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George J. Dehart (1835-1916)


Posted By: Karon Velau (email)
Date: 3/23/2022 at 22:46:51

George Jackson Dehart
(September 10, 1835 – April 27, 1916)

George J. Dehart, one of the leading farmer of Calhoun Township, whose home
is on section 23, came to this state about 1874, and has made his home in Calhoun county since May, 1881. He was born on the 10th of September, 1835, in Monroe County, West Virginia, of which county his father, Samuel Dehart, was also a native. His paternal grandfather, Abraham Dehart, was born in France, and witli two brothers came to the new world with General La Fayette, all of them aiding the colonies in their struggle for independence as soldiers
in the Revolutionary war. When peace was restored Abraham Dehart located in
Monroe County, West Virginia, being one of the first settlers of that section. There his son, Samuel, grew to manhood and married Sophia Spade, a native of Virginia and a daughter of John Spade, who was also a soldier of the Revolutionary war. He was a German by birth, being one of the soldiers
employed by the English in their efforts to subdue the colonies. He was captured by the colonial forces and paroled, but remained with the American army, not caring to be exchanged. Later he settled in Virginia, but was married in Maryland. During his active business life Samuel Dehart followed
farming and continued to make his home in West Virginia until called to his final rest in 1882. His wife survived him some time and passed away in 1894.
Upon the old home farm in West Virginia George J. Dehart passed his boyhood
and youth, remaining with his father until grown. He then worked by the month as a farm hand for a few years, and subsequently bought a farm in his native county, which he operated for several years. In early life he entered the state militia, and rose to the rank of second lieutenant. After the Civil war broke out he was induced to join the Confederate army and became a member of Company D, Twenty-seventh Virginia Infantry, which was first under the command of General Stonewall Jackson, and later under General Robert E. Lee. During the first battle of Bull Run he received a gunshot wound, but was not disabled, and remained in the service for nearly three years.
Mr. Dehart was first married in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, August 28, 1860, to Miss Sarah F. Skaggs, a daughter of David J. Skaggs. She was born in Indiana, but was reared in West Virginia. In 1869 Mr. Dehart removed to Alton, Illinois, where he engaged in farming for two years, and then spent a year and a half at Bloomington. Coming to Iowa in 1874 he first
located in Carroll County, where he engaged in farming one season, and then removed across the boundary line into Sac County where the following three years were passed. At the end of that period he returned to Carroll County and made his home there until coming to Calhoun County in 1881, locating on a tract of eighty acres in Calhoun Township, which he had purchased several
years previously. After building a small house upon the place he began to break the land and improve his farm, and subsequently added to it until he now has a quarter section. Mr. Dehart has since enlarged and improved his residence, has erected convenient outbuildings, has set out fruit and shade
trees, and made many other useful and valuable improvements. He raises a good grade of stock, and although he started out in life with no capital he has steadily prospered through his own well directed efforts, being a good business man and a thorough and systematic farmer.
Mr. Dehart's first wife died in this county, October 20. 1885, leaving five children, namely : James F., who is now married and resides in Kansas; Virginia Alice, wife of Sherman Peterson, of Lake City, Iowa; Emma Susan, wife of William Borden, of Chicago, Illinois; Frank, who is with his brother in Kansas; and May, at home. On the 5th of June, 1888, Mr. Dehart was again
married, in Calhoun County, his second union being with Miss Sarah Corey, who was born and reared in DeKalb County, Illinois, and is a daughter of Daniel Corey of that county. By this marriage two children have been born : John C. and Mary Caroline.
Always a strong temperance man Mr. Dehart is now identified with the Prohibition party and is a stanch supporter of its principles. He takes an active interest in educational affairs and most efficiently served as a member of the school beard for some years. He and his wife are both earnest and consistent members of the Baptist church of Lake City and are held in the highest regard by all who know them. [Source – Biographical Record of Calhoun County, Iowa, by S. J. Clarke, 1902, p.226]


Calhoun Biographies maintained by Karon S. Valeu.
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