday.
*Ray Winans was in Deloit for a few days.

*Miss Groethe visited at the Kropf home the last of the week.
*The Ladies' Aid chicken pie supper at the Riggleman home Friday was a success. They took in $17.50 and feel proud of their work.
*Friday, November 9th, the Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson to sew. Come with your needles and thimbles. Everybody invited to attend.
*Ben Beaman shipped a box of honey to relatives in Montana this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grill autoed to Schleswig Sunday and attended a picture show while there.

*Mr. and Mrs. George Lee have a fine baby girl at their home. Miss Nora Jordan is caring for them. Their friends congratulate.
*Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and Miss Luella and Miss Kathryn Vennick autoed to Manilla and stopped overnight and spent the day Sunday in Shelby county visiting relatives.
*Miss Grace Inghram was an over-Sunday visitor at home from Grinnell.
*Nicholas Moeller has his tonsils removed at Ida Grove Monday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mauck spent Sunday at Lake City.

*Monday evening about twenty-six relatives went in to surprise Newton Brogden, it being his 71st birthday. They took well filled baskets and late in the evening served a fine supper. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brogden were completely taken by surprise. All enjoyed themselves as they are pleasant hostesses and enjoyed the treat as much as young folks.

*Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cose left on the noon train for Rochester to consult the doctors in regard to the latter's health.
*The Willing Workers will give a chicken pie supper at the Grill Hall Friday evening November 9th for the benefit of the children's home. Come everybody.
*Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brogden autoed up to Deloit Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cose.

*The Red Cross workers at Deloit will be pleased to know that their 140 pound box of hospital supplies has been received in Chicago, inspected, approved and shipped. Soon we are to have sewing on hand which may b e done by the society and mothers council and in the homes. The demand for these supplies is enormous and we must do our part.

Denison Review - Wednesday, November 14, 1917

*Levi Erickson and Miss Hester Lingle attended the M. E. services Sunday evening in Deloit.
*Mr. and Mrs. George Newcom of Boyer, attended M.E. services in Deloit Sunday and took dinner with their parents.
*Miss Iva Mason visited at the Homer Huckstep home Saturday and Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott autoed to West Side Sunday to spend the day.
*Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hutchinson were Deloit shoppers Monday.

*Mrs. Ralph Beaman was a pleasant Denison visitor Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Jordan were Denison shoppers Monday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Fred True went back to Council Bluffs Monday. Mr. True is still on the grand jury.
*Will Worley autoed to Denison on Monday.

*Leslie Childress entertained a number of young people Sunday evening at the home of his parents east of town.
*Jim Estes sold S. D. Newton 100 bushels of oats and put them in the granary for him.
*Uncle George Landon fell on some ice and was crippled up so he could not attend the dinner for old soldiers at the Sears McHenry home in Denison. It was a great disappointment to Uncle George.
*A. J. Mason hauled hogs to Denison Friday.

*Howard Biggs and family spent the weekend at the Ralph Beaman home.
*Mrs. E. M. Paup has been visiting a few days with her friend, Mrs. Lillie Newton.
*The Ladies Aid society will meet this coming Thursday with Mrs. Guy Martin Sr.
*The Willing workers met with Mrs. Joe True this week and decided to meet next time with Mrs. Wescott to see about packing the box for the orphans' home.

*Dick Brogden returned home this week. His brothers, Charles and Ed went to Aitkin and accompanied him home and he certainly seemed glad to get back.
*Jim Turner and Milton Johnson are at Ells filling in the ends of bridges with dirt.
*Mrs. John Worley received the sad news of the death of her brother, which occurred at Davenport on October 22nd. Walter Enright was 32 years old and lived in Deloit when a little boy.
*Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Browne and family autoed up to Arthur Sunday to visit at the Halberg home.

*Will Marshall spent Sunday at the S. D. Newton home.
*Mrs. Will Morrison was a Denison visitor Friday.
*Mrs. Harvey Shives and children were in town Saturday and Sunday and were the guests at dinner Sunday at the Lloyd Winans home.
*Dan Fink and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Childress Tuesday.
*Ruth Jordan and Loyal Winans had good success in soliciting for the orphans' home fund this week.

