IAGenWeb Project - Clayton co.
new content added 09/04/23 (petit Oct & Dec 1939)

Court Records Index

Clayton County Jurors
Misc. years 1930 - 1939

The following jury lists were printed in various issues of Clayton co. newspapers
Unless otherwise credited, they were transcribed by S. Ferrall or Reid R. Johnson for Clayton co. IAGenWeb


1930 Grand Jury

Members of the Grand Jury for the year 1930 have been selected:

Harry Olson, McGregor
Gus Lenth, Luana
Geo. A. Leas, Monona
Gus Reinitz, Guttenberg
J. A. Schroeder, Postville
P. W. Conley, Elkport
P. J. Hyde, Elkader
R. R. Duff, Volga
Phin Wandell, Edgewood
George Glawe, Farmersburg
M. F. Whittle, Monona
Louis Frederick, Strawberry Point

~Clayton County Register, Thur., January 23, 1930

1930 February term

Forty trial jurors have been drawn for service during the February term of the district court. Those drawn are:

F. J. Keeling, Volga
R. E. Wells, Strawberry Point
Nick Kassel, Monona
Owen Grouney, McGregor
Lester Lindroth, Guttenberg
Carl Smith, Littleport
Chas. Schutte, Luana
Nick Andregg, Guttenberg
Gust Pufahl, Monona
Selmer Erickson, Postville
Joe Burgin, Littleport
Theo. L. Meyer, Garnavillo
Fred Kersten, McGregor
Fred Gerloff, Jr., Guttenberg
Edward Vorwald, Sr., Clayton
Louis Kutzbach, Farmersburg
J. J. McDermott, Strawberry Pt.
Geo. Sass, Monona
L. P. Dinan, Littleport
G. H. Dahmen, Marquette
Fred Meisner, Elkader
Chas. Havelick, Monona
Arthur Vogt, Elkadder
P. M. Peterson, St. Olaf
Vern McGuire, Marquette
H. E. Pomroy, Monona
Henry Vellerson, Elgin
Chas Welch, Colesburg
Ray Schmidt, Strawberry Point
B. R. Cole, Strawberry Point
A. H. Berg, Luana
James Olson, Postville
Roy Tomkins, Colesburg
Ben Leonard, Elkader
James Matthews, Jr., Farmersburg
Leonard Kruse, Garber
Henry Fritz, Littleport
F. H. Hamlett, Strawberry Point
Wm. Allyn, Garnavillo
Alvin J. Kregel, Garnavillo

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 23 Jan. 1930

1930 May term

Petit Jurors drawn for the May Term of the District Court:

William Meisner, Elkader
Rich Collins, Monona
Carrie Musser, Monona
G. M. Dodge, Strawberry Point
A. J. Graesch, Strawberry Point
J. E. Hansel, Colesburg
Elmer E. Schuette, Guttenberg
Henry Minges, Turkey River
Robert Wettleson, Postville
Russell Barnhart, Colesburg
?.?. Gulsvig, Postville
Martin Debes, Strawberry Point
Fern Gregerson, Volga
Fred Kramer, Strawberry Point
Silas Fox, McGregor
Peter Thoma, Guttenberg
Albert Mueller, Clayton
Otto Polkow, Elkader
Walter Hageman, Garber
Fred Heiden, Jr., Elkader
Mrs. Frank Leonard, Elkader
Gus Meyer, Farmersburg
Arno Mueller, Postville
Harry Bass, McGregor
Alvin Marting, McGregor
Wm. Torkelson, Elgin
Percy Freeman, McGregor
Lester Klink, St. Olaf
Ed. Duwe, Guttenberg
Gustav Krieg, Edgewood
Aug. Mahnke, Farmersburg
John Lee, Strawberry Point
Sophia Allert, McGregor
E. C. Maier, Elkport
Albert Thevoit, McGregor
A. F. Lestina, McGregor
Henry Milewsky, McGregor
Nels Knudtson, Elkader
Mrs. Elmer Mueller, Garnavillo
Irwin Meyer, McGregor

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 24 April 1930

1930 October term

Trial Jurors drawn for the October Term of the District Court are:

William Ihde, Monona
Henry B. Schroeder, Guttenberg
N. E. Wells, Jr., Marquette
Ray Denning, McGregor
Earl McGonigle, Luana
Frank Kolker, Turkey River
Edward Rogers, Volga
Henry Vaughn, Marquette
Elmer Dettman, Garnavillo
Mart Davis, Elkader
Vincent Brimeyer, N. Buena Vista
Ed. Wolter, Guttenberg
Michael Conley, Elkport
Earl Penhollow. Turkey River
Christ Schrampfer, Osborne
H. H. Allert, McGregor
Arnold Hichert, Guttenberg
Albert Breitspecher, Elkader
Harry Groth, Elgin
Alma Gulsvig, St. Olaf
Chas. L. Felker, St. Olaf
L. C. Bowman, Guttenberg
Art Witherall, Elkader
George Davis, Strawberry Point
Maggie Kellogg, Elkader
Simon Willmes,Elkader
J. G. Walters, Garber
H. H. Diers, St. Olaf
Wilbur Harnack, McGregor
Marvin Hunt, Garber
Chas. Seeland, Elkader
Clem Curran, Colesburg
Ed. Feulner, Strawberry Point
D. McTaggart, Strawberry Point
Clifford Walter, Luana
Mathilda Hartwick, McGregor
Ed Hoeger, Garnavillo
Wm. Orr, Volga
Theodore Matt, McGregor
C. C. Waterman, Elkport

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 18 September 1930

1930 December term

Those drawn for service as trial jurors during the Dec. Term of the District Court are as follows:

Andrew Hultgren, McGregor
Henry K. Peterson, Postville
Herbert Kann, Guttenberg
Freda Wells, Elkader
Louis Kuehl, Elkport
Floy Appleton, Edgewood
H. W. Thompson, Farmersburg
Chas. Brandenburg, Jr., Guttenberg
Arthur Klinge, Farmersburg
O. A. Gisleson, Elgin
Ben Kulper, Colesburg
Gottfried Kurth, Elgin
Charles Putzier, Guttenberg
L. L. Hines, Strawberry Point
Frank Mielke, Sr., Monona
Otto Tuecke, Clayton
John Nading, Littleport
Martin Baumgarter, Strawberry Point
H. P. Preuss, Monona
Frank Christian, Elgin
John Powell, Elkader
John Heilman, McGregor
Agnes Flaherty, Garber
J. J. Burke, Marquette
Art Frommelt, Guttenberg
Elsie Possehl, Monona
Peter Bries, Turkey River
Joe DeSotel, Luana
R. C. Norris, Strawberry Point
Lyle Fisher, Edgewood
Alvin Vogt, Farmersburg
Theo. O. Wold, St. Olaf
Albert Schlake, Garnavillo
Anna Figgie, Monona
Henry Glawe, St. Olaf
Fred Miller, Farmersburg
Arnold Gottschalk, Elkport
Harry Kingsland, Strawberry Point
Edgar Borrett, Garber
Joel Clark, St. Olaf
Joseph Biederman, Clayton
Don Leete, Volga City
C. O. Christianson, Elkader
Frank Heck, Guttenberg
Leo Hyde, Elkader

