Liberty News



Osceola Sentinel December 27, 1894

Harve Porterfield and family visited at J. H. Marquis' last Sunday. Mrs. Ella Baum visited at Warren Smith's last week... We hear that Miss Ettie Hopkins was married one day last week to Mr. William McKinney son of Elias McKinney. Miss Ettie is the only daughter of Harve Hopkins, and has always lived in this neighborhood, and has a host of friends who wish her and her companion well. May every joy be theirs.




Osceola Sentinel January 31, 1895

Homer Kennedy and wife are the proud parents of a son, born the 22nd...Miss Mary Weakland visited with Mr. Terrill's family, last week...Mrs Minnie Marquis entertained a number of her lady friends last Thursday, at a carpet-rag sewing...Miss Clara Phipps had a cousin, from near Milo, visitng her, last week...


February 7, 1895

A number of the young folks enjoyed a supper at James Morgan's last Friday night; a jolly good time was had... J.T. Smith, Andrew Welch Jr, and Mrs. Young are on the sick list...Miss Mary Weakland's visiting her parents at Osceola and John and Charley are left bachelors again...There are some boys in this country who take pleasure in riding around and shooting someone's dog. John Weakland's shepherd dog was shot and killed by some boy last Saturday night...Miss Cora Dukes, of Woodburn, attended the supper at James Marquis' last Friday night.


February 14, 1895

Albert Twyford and wife of Woodburn spent last Sunday with Mrs. Twiford's father, Dr. Halloway...Viola Halton spent last Saturday evening at Warren Smith's...Miss Ola Walker who has been in Nebraska with her sister and brother for the past three years has returned home...Miss Lutitia Dukes will close her school at No. 6 next Friday.


February 28, 1895

Miss Dukes closed a successful term of school at No. 6, last Friday and is spending a week with her brother, Harry, at Liberty...Warren Smith and wife and little daughter Evia visited Mrs. Smith's parents at Osceola the first of the week...Effie Marquis was the guest of Mr. Douglass, last Sunday...


March 7, 1895

School election last Monday. J. W. Weakland was elected at district No. 6 Liberty township...Bro. Quick and Bro. Hutchins will be at Bethel chapel next Sunday at 3 p.m. and at night...A little son of Fred Banin's is quite sick with whooping cough and lung trouble...Grandma Harrison was laid to rest in Bethel chapel cemetery last Monday. ..Miss Ida Edwards, a lady preacher, addressed the people at and around the Pleasant Ridge school house last Sunday, and we understand she will preach there again in two weeks from that date.


March 21, 1895

South Liberty

John Beal will work for Adison Morris and Hatton Price has rented his farm to Wm. McRight... Mrs. Hatton Price is very sick...Hi, oh, for the new store that is in full blast down in South Liberty...



March 28, 1895

Rev. Hutchins filled the pulpit at Bethel chapel last Saturday and Sunday...William McMannis and family of Woodburn, spent Saturday and Sunday at Fred Barn's near Jay...Warren Smith's wife and daughter visited at Ben Howell's near New Virginia last Sunday...Miss Ida Edwards will preach at Bethel chapel next Sunday and Sunday evening...Ethel, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Weakland has been quite sick, but at this writing is reported better...Newt Welch and wife were down from New Virginia Sunday...



April 4, 1895

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis are the proud parents of another boy...Mr. Wm. Kelser and Mrs. Septer visited in Liberty last week...T. B. Williamson visited at George Laptzes last Sunday...Clyde Hoagland and Miss Rena Proudfoot attended the concert at Jamison, last Friday night...Miss Gusta Funston is on the sick list.



April 11, 1895

Bro. Hutchins failed to fill his appointment last Saturday night and Sunday...Ben Honnell and family spent last Sunday at J. F. Smith's, parents of Mrs. Honnell. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Harrison are the proud parents of a fine boy baby which arrived April 5th...S. A. Weakland and son, Gillete, were down from Osceola a part of last week putting in oats on his place in Lucas County...Roy Pond from Lucas will preach at Bethel chapel, April 16th.