*Mrs. Al Graham came home from Cameron, Mo. and her sister accompanied her and is employed at the home of Mrs. Stanley Browne.
*Mr. and Mrs. Mearl Myers have been pleasant visitors at Percival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winans.
*Dr. Merrian and family are now nicely located in the Turner & Johnson property.
*Jim Turner's stepson, Albert Turner, is attending an auto school in Kansas City.
*Mrs. Will Rounds has been enjoying a visit at home with her parents.
*James McKim took a trip to the lake Wednesday.

*Clifford Browne got hurt at the Chas. Richardson home last week and is suffering with a lame wrist.
*Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson and Miss Luella Vennick and Miss Kathryn Vennick were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Riggleman Sunday. Miss Luella Vennick is enjoying a two week vacation.
*James McKim and Guy Martin spent Thursday at Spirit Lake.
*Miss Iva Mason and brother, Harlo, and Miss Greenwood were Denison visitors Saturday.

*Mrs. Mauck has been enjoying a visit from her cousin, W. F. Young, of McCook.
*Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott spent Sunday at the Chas. Johnson home near Boyer.
*Mrs. Millard Turner and children visited at the Schuler home a few days.
*Harry Mauck left last week on a business mission to Mission, Texas.
*Frank True spent the forepart of the week at the home of his brother.

*Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petersen and children spent Sunday at the Broder Boysen home.
*Mrs. J. T. Spence visited with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott recently.
*Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cose and children autoed out to the Uncle Bob Childress home Sunday to spend the day.
*Alfred Hutchinson and Dale Cose were Omaha visitors Thursday and Friday.
*Clarence Cose and wife and Mr. and Mrs. George Merrington spent Sunday at the U. S. Dunbar home.

*John Truesdale, of Glidden, Ray Shives of Wall Lake and Leslie and Hazel Shives of Denison visited at the John Dewitt home Sunday.
*Mrs. Broder Boysen spent Saturday in Denison at the dentist's office.
*The Red Cross has a new supply of yarn and those who wish to assist in the knitting call on Mrs. Prentice for yarn.

Denison Review, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1917

*Mr. and Mrs. James McKim entertained Mr. and Mrs. Young at dinner Sunday.
*Joe True took a load of council men of Deloit to Schleswig on business on Monday last.
*Miss Greenwood of Charter Oak was in Deloit visiting her sister the weekend.
*Mr. and Mrs. George Prentice of Denison took dinner with her mother, Mrs. Jake Worley, Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True and Mrs. Miller autoed over to Boyer Sunday to call on Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spence.

*Earl Galland and family visited at the Abram Galland home Sunday.
*Elder Barrett held services at the L. D. S. church the past week.
*Roy Anderson shipped cattle Monday.
*Mr. and Mrs. John Cose were pleasant visitors at the Hutchinson home Sunday.
*Herman Grill was a Battle Creek visitor Tuesday.
*Miss Lovicie Morris accompanied Mrs. Will Morrison to Battle Creek Tuesday to consult the doctors there in regard to her health.

*The road graders are making mighty fine roads out from Deloit past the McNeal farm.
*Mrs. S. D. Newton was in Denison Tuesday shopping.
*The report is brought us that John Worley of Sac City passed away on Sunday morning. He was an old resident of Deloit and was 46 years of age. He has quite a number of relatives here.
*Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson were weekend visitors at the Perry Huckstep home.
*We are sorry to report the health of U. S. Dunbar is not very good.
*Mrs. Rounds returned to Cameron, Mo. last week.

*The L. D. S. church has its annual house cleaning done. The services of Prof. Kuhn were secured and their walls have been papered and carpets laid. They were again ready for services.
*Grandma Williams smiling face is again seen on the streets of Deloit.
*Stanley Browne sold Jim Estes a horse this week.
*Mrs. Vanderwall has been visiting her mother in Denison the past week.