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 20 Nov. 1930


1931 Grand Jury

Grand Jury to serve for the year 1931:

H. C. Moon, Monona
R. B. Waters, Postville
Fred Stinger, Elkader
E. K. Rulon, Edgewood
John Knight, Strawberry Point
Fred Hoffman, St. Olaf
J. J. Tayek, Froelich
L. O. Embretson, St. Olaf
F. J. Laarveld, Clayton
August Backhaus, Garnavillo
Anton Heitman, Guttenberg
Tom Kilker, Turkey River

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 22 Jan. 1931

1931 February term

Petit Jurors - Feb. Term - 1931

Marvin Hedeman, Garnavillo
Augusta Kruse, Farmersburg
C. W. Betz, Strawberry Point
Hy. Egleseder, Garnavillo
Helen Bauer, Elkader
Lucy Seeland, Monona
Albert Kloser, N. Buena Vista
Frank Alderson, Strawberry Point
George Dickman, Garnavillo
Carl Schug, Strawberry Point
Blanche Appleton, Edgewood
Fred Tinkey, N. Buena Vista
Edward Fritz, Monona
Harley Kraus, Edgewood
John Rodas, Guttenberg
W. C. Dittmer, Elkader
Wm. Kickbush, Turkey River
Fred Walke, Guttenberg
Rudolph Fascher, Elkader
George Kruse, Elkader
John A. Lange, Marquette
Carl Kelpien, Elkader
H. P. Wirkler, Garnavillo
Erick Halverson, McGregor
Christine Meyer, McGregor
Louis Mecklenburg, Elkader
Mrs. Julius Pahlas, Elkader
Earl Peake, Elkader
Floyd Welch, McGregor
Floyd Lestine, Monona
Will Baumgartner, Strawberry Point
Oscar Baumgartner, Elgin
Willard Tapper, Monona
Carrie Schmidt, Elkader
John Tresch, Elkader
Amanda Allert, McGregor
Fred Groth, Guttenberg
Ray Levin, Guttenberg
Mrs. Wm. Lambker, Monona
A. H. Staack, St. Olaf
Mrs. H. H. Hall, Elkader
W. H. Miller, Monona
Harry Weithorn, Monona
Patrick Connell, McGregor
V. F. Houlihan, Strawberry Point

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 22 Jan. 1931

1931 May term

List of trial jurors drawn to serve during the May Term of the District Court:

Henry Klahr, Mederville
Carl Hoyer, Strawberry Point
Henry Kabulee, Strawberry Point
Dale Hyde, Garber
Ole Loftsgard, Postville
Miles Alderson, Strawberry Point
F. J. Uriell, Elkader
Glendor Morarend, Guttenberg
Carl Roeder, Elkader
George Wilker, St. Olaf
E. A. Burlingame, Elkader
Geo. Nodurft, Strawberry Point
Emmett Ryan, Monona
Henry Henning, Farmersburg
Selma Curran, Guttenberg
A. A. Borton, Edgewood
Elmer Hultgren, Garnavillo
Frank Heck, Guttenberg
Arthur Jaster, Elkport
Gregory Peters, Monona
H. C. Baars, Elkport
Elmer Fritz, Garber
Warren Foster, Marquette
Fred Becker, McGregor
Jennie Sayre, Marquette
Anson Randall, Strawberry Point
Mrs. James Borgan, Volga City
Albert Pilgrim, Edgewood
Herbert Kann, Guttenberg
Eva Probert, Volga City
Anna Haught, Colesburg
Sylvia Oldham, Garber
Harvey Mueller, Elkader
George Graybill, Turkey River
Henry Matt, St. Olaf
Mrs. Arno Gossman, Elkader
Martin Bilden, Elgin
Don Bowman, Strawberry Point
William Klotzbach, McGregor
John Lucy, Edgewood
Henry Whitford, Volga City
William Dettman, McGregor
M. L. Lamphier, Strawberry Point
A. J. Hempler, Garnavillo
Leonard Burkhart, McGregor

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 23 Apr. 1931

1931 October term

October Term Trial Jurors - 1931:

Eugene Berns, Guttenberg
Irvin Fehlhafer, Elkader
Dan Barton, Elkader
E. W. Pape, Monona
Ezra Harbaugh, Colesburg
F. W. Zahrndt, Elkader
Harold Tangeman, Elkader
Geo. W. Davis, Strawberry Point
Claude Miles, Volga City
Will Haufle, Strawberry Point
Gerhard Eilers, Guttenberg
Lacey Tucker, N. Buena Vista
Mrs. Henry Fox, Monona
Alice Winkler, Elgin
O. M. Benson, St. Olaf
Milo Knapp, Marquette
Louis Berns, Garnavillo
Erma Brownson, Farmersburg
T. Glennon, Strawberry Point
Palmer Hansel, Garber
Emma Schott, Marquette
Albert Jaeger, Guttenberg
Lucy Brown, Turkey River
Ray Kohler, Monona
Elmer Cook, Elkader
Gaylord Oelke, Farmersburg
F. J. Smith, Volga City
Harold Klinkel, Monona
Millard Olson, St. Olaf
Mrs. Clara Robbins, Edgewood
Elmer Klinge, Farmersburg
Mrs. F. W. Hessell, Garnavillo
W. C. Kruse, Monona
Ray Burnham, Farmersburg
C. W. Morley, Greeley
L. A. Klisart, Strawberry Point
Ernest Walter, Farmersburg
Martin Friedlein, Osterdock
Chas. Peck, Marquette
W. G. Bente, Mederville
Glen Moats, Volga City
Dick Duwe, Guttenberg
Elmer Henning, Garnavillo
Elmer Olson, Elgin
Otto Seibrecht, Guttenberg

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 17 Sept. 1931

1931 December term

Petit Jurors have been drawn for the next term of the District Court and ordered to report Monday, Dec. 07th:

