St. Joseph's Church, Sugar Creek

1855 - 1980 125th Anniversary Book

125th Anniversary book of St. Joseph's ChurchThe History of Sugar Creek

1855 - 1980

Compliled & Edited by

Donna Rolling

In Honor of Our 125th Anniversary

A History Book of this nature cannot be compiled by an individual person. It takes cooperation and patience from Many friends, relatives, family members and the general public. Due to their efforts in gathering information and pictures to me, this "History of Sugar Creek" is possible. Many people have helped  me meet the goal of getting this book printed and I would like to recognize them.  We have tried to make it as interesting as possible and I hope you all  enjoy reading the "History of Sugar Creek."

Thank you,
Donna Roling, Editor
(Printed - January 1980)

Table of Contents:

Present Pope, Bishop and Priest
Browns Station
Early Settlers of Sugar Creek
Pictures of Early Settlers of Sugar Creek
History of Sugar Creek
First Church at Sugar Creek
Pictures of Float Entry
Pictures of 1979 Summer Social
"The Country Lawn Social"
Deed from Henry Nurre
Benefactors of the Sugar Creek Parrish
Past Pastors of the Sugar Creek Parrish
Native Sons and Daughters of the St. Joseph's Parrish
Sugar Creek Observes its 100th Birthday
Sugar Creek Received Musical Gift
Preston Cyclone
The Death of Henry Nurre
Convicts Captured at Browns
Personal Touch has been Eliminated
St. Joseph School Sugar Creek
Students of Sugar Creek 1894-1907
 Students of Sugar Creek 1907-1967
Sugar Creek Teachers
Sugar Creek establishes Parrish School - Withdraws from District.
The End of an Era
Present Parrish Membership
Donation Listing

This book has recently been made available by e-mailing the Saints Mary and Joseph Parish at $7.50 each. Of course they will need your complete name and address to send the book.