April 18, 1895

Easter services were a grand success. Collection was about $5.00...A small boy came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perdue the 13th...Nute Trumbo is very sick...Harry Dukes and wife Sundayed with C. Mowery's...Floyd Keiser, of New Virginia, is visiting his grandparents, J. A. Hosgland's...Mrs. Harding of New Virginia was seen on Court avenue in Liberty last Saturday.. Clyde Hosgland says he will start his huckster wagon soon. All kinds of goods carried. A week from now on save your produce for him...Miss Etta Williams has been sick and her sister, mrs. R. Williamson has been teaching the past week.



April 25, 1895

Simon Weakland and wife and little girl visited with Mrs. Weakland's mother Mrs. Palmer near Liberty last Sunday...John Walker who has been quite sick at his sister's, Mrs. Al Hines is at this writing reported much better...J. W. Weakland made a business trip to Osceola, Wednesday of last week...Miss Ida Edwards will preach at Bethel Chapel next Sunday at 11 a.m. and at night...Mrs. John Allen and little Vinnie Hornell visited at Warren Smith's one day last week...Newt Trumbo died, Sunday, April 21st at 10;30 a.m. He had the consumption; he leaves a wife and four children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father..


May 9, 1895

Rev. Quick filled the pulpit at Bethel chapel last Saturday and Sunday...Mr. and Mrs. Young were called to Indianola Sunday to see their son who was hurt last week by a team running away. They think he will get along all right, although he could not use his arm and shoulder. One of the horses was hurt quite bably...Albert Lind lost a three year old mare last week...


Jay, May 16, 1895

Rev. Hollingsworth will preach at Bethel chapel next Sunday at 11 a.m....Wm. McManus and family of Woodburn, visited at Fred Baum's Sunday.The young people attended a party at Mr. Douglass' last Wednesday eve and one at Henry Wheeler's Saturday eve. Mrs. Andrew Welch visited relatives at Lucas last Sunday. Grandma Lowery is spending a few weeks in Woodburn with her daughters...Gillette Weakland has returned to Osceola after spending two weeks in the country, farming on his father's farm in Lucas county.


Jay, May 30, 1895

Charley Baker and family from near New Virginia, spent last Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives in this neighborhood...Children's day will be at the Presbyterian church at Jay the 9th of May. All are invited...Mr. and Mrs. John Marquis, of Osceola, were in this neighborhood visiting among their children last week...Cora Baum, of Jay, spent last Saturday and Sunday near Woodburn with her cousin Esta Grissum..


Jay, July 4, 1895

Miss Ada Baugh closed a three months' term of school at No. 6 last Friday...A. M. Welch and wife visited relatives in Indianola Sunday...Miss Sadiie Smith is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Horwell, near New Virginia...The young folks were given ice cream at Mr. Poushes' Sunday eve. Quite a number of the boys from this vicinity went to Medora last Saturday afternoon to play ball.


Liberty, September 5, 1895

Miss Rena Proudfoot entertained friends last Saturday for dinner, and when turning her plate over, found to her surprise a beautiful gold watch, a present from her parents. Rena starts September 9th to Indianola Simpson College...Geo. Lantz has been quite sick...The greater part of Liberty township took in the show at Osceola Saturday...Clark Eeds has gone to Illinois on a visit to his parents...Ralph Keiser, of New Virginia was shaking hands with friends in Liberty, Monday morning. He came from Woodburn where he had been to see his best girl...Mrs. H. Price has returned from her visit in Missouri...Mr. Sandusky, the woven wire fence man is here...We notice Mr. Mowery is having the school house repaired which we are glad to know as the children and teacher suffered with the cold last winter...Claud and Charley Williamson visited friends at Indianola, last week...Five ears of corn were brought to J. A. Hoagland's store last Saturday, which weighted 5 1/4 lbs, raised by Mr. Ellis. Who can beat that?


