1885 Iowa State Census


This is an unusual database.  Black Hawk County is not enumerated until the Iowa 1895 State Census.  The information provided below contains only those people counted in the 1885 Iowa Census who were born in Black Hawk County, Iowa but live in one of these counties:  Adair, Audubon, Adams, Buena Vista, Carroll, Calhoun, Cass, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Crawford, Decatur, Dickinson, Emmet, Fremont, Hamilton, Hancock, Humboldt, Ida, Kossuth, Lyon, Madison, Mills, Montgomery, O'Brien, Osceola, Page, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Pocahontas, Ringgold, Sac, Sioux, Taylor, Union, Van Buren, Winnebago, Woodbury, and Wright.  Mostly children, there are many 30+ year old adults.  If you see the kids but not the parents or other siblings, then the kids were the only ones born in Black Hawk County.  The database was sorted first by County, then by Township/City and lastly by first name.





Full Name                      Age       Sex   Status       Township/City            County


Hettie Kanoff               25        F          M         Fontanelle                 Adair

Elroy Drake                 22        M         S         Summerset                Adair


Carrie Young               14        M         S         Carl                         Adams

Clinton Hummel            10        M         S         Carl                         Adams

Daniel B. Hummel          11        M         S         Carl                         Adams

Ollie Florence              15        M         S         Carl                         Adams

Wallace Florence          18        M         S         Carl                         Adams

Willis Florence             20        M         S         Carl                         Adams

Esther I. Wood            18        F          S         Douglas                    Adams

George W. Morris         30        M         M         Jasper                      Adams

Lenore E. Nash            22        F          M         Prescott                   Adams


Katie Bastendorf          5          F          S         Exira                        Audubon

Tressa Theilen             23        F          M         Exira                        Audubon

Matt Frost                  24        M         S         Greeley                     Audubon

Iva Creveling               10        F          S         Leroy                       Audubon

William W. Wilson         19        M         S         Oakfield                    Audubon


Bertram Fransden         13        M         S         Coon                        Buena Vista

Hans C. Christianson     10        M         S         Coon                        Buena Vista

Harry Doxsel                18        M         S         Coon                        Buena Vista

Lawena Christianson     9          F          S         Coon                        Buena Vista

Mary Fransden             10        F          S         Coon                        Buena Vista

Peter Madson              14        M         S         Coon                        Buena Vista

Peter Robertson           3          M         S         Coon                        Buena Vista

Willie Robertson           6          M         S         Coon                        Buena Vista

Alva Chamberlain          24        F          M         Hayes                      Buena Vista

M. L. Vancleve            21        M         M         Hayes                      Buena Vista

W. Chamberlain            28        F          M         Hayes                      Buena Vista

Eva Boldt                    4          F          S         Lincoln                     Buena Vista

Wessley Boldt              5          M         S         Lincoln                     Buena Vista

Christina Huseman        21        F          M         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

Clemmer Hemmer          20        M         S         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

Fred Lichtenburg          25        M         M         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

Henry Lichtenburg        24        M         S         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

John Hemmer               21        M         S         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

John Lichtenburg          16        M         S         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

Lien Lichtenburg          13        M         S         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

Maggie Hemmer           13        F          S         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

Peter Hemmer              18        M         S         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

Sarrah Thompson         20        F          M         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

William Lichtenburg       19        M         S         Maple Valley              Buena Vista

Frank Doxen                18        M         S         Newell                      Buena Vista

Anna L. Carpenter        10        F          S         Nokomi                     Buena Vista

David M. Carpenter       8          M         S         Nokomi                     Buena Vista

James S. Carpenter      3          M         S         Nokomi                     Buena Vista

Louis P. Clark              9          M         S         Nokomi                     Buena Vista

Esther Highley             7          F          S         Poland                      Buena Vista

Guy Roberts                10        M         S         Poland                      Buena Vista

Hugh E. Roberts           12        M         S         Poland                      Buena Vista

Humphrey A. Roberts    8          M         S         Poland                      Buena Vista

Thomas G. Roberts       4          M         S         Poland                      Buena Vista

Tudr L. Roberts            13        M         S         Poland                      Buena Vista

Andreas Anderson        2          M         S         Providence                Buena Vista

Anton P. Larson           4          M         S         Providence                Buena Vista

Carrie L. Bodholdt         1          F          S         Providence                Buena Vista

Emiel N. Bodholdt         3          M         S         Providence                Buena Vista

Hans C. Bodholdt         5          M         S         Providence                Buena Vista

Mary Anderson            7          F          S         Providence                Buena Vista

Mete Anderson            3          F          S         Providence                Buena Vista

James Taggart             27        M         M         Scott                       Buena Vista

Kate Carney                17        F          S         Scott                       Buena Vista

Kate Keavane              0          F          S         Scott                       Buena Vista

Mary Keavane             3          F          S         Scott                       Buena Vista

Mary Kennedy             19        F          M         Scott                       Buena Vista

Mickael Carney            15        M         S         Scott                       Buena Vista

Nellie Carney               10        F          S         Scott                       Buena Vista