*The many friends of Loren Patchin will sorry to hear of his getting hurt in Dakota and an operation was necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Firman Newcom, Arden Newcom and Dick Patchin left Friday for Spirit Lake to see him.
*Mrs. Mattie Cose expects to commence her winter term of school the first Monday in December.
*Miss Lenora Potter of Manilla spent the weekend at the Mrs. Guy Martin Jr. home.
*It is reported that Deloit has decided to install water works and electric lights. These will make Deloit a better and more popular town as in itself she is like a city on a hill that cannot be hid and very beautifully situated.

*The Ladies' Aid Society were right royally entertained at Mrs. Guy Martin's Sr., last Thursday afternoon. The ladies turned over quite a lot of sewing. A goodly number were present. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Fred True served light refreshments which were greatly enjoyed.
*Mrs. James McKim spent Saturday in Denison at their club which met with Mrs. Laub.
*Mrs. Sam Dunbar is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Fred Newman, of near Boyer for a few weeks.

*Mr. and Mrs. Allen visited Friday at the home of Mr. and Ms. John Judy, and brought Mrs. Judy into Deloit Thursday afternoon to take in the Ladies Aid society meeting.
*S. D. Newton has been assisting George Newcom unload autos for a couple of days this week.
*Mr. Schwantz shipped a car load of cattle to Chicago Saturday night. Bert Darling went along to see the sights and care for the stock.

*Mrs. Bertha Brown of Dow City returned home Saturday after a pleasant visit at the Bert McKim home.
*Miss Etta Stubbe spent Sunday in the country at Perry Huckstep's.
*The C. J. Newcom place lately purchased by John Vanfleet for $40,000 was resold by the Moeller and Worley Land Co. to Mr. A. F. Wheeler of Denison for $41,500. Thus another farm has changed hands in about a week.

*James Abbott and Merrington were up to Lake View Wednesday.
*Del Richardson hauled wood to Denison Tuesday.
*Mrs. Moeller and Mrs. Grill visited at the Boysen home Wednesday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Streeter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon, Mr. and Mrs. Newton were passengers to Denison Friday.
*There was a big turnout to hear Gov. Harding Friday from Deloit and surrounding country.
*The soldier boys from Deloit have been spending a few days at home.

*Mrs. Miller was called to Onawa Saturday on account of sickness in her husband's family.
*Stanley Browne is erecting a garage for his new car.
*C. Newcom, we understand, is taking treatments at Rochester, Minn.
*The Ladies' Aid society will meet Friday afternoon, November 23, at the home of Mrs. Guy Martin, Jr. Everybody is cordially invited to attend.
*Miss Castor, one of last year's efficient teachers in Deloit, has secured a position in the blind school at Vinton.

*Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson received word from Prof. Webster, one of last year's teachers, in Deloit, with some Kodak views. He is looking and feeling fine.
*The L. D. S. will hold their annual bazaar December 14. Watch for the place and particulars.
*Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Boysen and Miss Mabel were visitors at the George Hutchinson home Monday evening.
*Miss Etta Stubbe is spending a few days at Des Moines.
*The Willing Workers this week on Wednesday will meet with Mrs. Becky Miller.
*The Epworth League will hold a hard-times social soon.

*Mrs. Dobson and daughter, Eunice and Mrs. Schuler, autoed to Denison Saturday.
*John Vernick and family of Manilla, spent Sunday at the George Hutchinson home.
*Martin Jessen of Battle Creek visited at the James Abbott home Monday of this week.
*The relatives and friends gathered at the U. S. Dunbar home Saturday evening in honor of Earl Dunbar, who is home for a few days. Supper was served and a pleasant time enjoyed.

Denison Review, Wednesday, November 28, 1917

*James and Ted Abbott went to West Side Monday.
*Miss Etta Stubbe returned Tuesday from Des Moines where she has been visiting friends.
*Rev. Allen and son, Ralph, autoed to Onawa Wednesday, returning on time for the family to spend the evening at the farewell party given Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newcom of Boyer.
*Willie McKim had the misfortune to break his arm while cranking the auto. He will be laid up for some time. This is quite a drawback as he drives the car for his father, who is the mail carrier.