William Johanningmeier, Monona
Herman Waring, Strawberry Point
William Gottschalk, Elkader
W. A. Robinson, Edgewood
Harry Gifford, Edgewood
George Kahlbaum, Elkader
Glendor Hamann, McGregor
Earl Baade, Edgewood
F. J. Barton, Marquette
George Beldon, Volga
Harold Adams, Guttenberg
Ernie Walter, Guttenberg
Ransom Ruegnitz, Elkport
Charles Stahl, Volga
Alta Funk, Colesburg
Chet Tomkins, Colesburg
Fred C. Horstman, Garber
C. G. Oldham, Colesburg
E. G. Mueller, Garnavillo
Will Prussell, Strawberry Point
Phil Cook, North Buena Vista
Hubert Lenth, Monona
Louis Kuehl, Garber
Herman Gueder, Guttenberg
Walter Poesch, Clayton
Milton Reimer, Guttenberg
Henry Kahle, Guttenberg
Henry Amundson, Postville
Mamie Heck, Guttenberg
E. J. Walz, Elkader
Mae Baskerville, Monona
E. C. Becker, Volga
Emma Gull, Garber
N. H. Niemeyer, Elkader
Walter Dettman, Garnavillo
Joseph Havel, Waupeton
Chris Mierson, Strawberry Point
Henry Schroeder, Clayton
Frank Berns, Clayton
Laura Larson, St. Olaf
Maria Erickson, Elkader
J. F. Palmer, Garnavillo
Ed. Leonard, Elkader
M. J. Roach, Elkader
Floyd Scharff, Marquette

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 12 Nov. 1931


1932 Grand Jury

A new grand jury list for duty during the year 1932 has been drawn by county officials This group will report for the first Monday, February 8th, at ten o'clock a.m., when the grand jury for the February term will be selected. Members of the new grand jury are:

George L. Gifford, Elkport
Henry Oldag, Luana
Alfred Cook, Elkader
F. H. Mueller, Garnavillo
Del Rayment, St. Olaf
Frank Schory, Guttenberg
John Peters, Monona
Henry Kottman, McGregor
Floyd Dittmer, Strawberry Point
George Oldfather, Arlington
W. F. Budde, Marquette
Isaac Thurn, Edgewood

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 21 Jan. 1932

1932 Grand Jury May term

Tuesday forenoon the grand jury for the present term was empaneled with the following as members:

Geo. L. Gifford - Volga. Foreman.
Geo. Oldfather - Sperry.
Henry Kottman - Giard.
Frank Schory - Jefferson.
John Peters - Monona.
F. H. Mueller - Garnavillo.
Henry Oldag - Grand Meadow.
G. J. Graf of Elkader is clerk of the grand jury and Arno Gossman, Elkader, is bailiff.

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 5 May

1932 February term

Forty-five trial jurors have been drawn for the February term, but the members of this jury do not report for service until two o'clock p.m., February 15th, a week after the term opens with Judge Carl Reed of Cresco presiding. Members of the petit jury are:

A. M. Hyde, Strawberry Point
Elmer Langlie, Marquette
John Ehrhardt, Elkader
Lawrence Kramer, Strawberry Point
H. D. Behrend, Turkey River
William Schrunk, Colesburg
Milton Kramer, Elkader
Frederick Davies, McGregor
Ed. Niehaus, Guttenberg
Ole G. Olson, Elkader
Mike Grady, Monona
Lawrence Glawe, Elkader
Andrew Elsinger, Guttenberg
Lloyd Brownson, McGregor, McGregor
M. Wahls, Garnavillo
M. G. Arnold, Strawberry Point
Ed Kurth, Farmersburg
Arthur Henkes, Farmersburg
Mike Stence, Elkport
Cecil Thyer, Arlington
James Downey, Elkport
Fred Glawe, Jr., St. Olaf
Frances Oelke, Farmersburg
Enoch Mork, Postville
Mrs. Del Connor, Strawberry Point
Arthur Helling, Marquette
Leslie Halverson, St. Olaf
Helen Wessel, Edgewood
Elsie Berens, Edgewood
C. W. Meyer, St. Olaf
J. J. Klima, McGregor
C. O. Hulverson, Elkader
Carl Bergan, St. Olaf
Ervin Morarend, Guttenberg
Curtis Olson, Elkader
Carl Stiehl, St. Olaf
A. W. Kregel, Garnavillo
Fred Miller, Strawberry Point
Lyle Jennings, Volga
Ralph Hanson, Strawberry Point
Sam Mielson, McGregor
Albert Cherney, Guttenberg
H. C. Huebner, Elkader
Floyd Appleton, Edgewood
Walter Wright, Garnavillo

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 21 Jan. 1932

1932 October term

Thirty-five trial jurors have been drawn for service during the October term of the district court for this county, which will be convened here Monday, Oct. 10, with Judge H. E. Taylor of Waukon, presiding. Members of the petit jury, however, will not report for service until the following week, Monday, October 17th, at ten o'clock a.m. The list follows:

Wayne Pugh, Littleport
M. M. Marshall, Elkader
Albert Schlake, Garnavillo
Fred Ihlenfeldt, Elkader
L. H. Brandt, Garnavillo
George Miller, Strawberry Point
Leo Amling, Elkport.
George Chettinger, Guttenberg
Chas. Denning, Marquette
Luct Adams, Edgewood
Elsie Hyde, Colesburg
Walter Meyer, Guttenberg
Otto Hakert, Littleport
John Jaster, Elkport
C. H. Williamson, Elkader
Nettie Farmer, Edgewood
Thresa Heck, Guttenberg
Fred Wolf, Guttenberg
F. P. Gernand, Volga
C. F. Baumgartner, Strawberry Point
Arthur E. Crary, St. Olaf
J. C. Jarms, Monona
Elmer Kurth, Luana
Lillian Johnson, St. Olaf
Otto Brimeyer, N. Buena Vista
H. W. White, Volga
A. A. Johanningmeier, Luana
William Phillips, Edgewood
William Radloff, Farmersburg
Mrs. A. H. Stickford, Garnavillo
Jorgena Stearns, St. Olaf
William Matt, McGregor
Emma Gulsvig, St Olaf
Elmer Funk, Colesburg
Ben Jost, Clayton

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 22 Sept. 1932

1932 December term

Thirty-five men and women have been drawn by county officials for petit jury service during the next term of the district court, which will be convened here by Judge W. L. Eichendorf of McGregor, Monday, Dec. 5th, however they will not report until the following Monday, Dec. 12th. They are:

Wm. L. Larson, Elkader
Elsie Landt, Luana
Ed. Pieper, Clayton
Benjamin Roys, Volga
Mrs. Stanley Elliott, Strawberry Point
Arthur Moon, Monona
Chris Fliehler, Strawberry Point
Lester Kurth, Luana
Clarence Thurn, Edgewood
Gertrude Behrens, Mederville
Gus Becker, Guttenberg
G. A. Hagen, Elkader
Gladys Harter, Elkader
Clarence Zimpfer, Elkader
Reuben White, Guttenberg
Gerd. Gerdes, St. Olaf
Ray Kregel, Guttenberg
Roy Nace, Strawberry Point
John Brakens, Strawberry Point
Mrs. Pearl Huggins, Elkader
Roy Engelhardt, St. Olaf
Hugo Harberg, Clayton
George Eckheart, Arlington
Arthur Buckman, Luana
Peter Connelly, N. Buena Vista
Otto Skibbe, Strawberry Point
Henry Schroeder, Guttenberg
Louis Fleming, Edgewood
Frank Parker, Garber
Hattie Schnepf, Garber
Myrtle Rudolph, Marquette
Fred Blume, Turkey River
Elmer Scott, Strawberry Point
Lawrence Beaty, Clayton
Alfred Taylor, Strawberry Point