Thomas Carney            12        M         S         Scott                       Buena Vista

Earl Beamen                10        M         S         Sioux Rapids              Buena Vista

Edvin Smith                 11        M         S         Sioux Rapids              Buena Vista

Florance E. Ward         2          F          S         Sioux Rapids              Buena Vista

Mary M. Beamen          16        F          S         Sioux Rapids              Buena Vista

Milton Smith                13        M         S         Sioux Rapids              Buena Vista

Albert Vogal                11        M         S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

Allice Maxwell              34        F          M         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

Anna Moessner            2          F          S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

Bertha M. Benbacher    13        F          S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

Chas Moessner            4          M         S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

Henry Vogal                9          M         S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

Ida C. Campbell           18        F          S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

Irving Benbacher          17        M         S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

May Fowler                 17        F          S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

Samuel N. Cutts           8          M         S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

William W. Balcom        27        M         S         Storm Lake                Buena Vista

Bridget Carney             6          F          S         Washington               Buena Vista

Catherine Carney         11        F          S         Washington               Buena Vista

Dora Carney                0          F          S         Washington               Buena Vista

Edward Carney            1          M         S         Washington               Buena Vista

Ellen Carney                13        F          S         Washington               Buena Vista

Frank Carney               10        M         S         Washington               Buena Vista

John Carney                8          M         S         Washington               Buena Vista

Maria Fowler               17        F          S         Washington               Buena Vista

Mary A. Carney            14        F          S         Washington               Buena Vista

Patrick Carney             4          M         S         Washington               Buena Vista

Phillip Fowler               21        M         S         Washington               Buena Vista

Sarah Fowler               15        F          S         Washington               Buena Vista


Bert Craven                5          M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Catan L. Moore            23        F          M         Cedar                       Calhoun

Ceilia Ford                  12        M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Cora L. Woodbury        8          F          S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Cora V. Craven            13        F          S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Delia A. Cimbeley         10        F          S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Edger F. Moore            9          M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Eroy G. Craven            9          M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

James L. Cimbeley        13        M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

John Craven                8          M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

John L. Moore              8          M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Leroy L. Towsley          5/12     M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Margret A. Padget        9          F          S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Minnie Craven              7          F          S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Minnie J. Moore            18        F          S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Oliver S. Craven           11        M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Sarah A. Towsley         17        F          M         Cedar                       Calhoun

Thomas F. Moore         20        M         M         Cedar                       Calhoun

Thomas H. Padget        10        M         S         Cedar                       Calhoun

Alva Howrey                9          M         S         Center                      Calhoun

Florence Howrey          4          F          S         Center                      Calhoun

Loyd Howrey               3          M         S         Center                      Calhoun

Etty Harshbayer           27        F          M         Elm Grove                 Calhoun

Flora E. Holloway         8          F          S         Elm Grove                 Calhoun

Fred H. Holloway          10        M         S         Elm Grove                 Calhoun

Inez Dewell                 15        F          S         Lake Creek                Calhoun

Charles Browning          8          M         S         Logan                       Calhoun


Emma Fritze                16        F          S         Carroll                      Carroll

Frank Fritze                17        M         S         Carroll                      Carroll

James W. Allen            17        M         S         Carroll                      Carroll

Leonard Wingert          17        M         S         Carroll                      Carroll

Liessie Wingert            15        F          S         Carroll                      Carroll

Niccoleus Wingert        12        M         S         Carroll                      Carroll

Anna Brand                 18        F          S         Glidden                     Carroll

Frank Roggles              15        M         S         Glidden                     Carroll

Mary Brand                 16        F          S         Glidden                     Carroll

Winnie Roggles            17        F          S         Glidden                     Carroll

Anna Lohse                 9          F          S         Kneist                      Carroll

August Lohse              7          M         S         Kneist                      Carroll

Charley Rettenmeier     22        M         S         Kneist                      Carroll

David Rettenmeier        18        M         S         Kneist                      Carroll

Eliesebeth Bruck          16        F          S         Kneist                      Carroll

Frank Rettenmeier        11        M         S         Kneist                      Carroll

Helena Rettenmeier      23        F          S         Kneist                      Carroll

Helene Wempe             22        F          M         Kneist                      Carroll

Katharina Ortner          14        F          S         Kneist                      Carroll

Katharina Rettenmeier   15        F          S         Kneist                      Carroll

Mary Rettenmeier         13        F          S         Kneist                      Carroll


Eugene W. Erl/Erb        6          M         S         Atlantic                    Cass

Vernie Johnson            2          F          S         Atlantic                    Cass

George A. Kyndman      17        M         S         Baregrove                 Cass

Leron Linderman           27        M         M         Baregrove                 Cass

Mary A. Kyndman         20        F          S         Baregrove                 Cass

William J. Kyndman       13        M         S         Baregrove                 Cass

Chas Saunders            15        M         S         Cass                        Cass


Alfred McLearan           43        M         M         Cedar                       Cherokee

Charles D. Smily           10        M         S         Cedar                       Cherokee

Charles Smith              6          M         S         Cedar                       Cherokee

Cora Rowe                  27        F          M         Cedar                       Cherokee

