Royal Arch Masons 1878 - 1882

Chapter #74 Temple - Clarksville, Butler County.
Charter granted 10/21/1874
No. of members year ending Sept. 1882: 26
No. of members year ending Oct. 1890: 16

For sources and miscellaneous notes and explanations, see keys below index.


Babcock, G.P. m-82
Baker, H.L. Di-81
Baker, J.M. Di-80,81
Baker, Levi Di-81
Barton, John  m-90
Birney, V.C. m-90
Burbank, Jerome GCh,HP-78/GCh,HP,OHP-79/m-82,90
Burton, H.F.L. Ex-82/CH-90
Butler, James D-81 (9/23/1880)
Carter, James m-82
Caswell, M.T. m-82
Caviescroft, B. T-90
Coldwell, J.M. Di-82
Conoly, James Ex-78/GMSV-82/m-90 (Connoly)
Davis, E.J. Ex,S-82/m-90
Davis, J.W. m-82
Eichar, J.J. m-90
Forney, C.H. Sc-82/m-90
Gales, Charles m-90
Gilbert, J. GMFV-82
Gilger, J.W. Ex-78/Di-82
Hesse, Frank Ex-82/m-90
Hickle, Thomas J. m-90
Ilginfritz, C.H. RSMD-82
Ilginfritz, H. m-82
Jones, F.A. Ex-78/Se-82/m-90
Jones, J.R. RAC-82
Knappton, W.B. m-90
Larkin, N.H. m-82,90
Larrs, H.P. Ad-78/m-82,90 (Laus)
Lyford, C.W. m-90
McCrery, J.S. Se-90
McIntire, G.A. RSMD-82
McIntire, George W. m-90
McRoberts, S. Di-81
Montgomery, W.S. m-90
Moore, J.M. S-79/S-82
Moulton, D. S-80/GMTV-82/GMSV-90
Newman, H. CH,HP-82/PD-90
Ogden, Will S. Ex-82/Sc-90
Poisal, George W. T-82/K-90
Price, Alf. m-90
Ravenscrof, B. Ex-82
Schellenger, Charles G. S-78,79,90/OHP,HP,GCh-80/HP,GCh-81,82  (Schellinger)
Shaw, J.W. GMTV-90
Slimmer, Louis HP-78,90/PS-82
Soules, E.D. D-90 (3/24/1890)
Tennison, W. Ex-82/GMFV-90
Tichenor, A.F. RAC-90
Wamsley, M.B. K-82



Ad - admitted
D - died
Di - dimitted (left the lodge to join another or became non-affiliated)
Dr - dropped (dismissed)
Ex - exalted (raised to a higher degree)
Exp - expelled
Su - suspended (possibly for non-payment of dues or unmasonic-like conduct)
m - found on membership rolls for indicated year 18--

*Proxy - indicates he attended the Grand Chapter, annual convocation as a proxy
(ex. GCh,HP*-78 This man attended the Grand chapter as a proxy High Priest in 1878)
C - Chaplain
CH - Chaplain of the Host or Captain of the Host
GC - Grand Chaplain
GCh - Grand Chapter of the State of Iowa
GMFV - Grand Master First Vail
GMSV - Grand Master Second Vail
GMTV - Grand Master Third Vail
HP - High Priest
K - King
PS - Principle Sojourner
R - Recorder
RAC - Royal Arch Captain
RSMD - received Royal & Select Masters degree in the indicated year
S - Secretary
Sc - Scribe
Se - Sentinel
Ss - Steward & Sentinel
T - Treasurer

Key to years:

78 - 1878 annual report (10/1/1877-9/30/1878)
79 - 1879 annual report (10/1/1878-9/30/1879)
80 - 1880 annual report (10/1/1879-9/30/1880)
81 - 1881 annual report (10/1/1880-9/30/1881)
82 - 1882 annual report (10/1/1881-9/30/1882)
90 - 1890 annual report (10/1/1889-9/30/1890)

Key to notes in parenthesis

- (name) a name in parenthesis is another spelling for the same person found in the books. I probably didn't catch them all, but these are the ones
I am very sure of. In many cases, the surname was spelled differently within the same reporting period, and sometimes on the same page.

- (memorial, pic, bio, obit) the books contain one or more of these additional items for the person indicated.

- (date) a date in parentheses following a death notation, indicates date of death as recorded in the books.

Compiler's Notes:

- the Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, is the governing body of the Royal Arch chapters in its jurisdiction. The Royal Arch Chapters in Iowa are subordinate to the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Iowa. Royal Arch Masonry is the second of the York Rite bodies, Symbolic Masonry being the first. It is separate from Symbolic Masonry, but almost as old. Royal Arch Masonry is composed of four degrees: Mark Master, Virtual Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch. These degrees continue and expand upon the lessons taught in the Blue Lodge.

- the information in this compilation is only of Royal Arch Masons, and not of the AF&AM Lodges (Ancient Free & Accepted Masons) in Iowa.

- the entries are not necessarily in alphabetical order

- only names appearing in the sourced books are on this list, it is very likely does not represent all men affiliated with the Royal Arch Masons in Iowa for these years. Some chapters did not 'report in' or send 'returns' each year.

- the dates given are as recorded in the sources

- consult original records for additional information or to verify the information in this data-base. I've made every attempt to be accurate, but in an undertaking of this size, there may be errors.

~ Sources:

1. "Transactions of the Grand Chapter of the State of Iowa, for the Years 1878 to 1882, Inclusive", Vol. IV, Original Edition; Muscatine, Iowa - published by order of the Grand Chapter, 1883.
2. "Transactions of the Grand Chapter of the State of Iowa, at its Thirty-Seventh Grand Annual Convocation", Convened at Cedar Rapids, Thursday October 9th, A.D. 1890, Original Edition; Des Moines - published by order of the Grand Chapter, 1890.


Disclaimer: - researchers should always consult original records for additional information or to verify the information. I've made every attempt to transcribe accurately, but there may be errors.


Credit - compiled from original sources by Sharyl Ferrall for IAGenWeb. copyright 2003 Sharyl Ferrall, July 1, 2003



~ source: Iowa Official Register, 1900