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 17 Nov. 1932


1933 October term District Court

Thirty-five residents of this county were drawn yesterday for service as petit jurors during the October session of the District Court. They are:

Will Page, Highland
Walter Duwe, Monona
Will Glennon, Sperry
Ed. Pieper, Clayton
Jake M. Steen, Boardman
Ed. Milewsky, Garnavillo
C. J. Kipper, Buena Vista
Henry Cords, Cox Creek
Harold Conley, Volga
Eric Aarvig, Wagner
Mrs. J. W. Hudek, Garnavillo
Fred L. Fisher, Lodomillo
Ben Erickson, Marion
Alvin Muller, Read
Ina Ferris, Mendon 1st
Walter Frederick, Cass
A. C. Gottschalk, Volga
Fred Blume, Millville
William O'Neal, Mendon 2nd
Harvey Palas, Farmersburg
William Reichart, Littleport
John Huebsch, Mendon 2nd
Arthur Dittmer, Sperry
Jeff Harbaugh, Mallory
James Fitzpatrick, Boardman
Harry Helgerson, Grand Meadow
Hortense Meier, Monona
Anita Zapf, Volga
Ed. Duwe, Jefferson
Clarence Kann, Jefferson
Ed. Walter, Jefferson
Mike Hoover, Boardman
Walter Fritz, Elk
Henry Dahl, Farmersburg
Grace Hale, Boardman

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 21 Sept. 1933; Pg 1

1933 December term District Court

Thirty-five trial jurors were drawn Tuesday afternoon for service during the December session of the district court, which convenes here Monday, Dec. 4th. Those drawn are:

Wm. Staack, Boardman
Neil Westfall, Cass
Albert, Huckstadt, Farmersburg
Emmet Dubbels, Jefferson
Mrs. W. B. Weithorn, Monona
Russell Wathen, Volga
W. L. Schulte, Garnavillo
Fred Schrunk, Millville
Fred Oehring, Mendon 2nd
C. A. Schoeppe, Cass
Gertrude Beherns, Cox Creek
Peter Engling, Buena Vista
Chas. Kuehl, Littleport
F. C. Schultz, Grand Meadow
O. S. Follon, Sperry
Bruce Tapper, Giard
Ernest Rickert, Lodomillo
Wm. Allyn, Garnavillo
Ernest Frederick, Marion
Elmer Kelpien, Read
Lou Bushing, Boardman
Vincent Marting, Clayton
Fred Panke, Grand Meadow
Fred Hochhaus, Littleport
Clara Voss, Volga
Malcom Harbaugh, Elk
A. C. Beutel, Jefferson
Elmer Klinge, Farmersburg
A. J. Thyne, Sperry
Herb Cole, Marquette
Fred Rugland, Wagner
Ed. Koth, Monona

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 16 Nov. 1933


1934 - Grand Jury

Grand Jurors for 1934 were drawn here Monday, as follows:

Meron Axtell, Cass
H. E. Sherman, Lodomillo
Ed. McNiel, Grand Meadow
Helmuth Wirkler, Farmersburg
Henry Clefisch, Volga
John Benzing, Monona
Henry Kahle, Jefferson
John F. Mosier, Mallory
Chas. Henning, Garnavillo
F. A. Niemeyer, Boardman
C. H. Lande, Cox Creek
Harry Schott, Mendon

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 25 Jan. 1934

1934 - February term District Court

Petit Jurors were drawn for the February term of District Court, as follows:

Marvin Ronquist, Giard
W. W. Appleton, Elk
Henry Radloff, Grand Meadow
Louis Zittergruen, Volga
Henry Milewsky, Clayton
R. C. Wolf, Sperry
Wm. Cheeseman, Mendon 1st
Wm. G. Erbe, Mendon 2nd
Willis Diers, Read
Malcolm Stoops, Boardman
Monroe Henkes, Wagner
L. B. Washburn - Mendon 2nd
Lloyd Mueller, Clayton
Joseph Bakula, Buena Vista
John A. Larson, Marion
Fred Kersten, Mendon 2nd
Warren Hughes, Littleport
Malinde Brown, Malloty
John J. Wiley, Lodomillo
Perry Medberry, Highland
Ralph Gunderson, Wagner
Arthur Berg, Monona
Fred Fink, Cass
Carl Opperman, Boardman
J. Henry Kann, Jefferson
H. A. Axtell, Cass
Chas. Johanningmeier, Monona
Merritt Alderson, Cox Creek
Geo. Costigan, Volga
Ed. Stickford, Garnavillo
Chas. Stiehl, Farmersburg
Edna Bolsinger, Millville
Clarence Schute, Jefferson
W. R. Kerlin, Marquette
John Mahowald, Jefferson

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 25 Jan. 1934

1934 - May term District Court

Thirty- two men and three women have been drawn as members of the petit jury, which will be used to try cases in the May term of the district court:

Ray Peters, Monona
Sebauld Anderson, Sperry
Arno Koss, Garnavillo
Mrs. R. L. Morse, Boardman
Frank Nugent, Boardman
Archie Thompson, Monona
Gus Mentzel, Lttleport
August Werger, Farmersburg
Wm. Wistrick, Cox Creek
Wilma Behrend, Millville
John Hefel, Buena Vista
Henry Polkow, Read
Harold Turner, Grand Meadow
Elmer Baldridge, Lodomillo
Anton Peterson, Wagner
Ben Tayek, Mendon 2nd
C. H. Brandenberg, Volga
W. A. Smith, Highland
W. B. Kann, Jefferson
Rich Duwe, Jefferson
William Eglseder, Clayton
Ray Culbertson, Elk
L. L. Loftsgard, Marion
H. J. Coobs, Jr., Mendon 2nd
Henry Schierholz, Jefferson
Geo. Ferguson, Giard
R. E. Homewood, Cass
G. M. Dodge, Cass
Grace Barnhart, Mallory
Fred C. Heiden, Read
O. R. Davis, Cass
LeRoy Schroeder, Farmersburg
Chas. Blume, Millville
O. K. Houg, Wagner
L. B. Folsom, Grand Meadow

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 19 Apr. 1934

1934 - December term District Court

Petit jurors were drawn for service during the December term of the District Court. Those drawn are:

K. H. Knudson, Wagner
Simon Williams, Boardman
Chas. Wagner, Jr., Boardman
Chas. Hinsch, Mendon 2nd
Milton Presho, Mendon 1st
Hubert Miller, Monona
Luella Brown, Mendon 2nd
Elsie Kaiser, Monona
Ernest Kickbush, Millville
Harry Gorth, Marion
William Beckett, Clayton
Lawrence Hulverson, Sperry
Chas. Wilcox, Cass
Arthur Ihde, Farmersburg
Vernon Tayek, Giard
Ed. Fuelner, Cass
Arthur Erbe, Grand Meadow
John Jaster, Volga
B. C. Brown, Mallory
Otto Szemkus, Read
Robert Troester, Millville
Thelma Mathews, Farmersburg
Ben Voss, Jr., Jefferson
Frank Hohman, Garnavillo
Gregor Kregel, Cox Creek
Henry Ortman, Littleport
Albert Meyers, Highland
Clifford Sutton, Garnavillo
Jas. Nading, Lodomillo
Mary Liddy, Littleport
Minnie Dull, Monona
Theodore Smock, Elk
Robert Hafner, Volga
A. F. Robinson, Sperry
W. F. Wachendorf, Buena Vista

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 15 Nov. 1934


1935 Grand Jury

Twelve grand jurors to serve this county during the year 1935 were drawn by county officials last week. No women were drawn for the grand jury. The men drawn for grand jury service are:
Allyn, Wm. M., Garnavillo.
Baumgartner, Martin, Cass.
Becker, Wm., Boardman.
Browson, Lloyd, Farmersburg.
Eno, Oliver, Wagner.
Hohman, A. W., Volga.
Kersten, Fred, Mendon, 2nd.
Lind, Marion, Marion.
McLane, James, Jefferson.
Nading, Floris, Littleport.
Weithorn, Geo., Monona.
Zahrndt, L. D., Lodomillo
~Clayton County Register, Thur., 24 Jan. 1935

1935 February term, District Court

Thirty-five petit jurors who will serve during the February term of the district court were drawn by county officials last week. The February term of the district court, which will be convened here February 11th, with Judge Goheen presiding, will have the following list for its work:

Adney, Herman, Mendon, 2nd
Buckman, A. F., Read
Bowlus, A. J., Cass
Borret, Alf, Millville
Brimmeyer, W. J. Buena Vista
Brink, James, Sperry
Boyle, Isabel, Mendon, 2nd
Buetel, Alfred, Jefferson
Bernhard, R. W., Giard
Chettinger, Geo., Volga
Clark, Joel, Wagner
Dinan, Donna, Boardman
Dennler, Elmer, Highland
Dettman, Wm., Clayton
Ferguson, Marie, Wagner
Gull, Ralph, Mallory
Eaton, Grace, Cass
Hamann, Glendor, Farmersburg
Hangartner, Frank, Grand Meadow
Johnson, Julius, Marion
Jacobs, Walter, Jefferson
Klahr, Henry, Cox Creek
Larson, Orvall, Highland
Moses, J. R., Monona
Moellering, Arthur, Garnavillo
Pruess, Frank, Sperry
Pugh, W. S., Lodomillo
Peck, Charles, Mendon, 1st
Refle, Walter, Littleport
Splies, W. J., Monona
Wolf, Milton, Boardman
Winkler, Joe, Cox Creek
Waterman, Edward, Elk
Wright, David, Farmersburg
Winch, Ernest, Volga

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 24 Jan. 1935

1935 May term, District Court

Seven women and 28 men have been drawn on the petit jury which will serve during the May term of the District Court. Those selected for jury duty are as follows:

William Ackman, Lodomillo
Mamie Bush, Volga
Ella Barnhart, Mallory
Luella Brown, Mendon, 2nd
Hale Corlett, Farmersburg
Joseph Krepfle, Volga
Frank Junk, Guttenberg
Oscar Gregerson, Highland
Ernest Kickbush, Millville
Joseph Hefel, Buena Vista
Fred Heiden, Jr., Read
Elmer Henning, Garnavillo
Farley Henkes, Wagner
Chas. Gottschalk, Boardman
Duda McGonigle, Monona
William Lantz, Marion
August Lenth, Monona
Alfred Lenth, Giard
Lester Lorenz, Jefferson
H. N. Moser, Cass
Paul Olinger, Sperry
Charlotte Oldstead, Giard
Arthur Parkinson, Elk
Arthur Palas, Monona
Milton Presho, Mendon, 2nd
Agnes Purvis, Littleport
C. W. Morley, Elk
Ben Meyer, Boardman
Geo. Meenan, Littleport
Roy Ruegnitz, Volga
Genevieve Reis, Clayton
Lester Stahl, Cox Creek
Alex Schneider, Boardman
Carl Swishler, Mallory
Clarence Weihe, Grand Meadow

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 25 April 1935

1935 October term, District Court

The Petit Jury will not be summoned before Monday, Oct. 14th. The list of those drawn is as follows:

Blaha, Frank, Monona
Baldridge, Wilbur, Cass
Best, Chas., Read
Baumgartner, Emil, Sperry
Beckett, Wm. H., Clayton
Combs, Mrs. Roy, Boardman
Dickey, William, Mendon 1st
Dohrer, Charley, Cox Creek
Dickman, O. J., Garnavillo
Friedlein, Ira, Mallory
Freitag, Henry, Read
Flaherty, Agnes, Volga
Gregerson, Oscar, Highland
Graybill, Lloyd, Millville
Hackert, William, Littleport
Hudek, Mrs. J. W., Garnavillo
Hefel, Joseph, Buena Vista
Hageman, Albert, Volga
Ihm, Herman, Jefferson
Kean, W. A., Mendon 2nd
Learn, Bradley, Elk
Lenth, E. H., Farmersburg
Moser, Grace, Mallory
Minney, H. J. Mendon 2nd
Olson, T. J. Marion
Plaht, Ed., Grand Meadow
Reimer, Walter, Littleport
Rugland, Vern, Wagner
Riemath, F. W., Cass
Sherman, Fred, Lodomillo
Siege, Alma, Jefferson
Vogt, Fred, Farmersburg
Wacker, Howard, Boardman
Willmes, Simon, Boardman
Drahn, F. G., Giard

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 19 Sept. 1935

1935 December term, District Court

Petit Jurors for the December term, 1935:

Ray Anderegg, Millville
George Bente, Boardman
Mrs. E. C. Bandow, Boardman
Albert Baches, Volga
Lorenz Backhaus, Garnavillo
Geo. Dickman, Garnavillo
Frank Feidt, Mallory
Will Glennon, Sperry
Kittie Johnson, Farmersburg
F. L. Jarms, Monona
Fred Klinkenberg, Farmersburg
Marie Kean, Mendon 2nd
Joseph Kamm, Buena Vista
George Kleinow, Marquette
Fred W. Lahrs, Read
John Lenhart, Littleport
Virgil Meese, Littleport
E. K. Mork, Marion
Irene McTaggert, Cox Creek
E. E. McNeal, Elk
F. C. Neverman, Monona
John F. O'Brien, Mendon 2nd
H. T. Olson, Grand Meadow
Gilbert Peterson, Clayton
Frank Rodas, Volga
J. T. Ryan, Sperry
Ed Sherman, Cass
Louis Seeland, Boardman
Bert Seeman, Jefferson
Lawrence Schultz, Monona
L. N. Stejert, Giard
Oscar Thompson, Wagner
Harold Tangeman, Jefferson
Harlan Weyant, Lodomillo
John Enderes, Jefferson