Ems Gene Fort             23        F          M         Cedar                       Cherokee

Fredrick G. Sage          9          M         S         Cedar                       Cherokee

Janis Sage                  11        M         S         Cedar                       Cherokee

Luna M. Washbourn      28        F          M         Cedar                       Cherokee

Maud Holden               10        F          S         Cedar                       Cherokee

John P. Card               8          M         S         Marcus                     Cherokee

Stephen Lundergan      19        M         S         Marcus                     Cherokee

William Hauxey             23        M         S         Marcus                     Cherokee

Arlington R. Yager        9          M         S         Pitcher                     Cherokee

Clara Beekley              16        F          S         Pitcher                     Cherokee

Eva E. Skinner             22        F          M         Pitcher                     Cherokee

Libble Beekley              9          F          S         Pitcher                     Cherokee

Lue B. Wassen             19        F          S         Pitcher                     Cherokee

Oscar Yager                1          M         S         Pitcher                     Cherokee

George E. Clark            2          M         S         Rock                        Cherokee

Mary Jane Clark           4          F          S         Rock                        Cherokee

Edward Reynolds          21        M         S         Sheridan                   Cherokee

Eva Bachelor               2          F          S         Sheridan                   Cherokee

Jessie Bachelor            6          F          S         Sheridan                   Cherokee

Lucy Bachelor              5          F          S         Sheridan                   Cherokee

Alexander Harman        8          M         S         Willow                      Cherokee

Calvin Harman             18        M         S         Willow                      Cherokee

Charity Good               13        F          S         Willow                      Cherokee

Chas Harman               3          M         S         Willow                      Cherokee

Cornelia McCoun          28        F          M         Willow                      Cherokee

Elsie Harman               5          F          S         Willow                      Cherokee

George Good               14        M         S         Willow                      Cherokee

Isaac Clark                 17        M         S         Willow                      Cherokee

John Clark                   15        M         S         Willow                      Cherokee

John Good                  8          M         S         Willow                      Cherokee

John Taylor                 25        M         M         Willow                      Cherokee

Lydia Good                  16        F          S         Willow                      Cherokee

Phebe Good                11        F          S         Willow                      Cherokee


Jno Agens                   39        M         M         Madison                    Clarke


Anna M. C. Rosendale   7          F          S         Clay                         Clay

Clara S. Rosendale       3          F          S         Clay                         Clay

Maria C. Rosendale       4          F          S         Clay                         Clay

Rachel Norcott            25        F          M         Freeman                   Clay

Julia A. Treat              23        F          M         Gilletts Grove             Clay

Alvin F. Cutshall           14        M         S         Lake                        Clay

C. B. Patter                15        F          S         Peterson                   Clay

L. Patter                    17        F          S         Peterson                   Clay

Alma White                 7          F          S         Riverton                    Clay

Charles Beakly             13        M         S         Riverton                    Clay

Estella White               8          F          S         Riverton                    Clay

Joseph Beakly              17        M         S         Riverton                    Clay

Bert C. Lloyd               15        M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Bertha Bucknell            16        F          S         Spencer                    Clay

Charley R. Gifford         7          M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Clarence E. Gifford       18        F          S         Spencer                    Clay

Dulcie Belle Bucknell      17        F          S         Spencer                    Clay

Elias Leroy Smock        15        M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Frank Bucknell             14        M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Frank Gifford               22        M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Fredrick J. Gifford         10        M         S         Spencer                    Clay

George Kettlewell         8          M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Gertrude M. Lloyd         12        F          S         Spencer                    Clay

J. S. Bateman              15        M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Jessie W. Lloyd            17        M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Mary Jane Bucknell       12        F          S         Spencer                    Clay

Milroy M. Gifford           5          F          S         Spencer                    Clay

Myrtie M. Gifford          16        M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Sarah Nash                 33        F          S         Spencer                    Clay

Silas Baker                  3          M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Vergil Bucknell             8          M         S         Spencer                    Clay

Allen E. Ratter             6          M         S         Summit                     Clay

Clarence G. Winset       18        M         S         Summit                     Clay

Delbert F. Ratter          2          M         S         Summit                     Clay

Emma C. Gavin            20        F          S         Summit                     Clay

Orre D. Winset             17        M         S         Summit                     Clay


Laura McLain               8          F          S         Denison                    Crawford

Clyde Kelley                8          M         S         Dow City                   Crawford

May E. Randall             5          F          S         Dow City                   Crawford

Walter Kelley               10        M         S         Dow City                   Crawford

Mort McKinm               30        M         M         Goodrich                   Crawford

Earnst Burck               10        M         S         Morgan                     Crawford

Emma Burck                13        F          S         Morgan                     Crawford

Fred Burck                  6          M         S         Morgan                     Crawford

Ida Burck                    4          F          S         Morgan                     Crawford

Linna Struck                16        F          S         Morgan                     Crawford

Louisa Burck                17        F          S         Morgan                     Crawford

Mary Burck                 8          F          S         Morgan                     Crawford

Arthur W. Hitchcock     30        M         M         Washington               Crawford