*The Camp Fire girls met at the home of Mrs. Helen Johnston Thursday evening.
*Ralph Beaman went to Omaha last Wednesday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Biggs of Denison and Mrs. Bartman of Wichita, Kans. came up Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beaman. Mrs. Bartman who is Mrs. Beaman's aunt, remained over Friday.
*The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Guy Martin Jr. Friday afternoon. There was a big turnout and light refreshments were served, which were enjoyable after the busy afternoon.

*A few friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKim took their baskets filled with goodies Thursday evening to their home to help them pass away a few pleasant hours, it being their twenty fourth wedding anniversary.
*Mrs. Mattie Cose was down to Denison Thursday calling on old friends.
*Mr. and Mrs. Broder Boysen visited at the Chas. Evers home in Denison on Sunday.
*Gene Brogden is here visiting relatives.
*Grandma Dunbar is spending a few days with her son, U. S. Dunbar.

*Mr. and Mrs. Barrett spent the weekend visiting at the Mrs. Jordan home.
*Miss Etta Stubbe had her tonsils removed and is quite sick at the McGrath home in Denison.
*Leslie Jordan is here from Nebraska visiting his many relatives.
*Miss Potter of Avoca, visited Miss Ella Martin Sunday.

*There will be a hard time social held at the James Abbott home on Friday evening of this week, under the auspices of the Epworth League. Everyone bring a potato, a spoon and a tin cup. Come dressed for the occasion or a fine will be imposed. An admission of 15 cents will be charged to pay the League pledge to the Red Cross.

*Ben Fisher bought the 80 acres belonging to Chas Freml.
*Mr. and Mrs. Broder Boysen spent a few days in Omaha and Council Bluffs this week visiting relatives and shopping.
*Rev. Allen and family were pleasantly surprised Sunday by his cousin, I. J. Requarile and wife, who autoed down from Schaller.

*Will Worley and Mr. and Mrs. Galland went to Sac City to attend the funeral of John Worley Tuesday who belonged to their lodge while a resident of Deloit.
*Mr. Edwin J. Cadwell of Manilla worked at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hemple.
*Mrs. Johnnie Anderson of Dunlap came up Saturday to visit her brother north of town.
*Miss Kathryn Vennick and Miss Loyal Winans were in Denison Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Newton were shoppers in Denison Saturday.
*Don't forget the Lloyd Winans sale at Deloit, December 7th.
*There will be something special at the Grill hall Saturday night. Watch for the ad.
*Mrs. Lou Arnold has been helping care for Auntie McKim in her last days.

*The teachers who went to Denison Saturday were Prof. ..., Mr. Browne, Mrs. Cose, Miss Greenwood and Miss Mason.
*Miss Greenwood's sister came from the teachers meeting to spend the weekend with her.
*Mr. and Mrs. Firman Newcom were Denison visitors Saturday.
*Geo. Newcom of Boyer was at Deloit Saturday.
*Fred Moeller and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson went to Texas this week.

*Mrs. George Newcom of Odebolt has been here aiding in the care of her mother, who passed away Sunday morning.
*Miss Eunice Dobson and Mrs. Schuler went to Denison Saturday. The former attended the teachers' meeting and afterwards autoed to Dow City to see Mrs. May Rudd.
*Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Dunbar and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hutchinson visited at the John Cose home Sunday.
*Heman Newcom and Merle Myer shipped two cars of sheep to Omaha, Monday.

*Mr. and Mrs. Newton Brogden returned from a business trip to Omaha.
*Cyp Newcom is talking strongly of coming back to Deloit to live.
*Lloyd Winans is enjoying a fine lot of fish he caught at the lake.
*Mrs. Carl Streeter is visiting her parents at Runnelle.
*Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett are pleasant visitors at home of her brother, Mr. Jordan.
*Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson are nicely located at Lake View.

*A surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. Perry Huckstep Friday evening in honor of their fifteenth wedding anniversary.
*Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prentice spent Sunday with her mother.
*Bob Childress was a pleasant visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ann Turner and brought her a box of nice hazelnuts.
*Henry Boysen was a weekend visitor with his friend Leslie Childress.
*Mr. Nestlebush bought and took home with him a couple of geese for Thanksgiving dinner.