Liberty, September 12, 1895

Mr. A. L. Stacy was visiting friends about here last week...Annanias Lantz is improving slowly and there is some chance for him yet to get well...Mrs. M. Stacy and children, of Osceola are here visiting her parents, Mr. Mowerys...Mr. and Mrs. Tice Trumbo have returned from Missouri. They report crops very good there...Mrs. E. A. Hoagland visited with her daughter at Indianola over Sunday.


Liberty, September 19, 1895

Dr. F. C. Smith has decided to go from here and try his fortune in some other place. He has the confidence of a great many here who wish him success where ever he may go...C. B. Smith lost a fine horse going to the fair. They camped near town and the horse in some way got loose and he has been unable to find it yet...Claud and Charley Williamson have bought R. Williamson's cane mill...Clyde Hougland and his mother were at New Virginia attending the funeral of Mrs. Felton and were entertained at Dr. Fee's for dinner...Mr. Mowery has a fine lot of peaches of his own raising this year...Pres Trumbo is on the sick list. He has bought the Dr. Smith property. We hear he is about to take unto himself a helpmate...J. A. Hougland raised three tomatoes weighing five pounds. They were beauties.


Liberty, October 3, 1895

Dr. Robins will locate at this place and will be ready to answer all calls after October 1st...Mr. Jacob Proudfoot and wife are at Indianola attending conference and visiting his son Aron....C. R. Hoagland has the agency for the Allen Nursery Co. of Rochester, N.Y....Dr. Robins has rented Dr. Smith's property of Press Trumbo...Rev. J. A. Morris accompanied by his daughter, Rose, are attending M.E. conference at Indianola...Mr. Rarick, son-in-law of A. J. Stall has returned after a three weeks' visit...Mrs. Mowery is visiting in Osceola at her daughter's , Mrs. F. M. Stacy.


Liberty, October 24, 1895

Rena Proudfoot accompanied by Thos. Proudfoot, wife and daughter, of Indianola, were visitors here over Sunday...Bell Trumbo has been very sick with throat trouble...L. A. Hoagland's barn is enclosed and roof on. It adds to the appearance of our little town...Mrs. Nute Trumbo's sister from Creston was with her a few days last week caring for the sick child...Mr. Guches, editor of The Sentinel, and wife were callers at this place last week working for the interest of the worthy Sentinel.


Liberty, November 7, 1895

Rev. Drake, the new U.B. minister of this place, preached to a full house last Sunday evening...Mrs. W. H. Keiser and children, of New Virginia, visited her parents, J. A. Hoagland's last week...Clark Eads is very poorly and has been confined to his room for some weeks...Corn gathering is in full headway and farmers are improving this fine weather. They are well pleased with the yield but the price don't just suit...Mrs. Wilkinson accompanied by Ollie Trumbo and children have returned from Nebraska.


Jay, November 28, 1895

Grandpa Welch is in very poor health...Little Alma Sefrit is no better...Loyal Welch is quite sick with sore throat...The young people enjoyed an oyster supper at Mr. Terrill's Friday night, Novembe 15th and one at Mr. Black's the 16th. Good times are reported...Grace Marquis, who has been working near Liberty Center for several weeks, is at home again...Mrs. Harnell and children, from near New Virginia, are spending a few days with relatives in this neighborhood...J. T. Smith and daughter, Sadie, departed Saturday for Beckwith, Iowa, to see Mrs. Green, daughter of Mr. Smith. Miss Sadie will spend the winter with her sister.


Liberty, December 12, 1895

John Spencer and wife, of Osceola, were visitors of J. M. Trumbo over Sunday...There will be a Christmas tree at the U.B. church on Christmas Eve. A good time is expected. Everybody is cordially invited to come. ..Chicken buyers are numerous in and about Liberty...Mrs. Mowery is very poorly.


