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Posted By: volunteer
Date: 3/13/2009 at 00:28:11

WILLIAM W. WILLIAMS, a general farmer residing on section 20, Columbus City Township, was born in the North of Wales, in 1847, and is a son of William and Margaret (Evans) Williams, who were also natives of that country. He was reared upon his father's farm, and remained under the parental roof until he was ten years of age, and worked out as a farm hand until of age. In 1871, thinking that the New World would probably furnish a better field for his labors, he emigrated to America, settling first near Utica, in Oneida County, N. Y., where he was employed as a farm hand for four years. Returning to Wales on a visit, he there remained for three months, when he came to Louisa County, Iowa, in 1876, and secured employment on a farm. He followed that line of business for two years, when he bought eighty acres of prairie land and nineteen acres of timber land on section 20, Columbus City Township. By his good management and industry he has added to this until his farm now comprises 142 acres, nicely cultivated.

Mr. Williams was married in 1876, becoming the husband of Mrs. Jane Davis, widow of Evan Davis, and daughter of William Arthur, who was one of the pioneer settlers of Louisa County, of 1844. To Mr. and Mrs. Williams have been born four children — Maggie, William A., Ebenezer and Ruth.

The parents are members of the Welsh Calvinistic Church, and politically, Mr. Williams is a Republican. His occupation through life has been that of farming, and his farm in Columbus City Township is one of neatness and system.

Source: Portraits and Biographies copyrighted by Chapman Bros. 1885


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