Denison Review - Wednesday December 5, 1917

* Lived in Deloit Since Year 1861 - Mrs. Elizabeth McKim, One of the Very Old Settlers of Crawford Passed Away November 25th. - She was 85 years of Age - Leaves Four Children Surviving Her - Funeral Services Held Tuesday, November 27 - Largely Attended

Deloit - Elizabeth McCollam was born in Pennsylvania October 6, 1832. She was united in marriage to Ethan Allen McKim on the 30th day of April, 1850. In 1861 Mr. and Mrs. McKim came to Iowa and settled at Deloit where they have made their home ever since. Mr. McKim died eighteen years ago and the death of Mrs. McKim occurred at her home in Deloit on Sunday morning, Nov. 25, 1917 at the age of 85 years. Four of her children survive her, they being Mrs. Mary E. Tucker of Denison, Sarah Newcom of Odebolt, James McKim of Deloit and Gilbert Eugene of Denver, Colo.

Mrs. McKim was a woman of superior mind and strong character. Not withstanding her long years on the frontier, there was an air of culture and refinement about her which was an indication of good breeding and high ideals. Originally she was a Presbyterian but on coming to Iowa she and her husband joined the Methodist Episcopal church at Deloit of which they were loyal members as long as they lived. Mrs. McKim loved her Christ and her church. Her Christian life was quiet but beautiful in its simplicity and steadfastness. Death held no terrors for her and she was ready and even anxious to leave this pain racked body and be forever with her Maker. The funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. P. Allen at the Methodist church at Deloit on Tuesday, November 27th and her body was laid to rest beside her husband and children in the Deloit cemetery

*The annual bazaar of the Methodist church under the auspices of the Aid Society will be held in December 22. Don't forget the date.
*Mrs. Allen and daughter went to Sioux City Thursday.
*John DeWitt went to Lake View on Tuesday for a few days' outing.
*Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Newton went to Boyer Tuesday to assist Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newcom to prepare for their sale.

*Levi Anderson attended the hard times social at the James Abbott home Friday evening.
*Rev. Allen and sons were Boyer visitors Friday.
*Will Huckstep bought a crib of corn at the Newcom sale Friday.
*Harry Anderson, Merle Myers, A. J. Mason, Link Riggleman, Clarence Cose and Milt Childress were among those who attended the Newcom sale.
*Stanley Browne has a nice lot of wood sawed and stored for winter use.

*The Ladies Aid society will meet at Mrs. F. A. True, Friday afternoon. The president desires all finished articles to be brought and those who wish to donate anything to the sale on December 11th, please notify the society and gifts will be gladly accepted.
*Carl Streeter and wife will move into the section house as soon as Blair Richardson gets possession of the Guy Martin place he purchased.
*J. J. Miller and wife went to Omaha Thursday to spend a few days at the Glen McKim home.
*The Riggleman boys were home from college to spend the weekend.

*Mr. and Mrs. F. A. True and Mr. and Mrs. James McKim were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Broder Boysen Thursday evening.
*Miss Greenwood, Clifford Browne, Henry Boysen and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKim were Denison visitors Saturday.
*Geo. Winans is on the sick list.
*Mr. and Mrs. Jim Estes entertained their immediate relatives Thursday at dinner.
*Mrs. Will Worley's sister, Mrs. Sullivan and family, from near Vail, came to spend Thanksgiving with her.

*Alice Darling is very sick but we hope she will soon be able to be about.
*The Ladies Aid society at Deloit has grown so in numbers that it requires two meeting places. They met with Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs. Boysen and four comforters were tied after which a luncheon was served at the Hutchinson home for all.
*A family reunion was held at the Chas. Campbell home Sunday in honor of Mrs. Bill Jordan and sons of Belden, Nebraska. U. S. Dunbar and family, Mr. and Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Dunbar were present.

*Mr. and Mrs. Fred Landon shipped Mr. and Mrs. Billie Steuck in Colorado a Thanksgiving dinner by parcel post.
*Garnet Campbell spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Fred Newman.
*Miss Luella Vennick came home to spend Thanksgiving returning to her school work Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Millard Turner were up to Deloit, Thursday, to spend the day at the Fred Schuler home.