Liberty, January 7, 1904

Rev. Carson has changed his appointment. His next appointment will be in two weeks at night at the M.E. church. Rev. Hays will commence protracted meeting at the U.B. church one week from Tuesday night...Edith and Leon Keeney have returned to college...The M.E. Sunday school elected officers for the coming year as follows: F.M. Keeney superintendent; A. McKnight, assistant; Rose Morris, treasurer; James Trumbo, secretary; Laura Cofield, organist; Rufus McKnight, librarian...The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brim was gladdened by the advent of a daughter January 2nd...Died at her home Januar 4th, Mrs. Olive Trumbo. She had been a patient sufferer from consumption for more than a year...


Liberty, January 14, 1904

The holidays have come and gone taking with them the following Christmas visitors: Mrs. Emma Folger and family, Mrs. Lillie Perry and family, Mrs. Rena Freeman and family, Mrs. M. E. Quint and family, Dr. and Mrs. T. B. Morris, Emma Morris, Harry Trumbo, Edith and Leon Keeney and Harry Stacy... In our items last week we omitted to chronicle an Epworth League social given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Keeney, on New Year's eve. The evening was all that a genial host and hostess, a pleasant company, a well arranged house and good refreshments could make it. Each gentleman present was required to work a buttonhole as a sort of penance for sins committed through the year 1903. Peter Hanson's buttonhole won the prize as being of the most exquisite finish. Of the others both Richard Williamson and Bartlett Davis deserve mention, not so much for successful execution as for diligent application.


Jay, February 18, 1904

Among the reported sick this week are Mrs. J. W. Weakland and Mr. C. C. Marquis. S. N. Marquis has been kept in a few days also...Mrs. Joe Wilkinson and little son, Paul, visited Sunday at Fred McKinney's.


Jay, January 14, 1904

Hand sleds, bobsleds and sleighs were out on the roads Monday and we chanced to see one wagon...Mrs. James Marquis and daughter, Lila, are very bad sick with tonsilitis...The Misses Birdie and Belva Harrison have returned from their holiday visit with relatives and friends in Omaha, Sioux City and Briswold, Ia...J. A. Voris spent several days at Ames recently...Mr. and Mrs. Jess Perkins who live southeast of Jay are the proud parents of a brand new boy baby.


Liberty, January 28, 1904

Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Keeney will soon move to their newly purchased farm near Moundsville, Mo., preparatory to which move the Morris-Keeney sale will take place Friday, February 5th...The U.B. protracted meeting is now in progress under the leadership of the pastor, Rev. Hayes...The good people of our community have erected a neat frame building in the cemetery for the shelter of any having to wait there in inclement weather. A much needed improvement...Lee Braucht is getting up a lot of logs to be sawed for the new house which he intends erecting on the Mowrey farm bought by him last fall. Our school is makng preparations for a closing entertainment.


Jay, January 28, 1904

Guess everybody has plenty of ice just at present but this Tuesday is a fine day overhead. The weather of the past week has been very trying on the telephone wires and it has been very difficult for the stock to travel over the ice. But few of our farmers have shoes on their horses so we all stay pretty close to home...Mr. Eichnors family are afflicted with the measles...I. Jackson is on the sick list this week. Noah Harrish and Scott Hopkins are here from the north shaking hands with relatives and friends...Mrs. A. M. Welch entertained nine of her lady friends at a carpet rag sewing last Wednesday January 20th. She had invited a large crowd but owing to the sleet and sickness in the neighborhood a goodly number were kept at home. Those there enjoyed the day nicely and partook of a good dinner. Jerry Kuble returned from Chicago Sunday.


Liberty, February 18, 1904

Gilbert Keeney and wife will leave for their new home the 25th...Alvin Morris is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Sanders...Mr. Page and family have moved on the Jenks farm near here...Mrs. Leonard and son Russell, visited at Will Trumbo's Saturday and Sunday...Rose Morris will close her school at this place Friday. They will give an entertainment at night. Admission 10 cents for all over twelve years...Mr. Bates form West Virginia is visiting with Mr. Lantz...Rev. Hayes will preach at the U. B. church next Sunday night. Also young peoples meeting.


