Clayton co. IAGenWeb Boards
updated 04/01/2023

Connect with other researchers!
Clayton Co. Boards
(query, biography, obituary & document)

If you would like to connect with other Clayton County researchers please post your Query to the query board. Please put all of the surnames (without 1st or middle names) in the SURNAME box. In the BODY of your query include the full names or family group, dates (if known), where they lived in Allamakee county and a brief outline of what you already know & what you still would like to find out. The most recent queries will be added to the "What's New Journal" for the current month.

If you'd like to share an obituary, biography or other document with others, please post to the appropriate board. To avoid duplication please check the obit index or biography index prior to posting (links on main page). In the case that a duplicate is posted, they will be either deleted (if same source & content) or added to the page with the original posting. Occasionally documents posted will be more easily found by site users if included in a database of like items & will be removed from the board and placed on the appropriate page of the website.

Interested researchers can subscribe to any or all of the boards to receive all messages posted to the boards. Follow the instructions on each of the boards using the following links -

Queries: (Un)Subscribe | Biographies: (Un)Subscribe | Obituaries: (Un)Subscribe | Documents: (Un)Subscribe

If you no longer want to receive the emails, please unsubscribe using the links above. The biography and obituary boards should only be used to post obits and biographies, not to make queries!