*Mrs. Johnston spent Thanksgiving Day in Denison.
*Mr. and Mrs. Joe True went to Avoca Wednesday to be present at the dinner Thanksgiving Day. Mr. True returned home Friday, going back for the family in the auto Sunday.
*Willie McKim is again able to be in school.
*Don't forget the Lloyd Winans sale on December 7th.
*Mrs. Belle Jordan and sons are here from Belden, Nebraska visiting relatives and friends.
*Mrs. San Dunbar returned home on Saturday from Boyer where she had been spending a few weeks.

*Chas. Campbell is out to the Horace Miller place looking after the chores while Mr. Miller and family are in Omaha, where they took their daughter for an operation.
*A hard times social was held at the James Abbott home Friday evening. A jolly crowd of about fifty were present. Mrs. Mauck assisted the hostess in entertaining those present. Something like twelve dollars were taken in.
*Aunt Margaret Richardson's friends went in to help her celebrate her 76th birthday on December 1st. Some nice gifts were received.
*Luff Richardson and wife of Council Bluffs spent a week in Deloit visiting relatives.

*Cecil Huckstep is attending school in Deloit and boarding at the home of Rev. Allen.
*Russell Newcom entertained twelve friends at Thanksgiving dinner.
*Miss Nora Jordan is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Scott McKim at Creston.

*Mrs. Harry Mauck had a party on Thursday evening. There was a jolly crowd and a food time.
*Mr. Pratt spent Thanksgiving at Ute with his parents.
*Ida Turner is at Buck Grove assisting Mrs. Reiman with her housework.

Denison Review, Wednesday, December 12, 1917 - Deloit

The Red Cross has received their supply of 2,000 Christmas stamps to be sold for the tuberculosis fund for the soldiers of Iowa. The Boy Scouts or Camp Fire Girls , post office drug store or Miss Lovicie Morris or Mrs. Joe True will have them for sale. We received them to sell and they must be sold. We are not asked if we would but they were sent anyway. They are selling thousands everyplace and Deloit is as industriously patriotic as any place else so we will cheerfully and eagerly do our duty. These stamps are placed on letters, Christmas parcel post packages, newspapers, etc. and sell for 1 cent each with each are 25 envelopes.

*Guy Prentice left for Omaha to enlist Monday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Swan Johnson were Deloit visitors Monday.
*Loren Patchin was here a few days from Spirit Lake.
*Mr. Pearsall the chorister of the L. D. S. church, has appointed Miss Eunice Dobson assistant chorister for this district.
*Uncle George Winans is able to be about again.

*Uncle George Landon took quite a fall and had to be assisted in the house.
*Mrs. Amy Justice and children, of Nebraska, are visiting relatives here.
*Henry Boysen spent the weekend at the Bob Childress home.
*By the way, don't forget the Uncle Bob Childress sale December 27th. His son autoed 125 miles over the county to put up bills.

*John Justice and family have moved to Minnesota. Better go south.
*James Abbott spent Monday in Odebolt.
*The Ladies Aid will hold their annual bazaar and supper Friday evening at the opera house in Deloit. All invited. Come and get an extra good supper for 35 cents.
*A. Faul of Denison spent the weekend with his friend, Leslie Childress. They made the rabbits suffer.
*Mrs. Ed Snell and daughter have gone east on a visit.

*U. S. Dunbar has sold his 160 acre farm to Mr. VanVleet for $185 per acre.
*Alfred and Tom Hutchinson went to Omaha with cattle Thursday and spent a short time visiting relatives.
*S. D. Newton went to Boyer on the early train Tuesday morning.
*Miss Etta Stubbe is able to be in the store again.
*Mrs. T. C. Dobson received a nice box of goodies from Mr. and Mrs. Alma Dobson.