Jay, February 25, 1904

Rev. Pond filled the pulpit at Bethel Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. Jesse Perkins is quite sick with pneumonia...Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKinney's baby is dangerously sick at this writing. Also little Harold Smith has been quite sick the past week...Will McClure and wife, Alfred Jackson and wife and Geroge McLaughlin and wife are all entertaining new boys at their houses...W. Kearney was called to Missouri last week by the illness and death of his father, T. D. Kearney. This family formerly lived in Clarke county and have a host of friends and relatives here who sypathize with them. Obituary next week...Taylor Hamilton and Mesdames Lou and Lish Hamilton were called here from Bellgrade, Montana, by the illness of the latter's mother, Mrs. Young...S. A. Weakland is quite poorly at this writing.


Jay, March 3, 1904

Joe Weakland's have had quite a siege the past week with the measles. Mrs. Weakland was very bad with them but is now getting better...Lizzie Harvey has been quite bad the past week with measels but at last report was some better...Mose Davidson and son, Austin, are sawing wood for the farmers of this neighborhood...Quite a number of the young folks were entertained at Newt Welcher's last Friday evening. Oysters, peaches and cake were served...Mrs. Young is still living but her death is daily expected.


Liberty, March 3, 1904

Mrs. V. Proudfoot has gone to Carlisle to see her sick sister, Mrs. Miller...Mrs. Gilbert Keeney started Monday for her new home in Missouri...Mr. and Mrs. Farley have moved on the Joe Kemp farm. Walter Morris has moved in the Rose Morris house south of here.


Jay, March 17, 1904

Mr. Eichnor was reelected sub-director at No. 6 and Warren Beckner at No. 1...Miss Spencer closed her school at No. 6 last Friday...Wm. Powell and wife are entertaining a brand new boy at their house...Mrs. Vesta Perkins is still quite poorly...Mr.. Warren Beckner's babe, about two years of age has been quite sick and under the care of Dr. Bowen, but is much better...Ina Billings and wife are here for a few days visit with her aged father and her brother, Andy Welch and family...Claude Fierce departed for Nebraska last Saturday after having spent several weeks here with relatives having been called by the sickness and death of his grandmother, Mrs. Young. His sister, Madge, will remain here for a short time with her mother, Mrs. Walker, who has been quite sick, but is now improving...Gillete Weakland and wife visited with her parents Mr. Roe and wife south of the center and Albert Linds at George Harvey's.


Liberty, March 17, 1904

Rev. Carson closed the protracted meeting Friday night...Rev. Morris filled the pulpit Sunday...Ethyl Trumbo is at Osceola visiting Lulu Twyford...R. Hudgel has returned from Carlisle where he has been visiting his sick sister...Edd Leonard has gone to Missouri...Mrs. Loving and daughter, Nora, have returned to this place...Mr. Steman and familyt have moved on the Braucht farm...T. B. Williamson is the director at this place. E. Henry is director at No. 2. ..Rev. Haze will preach at the U.B. church Sunday night.


Liberty, April 14, 1904

Rev. Morrison will preach in two weeks...Rev. Hayes' next appointment is next Sunday evening...School began at No. 2 Monday. Ora Loper as teacher...Fred McKinney and family are moving north of Tabor...Ed Leonard is on the sick list.


Jay, April 21, 1904

Mrs. C C. Marquis entertained a number of girls at a carpet rag tacking last Saturday. Don't know how many rags they sewed but guess they had a bushel of fun...Mrs. A. M. Welch entertained a number of her lady friends at a rag sewing recently and a jolly time was reported and lots of rags sewed...Mrs. J. W. Weakland is quite poorly and is taking treatment of Dr. Willy...Miss Inez Keen is staying with a family near Liberty Center...School did not betgin at No. 6 last Monday as was expected...Miss Love Young has been quite sick at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. Lind. She is at this writing reported better under the care of Dr. Bowen...There will be decoration services at Bethel Chapel May 30th. Everybody take notice.


