USGenWeb Cherokee County, Iowa

Cherokee County Schools

High School Graduating Classes
1940 - 1949

Olga Benson
Enola Ducommun
Bernice Goodrich
Mildred Gowan
Robert Hansen
Carl Heline
Shirley Hoke
Wilma Kirchoff
Jean McKinney
Craig Pierce
Jessie Robinson
LaVerne Shafer
Clyde Simons
Betty Smith
Duane Springer
Helen Thomson
Harold Wallin
Orville Bush
Arnold Dobson
Joyce Ducomniun
Lloyd French
Raymond Glassmaker
Bill Hansen
Donald Holler
Paul Johnson
Charles Kirchoff
Irene Ludvigson
Max Marshall
Lyle McIntosh
Leland Miller
Wilma Pierce
Lewis Rae
Vera Rud
Lyle Schlenger
Albee Schneider
Ray Steurman
Dale Wester
Neta Anderson
Vera Birch
Delbert Carlson
Marjorie Ehlers
Gladys Horstman
Doris Lundell
Margaret Poison
Iris Smith

Dale Green
Lowell McIntosh
Warren McIntosh
Maxine McKinney
Verlie Miller
Verne Nafziger
Irene Oswald
Rachael Rae
Lois Skaggs
Robert Specht
Lois Swanson
Vernon Wester
Betty Wolfe
Mildred Anderson
Bernice French
Doris Goodrich
Howard Lundell
Dorothy McIntosh
Junior Olson
Paul Polson
Loren Schlenger
Debris Simons
Clark Skaggs
Margaret Umhoefer
Doris Alm
Gerald Coburn
Lyle Curry
Wayne Ducommun
Donald Egger
Arlene Gottsche
Mary Alice Hoke
Albert Jenks
Filmore Nelson
Kathryn Pearson
Raye Simons
Donald Smith
Arlene Srock
Lorraine Wester
Kenneth Ehlers
Margaret French
Vernon Green
Frances Kirchoff
Norma Jean McIntosh
Eldon Miller
Robert Nielsen
Loren Poison
Dwain Sampson
Otto Schneider
Erna Seel
LeRoy Skaggs
Bernice Sutton
Lucille Umhoefer
Germayne Watson
Helen Alm
Geraldine Bauer
Louis Vernon Bauer
Joan Frederick
Delores Gottsche
Donald Gowan
LaVonne Hazen
Nancy Heline
Florence Johnson
Shirley Jones
Franklin Long
Albert McConnell
Veniece Miller
Donald Mongan
Duane Nafziger
Florence Umhoefer
Merle Wester
Doris Carlson
Jack Foresman
Lamerne Fuhrman
Mervin Hoke
Norman Medick
Lila Miller
Vera Mae Miller
Maxine Nafziger
Donna Lou Olson
Marlin Seel
Robert Smith

Elaine Anderson
Bernice Bauer
Dorothy Bauer
Beverly Green
William Long
Betty Lundell
Bill McIntosh
Richard Mitchell
LeRoy Pingel
Dale Poison
Jim Thomson
This list of graduates from the Cleghorn School was obtained from the graduation pictures, available school annuals, and information from the school.

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