*Mrs. Cyp Newcom of Spirit Lake arrived in Deloit Saturday evening on business, returning Monday.
*Alfred Brogden, Eugene Brogden and Mrs. Bessie Cose went to Lake View Monday to have dental work done.
*Mrs. Mattie Cose visited at the Perry Huckstep home Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Schelldorf and family of West Side were pleasant visitors at the James Abbott home Sunday.
*Mrs. S. D. Newton went to Denison Thursday to spend the weekend assisting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Newcom to get settled in their new home.

*Mr. and Mrs. Perry Huckstep attended M. E. church services in Deloit Sunday evening.
*Miss Jacobs is visiting her sister Mrs. Harry Mauck.
*S. D. Newton was down to the county seat Monday.
*Mrs. Allen returned from her visit at Sioux City Friday.
*The Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. F. A. True Friday. There was a good attendance. Mrs. True served the ladies with a lovely lunch at the close of the busy afternoon.

*Mrs. James entertained her children at an oyster supper December 7th in honor of her wedding anniversary.
*Wayne Snell bought several loads of fine stove wood of Uncle Bob Childress.

Denison Review - Wednesday, December 19, 1917 - Deloit

*Bert McKim went to Ida Grove Monday.
*James Fleming of Boyer was here Monday.
*John and James Fleming shipped hogs to Omaha Monday.
*Miss Nathalie Allen was home over Sunday.
*Mrs. Will Morrison was in Denison having dental work done this week.
*Con Lingle was a Deloit shopper Saturday.

*Mrs. Grill arrived in Deloit Friday from Holstein to visit her son Herman.
*Bert McKim received word Saturday of the death of a relative at Ida Grove.
*Mrs. Mattie Cose and son were in Denison Saturday.
*Jack Mason has sold about 25 acres of his timber to different parties, selling them in one to five acre lots. He has a fine lot left for sale so this is one opportunity to get cheap fuel in time of coal shortages.
*The Camp Fire Girls will give an entertainment this week. Look on the bulletin board at the post office for time and place.

*Hester Lingle was in Boyer between trains.
*Mrs. Geo. Newcom was a Deloit caller Saturday.
*Ray Winans of Percival was in town a few days last week.
*S. D. Newton bought a fine cow at the Lloyd Winans sale.
*Perry Huckstep went to Omaha with cattle Tuesday.
*Harlo Mason spent part of the week at Ute visiting.
*Mrs. Joe True, Mrs. S. D. Newton, and Mrs. Vanderwall and daughter Mabel were Denison shoppers Saturday.

*Broder Boysen shipped stock this week.
*William T. Huckstep was in Denison Friday and arrived on the evening train in time for the supper at the L. D. S.
*Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hutchinson were in Deloit shopping Monday.
*Guy Prentice, who left for Omaha the forepart of the week to join the navy, left Tuesday evening for Fort Logan, Colo. Our post mistress already has one son in the army and as this boy is the last of the children at home to go, she will be very lonely.

Denison Review - Wednesday, December 26, 1917 - Deloit

*John Henning and son were Deloit visitors Saturday.
*Mrs. Lorenzen has been seriously ill but is now improving slowly.
*Mrs. Alma Prentice was a Denison visitor Tuesday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Will Worley spent Monday at the county seat.
*Firman Newcom took a trip to Denison Monday.

*Mrs. Worley, Mrs. James McKim, and Mrs. Ben Beaman were Denison shoppers Thursday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beaman went to the wedding of her niece at Churdan on Wednesday, returning on Friday.
*Judge Connor was in Deloit Friday in interest of the Red Cross.
*Wm. McKim of Independence is visiting his sisters, Mrs. Anna Winans and Mrs. J. L. Miller.
*Mrs. Fred Lowe went to Oklahoma on business this week.

*Mrs. Geo. Newcom spent Friday and Saturday with her parents while Mr. Newcom was transacting business in Boyer.
*S. D. Newton was in Denison Thursday to consult Dr. Weber.
*Mr. and Mrs. Homer Huckstep were guests at an oyster supper.
*Mrs. Williams came Saturday to visit until Monday when she and her son, Jim, will go to Ft. Dodge to spend Christmas with Mrs. Lottie Williams.

Submitted by Melba McDowell