Jay, April 28, 1904

The old saying is "more rain, more grass". We certainly will have plenty of grass...The Royal Neighbors in the vicinity of Jay met with Mrs. J. A Voris last Wednesday afternoon and did sewing for Mrs. D. Eastman who has had quite a bit of sickness in the family this spring...Guess there will be no school at No. 6 this spring as our director, Mr. Eichnor, cannot find a teacher...Miss Cora Baum is quite sick with tonsilitis...Miss Love Young is able to be up part of the time but is still quite poorly...Freeman Ruble received the news Monday stating that his cousin, Mrs. Jake Miller near Lacona died April 25th of consumption...Harry Loman got the mail route by this place...The road work for Liberty Tp. was let as follows: the east half to Warren Smith, the southwest quarter to John McCarty and the north-west quarter to Tom Williamson. Anyone notifying Warren Smith to do work such as fixing bridges please notify him what material is needed as it will save him quite a bit of travel...C. N. Welch and wife went to Osceola Saturday and stayed over night with Riley Goodrich and family north of town...Mr. McHenry visited the county seat Saturday.


Liberty, May 5, 1904

Rev. Carson has changed his appointment from evening to morning. He will preach next Sunday at 11 o'clock. There will also be League annivesary at 10 o'clock at the M.E. church...Mr. Stahl fell from a load of hay Thursday and was badly hurt....Mr. Cochran and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. Perry, Saturday andSunday...Ed Leonard is some better at this writing...Leon Keeney spent Saturday and Sunday at home...Fred Kerr and wife spent Sunday at Matt Kerr's...Mrs. Minnie and Celta Trumbo, of near Jamison, visited in this vicinity last week...Mrs. McGar is visiting her parents, S. Page and wife...The League elected officers last Thursday night. Ralph Davis, president; Edith Keeney, vice president; Lawrence Trumbo, second vice-president; Laura Cofield, secretary; Ted Keeney, treasurer.


Jay, May 19, 1904

These rainy, cloudy days are discouraging to our farmers but as there is most always a bright side to every thing we hope there will be a few bright days soon...Rev. Conditt filled the pulpit at Bethel Sunday at 11 and in the evening and at Jay at 3. He seems to be well liked by the poeple and did well at all three services...Little Vernie Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, was quite sick the first of the week...Perry Ruble and Hal Arnold, who are working for Geo Sefrit in Lucas county, attended church here Sunday...Miss Low Young is able to get out again...Guess the new store that we looked for so soon at Jay has fallen through with, as it is rumored that the parties interested have backed down...Mrs. Jessie Perkins was able to be carried on a cot to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Huston Manly last Sunday. It was about three quarters of a mile and she stood the trip fairly well. She is very poorly...Bob Lee, of Colorado, is here shaking hands with friends and relatives...The program for decoration exercises at Bethel chapel May 30th will be in print next week.


Jay, May 26, 1904

Rev. Pond will move here about June the first. He will occupy the Mrs. Young house, and will come this week to do some gardening and remain over Decoration. Services Sunday as usual...Mrs. Vesta Perkins is at this writing much worse. She is at the home of her parents...James Marquis and family spent Sunday at Starling Holt's ...Miss Emma Myers, of Lacona, is now at Mr. Moon's and will remain till after Decoration...Mrs. Austin Davidson is at this writing quite sick...Mrs. Nettie Blake and little daughter, of Osceola came last week to see her sister, Mrs. Vesta Perkins.

Mr. McHenry's were called to Liberty Sunday by the sickness of his sister, Mrs. Freeman, and the death of their infant babe...Joe Weakland is painting Warren Smith's house...Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hamilton took their little son, Verne, to Woodburn Saturday to be examined by a physician, but the chld grew so much worse they were unable to get him home. He was thought to be some better Tuesday and Dr. Stanton of Chariton was called in consultation with Dr. Bowen but they were unable to tell what was the matter with him. He is about nine years old and has been a sufferer for four years. ..Mrs. and Mrs. Warren Bechner have a new dish washer at their house.