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 14 Nov. 1935


1936 Grand Jury

Grand Jurors drawn for service during the year 1936 are:

W. J. Borrett, Millville
Walter Davies, Mendon, 2nd
Robert H. Duff, Highland
William Eckart, Sperry
Martin Hafel, Buena Vista
Henry Henning, Farmersburg
Arthur Jenning, Volga
William Kuekl, Littleport
John R. Mosier, Jefferson
W. C. Monlux, Wagner
Phil Miller, Boardman
S. D. Oldham, Mallory

1936 February term, District Court

Petit Jurors drawn to serve during the February Term of the District Court are:

L. H. Bandow, Boardman
Joe Beck - Littleport
Grace Boehm, Lodomillo
Raymond Conley, Volga
Elmer Cook, Cox Creek
Arthur Dittmer, Sperry
Elizabeth Debes, Farmersburg
Ben Erickson, Marion
Peter Engling, Buena Vista
Ole Embretson, Wagner
Ed. Finley, Highland
Chas. Gallentine, Cass
Elva Gull, Mallory
D. J. Herron, Marquette
Fred Ihlenfeldt, Boardman
William Jewell, Cass
Ferd Kahrs, Boardman
Paul Kossack, Mendon, 1st
Arthur Kregel, Garnavillo
Fred Larson, Mallory
F. E. Lestina, Giard
Glen Meyer, Grand Meadow
Edwin Milewsky, Garnavillo
C. C. O'Neil, Mendon, 2nd
Anna Prolow, Volga
Mabel Pust, Littleport
Selma Pohle, Jefferson
Mildred Porter, Elk
Alf Penhollow, Millville
Ben Schmidt, Farmersburg
Clara Sutter, Monona
John Tuecke, Clayton
John Wilker, Read
Fred Waterman, Jefferson
J. H. Ziegler, Monona

~Clayton County Register, 15 Jan. 1936

1936 May term, District Court

Names drawn to serve as Petit Jurors during the May Term of the District Court are as follows:

Harold Adams, Jefferson
Alfred Buross, Marion
Josephine Budde, Mendon 1st
Carl Carlson, Mendon 2nd
Eldo Dickman, Read
L. P. Dinan, Littleport
Anna C. English, Monona
Wm. Geuder, Jefferson
Garrison Cleavland, Elk
J. E. Gleason, Lodomillo
Harold Grimes, Mallory
Alma Hakert, Cox Creek
Geo. Harrington, Mendon 1st
Roy Hochous, Littleport
Pearl Jaquette, Clayton
Virgil Kaiser, Monona
Ervin Kickbusch, Millville
John Kuehl, Jr., Volga
Ben Klenlein, Cass
Milton Kramer, Boardman
A. J. Klass, Buena Vista
Sylvester Lotza, Giard
Gus Lenth, Wagner
Frank Ohmer, Mendon 2nd
Dean Probert, Highland
Clifford Sutton, Garnavillo
M. M. Scott, Cox Creek
Ted Thorson, Wagner
A. J. Thyne, Sperry
Harry Rinkert, Sperry
Vera Younkman, Volga
Alvin Vogt, Farmersburg
B. J. Waters, Grand Meadow
Paul Wing, Boardman
Martha Whitlock, Cass
Mrs. V. W. Zieman, Monona

~Clayton County Register, 22 Apr. 1936

1936 October term, District Court

Petit Jurors drawn for the October term of circuit court are:

L. O. Abel, Monona
Miles, Alderson, Lodomillo
Walter Dettman, Garnavillo
A. A. Dohrer, Boardman
William Frederick, Marion
Emert Graybill, Millville
Ruth McGhee, Mendon second
Will Goodin, Sperry
Albert Huckstadt, Farmersburg
William Heck, Volga
Sarah Humphrey, Monona
Fred Hock, Cass
William M. Krieg, Sperry
Frank Klima, Giard
Ethel Krohn, Mendon first
Carrol Klingman, Highland
Ben Leonard, Boardman
J. H. Maehl, Read
Verni Muehring, Jefferson
Rebecca Meder, Clayton
Ralph Moser, Mallory
Frank Montgomery, Monona
P. H. Quinn, Cass
William Radloff, Grand Meadow
Louis J. Riniker, Buena Vista
Sam Smith, Elk
A. L. Shaw, Littleport
Cora Splies, Luana
Mildred Saeugling, Jefferson
Margaret Tangeman, Boardman
John Thurn. Littleport
Chris Wacker, Cox Creek
Harry Wold, Wagner
Emil Weller, Mendon second
Pearl Zurcher, Wagner

~Clayton County Register, 16 September 1936

1936 December term, District Court

Those drawn to serve petit jury duty during the December term of the district court are:

Mayme Alderson, Cass
Elmer Brown, Mallory
Milt Brockmeyer, Mallory
Oakland Becker, Millville
Albert Berens, Cox Creek
Lucian Donlon, Highland
Irving Englehardt, Monona
Adelia Embretson, Wagner
H. A. Wagner, Monona
William Freitag, Volga
Elmer Glawe, Read
Albert Haefel, Buena Vista
Adolph Hanson, Highland
Joe Hoover, Boardman
Robert Ihm, Jefferson
Will Jessen, Cass
Frank Kainz, Volga
Carl Klinkenberg, Farmersburg
Gregory Kregel, Littleport
Ed Looney, Grand Meadow
John Lantz, Marion
W. F. Linderman, Mendon 2nd
Sig Otdoerfer, Sperry
Max Opitz, Lodomillo
Otto Oldag, Grand Meadow
Thelma Oelke, Farmersburg
Bert Palmer, Elk
Vern Puffett, Sperry
Lydia Prouty, Mendon 1st
A. C. Pufahl, Garnavillo
Ed Pape, Monona
Louis Rohwedder, Garnavillo
Dorothy Sloane, Mendon 2nd
Harry Stull, Mendon 1st
M. E. Shultz, Boardman
E. J. Thurn, Lodomillo
Katherine Vorwald, Jefferson
Raymond Werges, Clayton
Wyman Whittle, Giard
Valmah Wright, Littleport

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 25 Nov. 1936


1937 May term, District Court

Petit Jurors drawn to serve during the May term of the district court are:

Albert Backes, Garber
E. C. Becker, Volga
Alfred Cook, Elkader
Geo. Dickman, Garnavillo
Harold Downey, Elkader
Ed Duwe, Guttenberg
Ernest Eggen, McGregor
John Enderes, Guttenberg
John Englehardt, Monona
Roy Errthum, North Buena Vista
Inez Felder, Guttenberg
Carl Friedlein, Colesburg
Arno Gottschalk, Elkader
Chas. Gottschalk, Elkader
Farley Henkes, Farmersburg
Edna Horning, McGregor
Paul Kafer, Littleport
Arno Kaiser, Monona
Hugo Kalke, Elkader
Lawrence Kersten, Marquette
Carl Kleinlein, Strawberry Point
Walter Knuth, Luana
Wm. Lantz, Elgin
Carl Lenth, St. Olaf
James Nading, Edgewood
Del Rayment, St. Olaf
Carolyn Schmidt, Elkader
John Siegele, McGregor
Frank Tayek, Monona
Frank Tieden, Elkader
Fred Voss, Garber
Emmet White, Garber
John Wessel, Edgewood
Wm. Wilker, Strawberry Point
Elmer Zieman, Luana

~Clayton County Register, 22 Apr. 1937

1937 October term, District Court

Petit Jurors drawn for the October term of district court are:

Elmer Allyn, St. Olaf
Helmuth Aulwes, Guttenberg
Charles Brandenberg, Volga City
Arthur Baumgartner, Strawberry Pint
Amanda Baade, Monona
Oakland Becker, Millville
Frank Cahalan, Postville
Anna Geske, McGregor
Earl Hubbard, Elkader
George Hefel, No. Buena Vista
Cecil Hunter, Littleport
Otto Hansel, Edgewood
Glendor Hamann, McGregor
George Hochhaus, Elkader
Emma Hagensick, Elkader
Fred Junk, Guttenberg
Walter Kennedy, Volga
Willis Lamker, Luana
John Lembke, McGregor
Louis Matt, St. Olaf
W. A. Meyers, McGregor
Harry Mueller, Garnavillo
Marcella O'Neil, McGregor
Ray Peck, Marquette
W. S. Pugh, Strawberry Point
Catherine Palmer, Guttenberg
L. O. Reirson, Elgin
Walter Reimer, Edgewood
Mart Stence, Elkader
B. W. Smock, Garber
Bess Thomas, Strawberry Point
Emmet Thyne, Volga
Rueben Thiese, Clayton
Glen Walter, Luana
Elmer Weyant, Edgewood
Harley White, Garber

~Clayton County Register, 15 September 1937

1937 December term, District Court

Thirty-six petit jurors have been drawn for duty during the December term of the District Court of Clayton County. The term will be convened by Judge W. L. Eichendorf of McGregor. Those drawn for jury duty are as follows:

John Bock, Boardman
Fred Bruckner, Jefferson
Katherine Bergman, Mendon, 2nd
Wm. Bugenhagen, Monona
Robert Demo, Farmersburg
Florence Diers, Read
Harry Gull, Mallory
Ralph Gunderson, Wagner
Nina Hakeman, Mendon, 2nd
Art Hoover, Boardman
Ray Hughes, Littleport
Ernest Hauschen, Clayton
Margaret Eilers, Jefferson
Earnest Frederick, Marion
Val Franks, Jefferson
George Fredericks, Cass
Rosalia Kelleher, Boardman
Stella Kraskes, Volga
Joe Kluth, Cox Creek
Leonard Kruse, Volga
Veronica Link, Buena Vista
Harry Larson, Grand Meadow
Adolph Larson, Highland
J. J. Lotza, Giard
Olga Mahnke, Farmersburg
Harry McCarthy, Lodomillo
Alf Penhollow, Millville
Donald Rizer, Elk
Walter Smith, Monona
Paul Schuchman, Cass
Emma Stephens, Cox Creek
George Sass, Monona
Fred Siegele, Mendon, 2nd
Vern Washburn, Mendon, 2nd
Ted Whitford, Sperry
Louis Winch, Littleport

~Clayton County Register, Thur., 24 November 1937


1938 February term, District Court

The members of the petit jury drawn for the Feb. Term are as follows:

Carl Baumgartner, Cass
Leon Boland, Highland
Frank Bothel, Monona
James Brink, Sperry
Phillip Cords, Read
Anna Dempsey, Mendon
Harvey Debes, Farmersburg
J. F. Eno, Wagner
H. C. Gmelin, Boardman
F. A. Gerndt, Mendon
Mayme Gilbert, Clayton
Kieth Graybill, Millville
Ira Haught, Mallory
Helen Ihm, Jefferson
William H. Junk, Jefferson
Jas. A. Kennicker, Buena Vista
Doris Kishman, Volga
Arno Koss, Garnavillo
William Loftsgard, Marion
Floyd Lestina, Giard
Alvin Lamker, Monona
Joe McNeil, Grand Meadow
Don Munger, Boardman
Earl Matt, Volga
Harry Opitz, Lodomillo
Lillian Reynolds, Mendon
John Ronquist, Giard
F. J. Stahl, Cox Creek
Joe DeSotel, Luana
Carl Smith, Littleport
Mrs. W. L. Schulte, Garnavillo
Roy Schlake, Farmersburg
Carl Schug, Cass
Anna Wiley, Littleport
Helen Wessel, Elk

~Clayton County Register, 26 Jan. 1938


1938 May term, District Court

Trial jurors drawn for duty during the May term of district court are as follows:

Lloyd Anderson, Cass
Barbara Barr, Mendon first
Harold Biederman, Clayton
Catherine Dittmer, Cox Creek
Charles Dean, Buena Vista
Art Donlon, Boardman
Walter Davies, Mendon second
Jacob Dennler, Marion
Walter Drahn, Giard
?. G. Engelhart, Monona
Magdeline Egbert, Monona
__, Engelhardt, Wagner
Gerd Gerdes, Read
Harvey Hamann, Farmersburg
Wm. Hackert, Littleport
Harry N. Helgerson, Grand Meadow
Elsie Hyde, Mallory
Lyle Jennings, Sperry
Lottie Krieg, Volga
Ed. Looney, Grand Meadow
Midgley Mathews, Mendon first
Ben Matt, Farmersburg
Obdulia Niemeyer, Jefferson
Felix Oberbroeckling, Millville
A. C. Pufahl, Garnavillo
Ransom Ruegnitz, Volga
Effie Rugland, Wagner
C. H. Robinson, Lodomillo
Louis Rohwedder, Garnavillo
Fred Schneider, Boardman
Bert Seeman, Jefferson
Mrs. E. T. Smith, Sperry
Gurnsey Smith, Highland
Mary Whitehead, Elk
Barbara Williams, Mendon second
Ray Zwanziger, Cass

~Clayton County Register, 13 Apr. 1938


1938 December term, District Court

Petit Jurors drawn for the December Term of District Court are as follows:

Ernest Ash, Elk
Merrit Alderson, Cox Creek
Herman Allert, Giard
Elmer Benson, Marion
Alfred Bink, Boardman
Katherine B__k, Littleport
Wm. Busch, Wagner
Sam B__Kett, Jr., Clayton
Chance Brown, Mallory
Mrs. Chas. Cords, Boardman
Bertha Davis, Cass
Arno Duede, Garnavillo
Bryan Farmer, Cox Creek
Harold Frederick, Cass
Ward Ferguson, Mendon
Herman Fischer, Boardman
Irene De Sotel, Monona
Charles Havlicek, Monona
Elsie Kaiser, Monona
Florence Keehner, Mendon
Carl Kann, Jefferson
Harold Kramer, Lodomillo
Joe Little, Sperry
Wm. Mohr, Read
Frank Meyer, Buena Vista
Ira Moody, Mendon
Wm. M_tt, Farmersburg
Ed. Meyers, Millville
Arthur Palas, Monona
Frank Reinhardt, Grand Meadow
Wm. Smith, Highland
John Stence, Littleport
Fred Shrader, Volga
Hugo Vogt, Farmersburg
Homer Wilke, Garnavillo

~Clayton County Register, 16 Nov. 1938


1939 February term, District Court

Petit jurors drawn for the February term of court are:

Sadie Ahlers, Guttenberg
Ella Becker, Littleport
Chas. Blanchard, Strawberry Point
Ralph Behrens, Strawberry Point
Harold Brockmeyer, Edgewood
Elsie Charlesworth, Guttenberg
Leon Dohrer, Volga City
Eldo Dickman, Garnavillo
Arthur Elvers, Elkader
Fred J. Fredrick, Elgin
Gerald Feeney, Elkader
Robert Garms, Monona
Jas. Geraghty, McGregor
Palmer Hansel, Turkey River
C. C. Huntley, Strawberry Point
Charles Hess, North Buena Vista
Frank Kadlec, McGregor
Walter Kennedy, Volga City
Elmer Klinge, Farmersburg
Fred Kuhse, Postville
Wm. Kurdelmeier, Farmersburg
Verni Keehner, Marquette
M. M. Kellogg, Edgewood
Marian Marsh, McGregor
Edna Meyer, Colesburg
Peter Meyer, Volga City
Arnold Morarend, Guttenberg
Realto Milewsky, McGregor
John McTaggart, Strawberry Point
Elsie Possehl, Monona
John Rodas, Garnavillo
Art Staack, Farmeraburg
Fred Schroeder, Luana
Levi Schultz, Luana
E. W. Smock, Garber
Adam Thein, Littleport
Mrs. Lester Vogt, Elkader
Kenneth Walter, Luana
Homer Wilke, Clayton
Wm. Zwieg, McGregor

~Clayton County Register, 25 January 1939


1939 May term, District Court

Those drawn to serve during the May Term of the District Court are:

James Alderson, Strawberry Pt.
W. B. Allard, McGregor
Lynn Ashline, Edgewood
Mae Barnes, Strawberry Point
Emil Becker, Volga
Alfed Borrett, Turke River
John Dempsey, Marquette
Elmer Dennler, Volga City
Marie Elvers, Strawberry Point
Carl Gull, Farmersburg
John Gottschalk, Elkport
Chas. Hildebrandt, Edgewood
Art Hochhaus, Elkader
E. T. Hamlett, Edgewood
Herman Ihm, Guttenberg
Alvin Kaiser, Monona
Elmer Kelpien, Elkader
Ben Kleinlein, Strawberry Point
Geo. Kruse, Elkader
George Landsgard, Postville
Archie Morarend, Guttenberg
Geo. Moser, Colesburg
Glen B. Olson, Elkader
Hazel O'Neil, McGregor
Luver Palas, Elkader
Hattie Patterson, Wadena
Sid Presho, Marquette
Merwyn Puffett, Strawberry Point
Clarence Riniker, N. Buena Vista
Victor Ruckdaschel, Postville
Ben Schmidt, St. Olaf
M. M. Scott, Elkader
Mrs. Joe Sheffert, Elkader
Otto Siebrecht, Guttenberg
Edwin Tayek, McGregor
Willard Tuecke, Clayton
Harley White, Colesburg
Elsie Wiethorn, Monona
Ernest Winch, Garber
V. W. Zieman, Luana

~Clayton County Register, 12 Apr. 1939


1939 October term, District Court

People drawn for service on the Petit Jury for the Oct. Term of the District Court are as follows:

Charles Ash, Elk township
Martha Behrens, Littleport
____ Borcherding, Jefferson
Francis Buchman, Read
Leona Clefish, Volga
Jennie Dalen, Cass
Lorenz Doerring, Luana
Ben Erickson, Grand Meadow
Mrs. John Fallon, Sperry
Geo. Fredrick, Cass
Ray Fuller, Monona
Chas. Galor, Cox Creek
Glen Gifford, Volga
Art Glawe, Read
Ralph Gunderson, Wagner
H. A. Hamann, Garnavillo
Anna Kennedy, Highland
Robert Klotzbach, Clayton
Arthur Landsgard, Marion
Orville Larson, Highland
Arthur Link, Buena Vista
O. J. Mierson, Littleport
L. F. Niemeyer, Boardman
Arnold Penhollow, Millville
John Presho, Mendon
Helen Oelke, Farmersburg
Hilda Oldham, Mallory
Helen Schott, Mendon
Ben Tayek, Mendon
Alvin Vogt, Farmersburg
Kent Walters, Sperry
Fred White, Lodomillo
A. S. Wickersheim, Giard
Henry Willman, Jefferson
Mrs. W. J. Witt, Boardman

~Clayton County Register, 13 Sept 1939


1939 December term, District Court

Petit Jurors drawn for the Dec. Term of court are as follows:

Ed. Allert, Monona
Iowa Ash, Elk
John Bittner, Jefferson
Tom Boland, Cox Creek
Russell Borrett, Mallory
Edwin Bugenhagen, Luana
Fred Butikofer, Marion
Robert Demo, Farmersburg
Ewald Fascher, Read
Will Ferguson, Monona
Louie Fredrick, Cass
John Fritz, Giard
Joe Geraghty, Giard
Mrs. H. W. Gifford, Lodomillo
Geo. Hagensick, Lodomillo
Marvin Hedeman, Garnavillo
Arno Huckstadt, Wagner
Marie Kean, Mendon, 2nd
Leroy Kuehl, Littleport
Vernon Kugel, Grand Meadow
Harry Larson, Boardman
Louis Matt, Jr., Farmersburg
Melva Moses, Farmersburg
Mrs. Frank Oldfather, Sperry
Will Paige, Highland
Clarence Phelan, Volga
Stanton Presho, Mendon, 1st
Milton Reimer, Volga
Henry Reinhardt, Boardman
Hattie Schrunk, Milleville
Ida Tetro, Clayton
Ed. Vorwald, Jr., Clayton
C. J. Wachendorf, Buena Vista
Irene Werger, Wagner
Chas. Wilcox, Cass

~Clayton County Register, 15 November 1939


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