Jay, June 9, 1904

Rev. Pond and family arrived this week from Mila to occupy Mrs. Young's house. We welcome them to our vicinity. Preaching next Sunday as usual...Mrs. Walker had the misfortune to fall last Sunday morning and was quite badly hurt...Quite a number of young folks were entertianed at Eli Harrison's last Friday evening. Ice cream was served...Mrs. E.G. Weakland is at Osceola this week taking treatment of Dr. Sells...Mrs. Vesta Perkins is reported quite low...Relatives of Oliver Weakland spent Sunday at his house and ate ice cream. He intends leaving about the first of next week to look for a new location...Theodore Young, of Indianola, was here the first of the week...James Allen, of New Virginia, spent Saturday and Sunday here.


Liberty, June 23, 1904

Several from this vicinity attended the children's day exercises at Jamison last Sunday...Preaching service at the M. E. church have been changed from Sunday evening to Sunday morning. The next preaching service will be held one week from next Sunday...Prof. Vincent, principal of the Moorehead towsnhip high school, visited at Perry Trumbo's recently...The Quiet Dell school closed last Friday. The Snider school closes next Friday...F. M. Keeny and son, Ted, are stripping blue grass in the southwestern part of the state at this writing...Perry Trumbo and son, Harry, start for St. Louis Monday to visit the fair...Miss Ethel Trumbo, the Epworth Leage delegate to the Prairie city convention gave her report at League services last Sunday evening.


Jay, June 23, 1904

Little Verna Hamilton has not been so well the past week...J. A. Voris and wife attended the wedding of the latter's brother, Lon Williams, near Chariton the 15th...Rev. Pond and family are perfectly happy in their new home...Mrs. Vesta Perkins is reported as being very low...R. R. Chapman of Osceola was in this vicinity last week...


Jay, June 30, 1904

Dave Arnold and family visited relatives near Lucas Sunday and Monday...Edd Baker's house near the Center school house, caught fire this Tuesday morning about four o'clock but did not burn down. We did not learn how much damage was done...Callie Spencer closed her school at Center Monday...The childrens exercies at Center Chapel Sunday evening was largely attended and the exercises good...Miss Love Young left this Tuesday for a visit with relatives in Nebraska...Ira Silvers, of Lucas, spent several dyas here recently with his cousins Earnest and Misses Bessie and Nellie Weakland...Marion Harrison closed a very successful term of school at No. 6 last Friday...Ira Soues of near Liberty Center, spent Sunday with Albert Lind. Mrs. Soues is a cousin of Mrs. Lind's...Grandpa Welch with Andy Welch and family spent Sunday with Newt Welch's...J. A. Voris circulated a paper last week to raise money to help purchase a horse and buggy for Mr. and Mrs. Pond and we think he did exceedingly well. Inside of four days he was able to present Mr. and Mrs. Pond with a nice horse and buggy. It is a kindly generous act.


Return to 1904 news articles

Thursday, Nov. 19, 1908



Rev Dorrell filled the pulpit at Bethel Sunday at 11 a.m. and in the evening.   Mrs. Ed Keen went to Des Moines Monday having been called by the illness of her daughter Mrs. Inez Burchett her daughter Beulah went with her.   Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Marquis visited their daughter Mrs. Josie Cline and children at Lucas the first of last week.   Miss Grace Pirtle of Lacona spent a few days last week visiting at Warren Smiths.   Mr. and Mrs. Will McClure are entertaining a new dish washer at their home.   Our farmers are rustling the corn out pretty lively these fine days.   Alva Wilkins marketed hogs at Lacona last Wednesday.   This community was greatly shocked Sunday morning to hear of the death of Mrs. Andy Runnels she having taken sick at 11 o'clock Saturday night and died at 2 o'clock in the morning the Dr. pronounced it congestion of the brain; it will be remembered that about six weeks ago her daughter Miss Maryann Runnels committed suicide by shooting herself and her grief stricken mother has so soon been called.  This community is in deep sympathy with this sorrowing family.  The funeral services will be held at Bethel this Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock after which the remains will be laid in the cemetery beside those of her daughter.  



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